DEV Community

Qian Chen
Qian Chen

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Leanweb Leanweb

A set of tools (as opposed to framework) to generate web components based web


  • npm install leanweb -g as a global tool, or
  • npm install leanweb -D in the project as a dev dependency.

If leanweb is installed as a dev dependency, you will need to run
npx lw, otherwise just run lw if it is installed as global tool.

I don't see any reason leanweb should be installed as npm install leanweb.


I like the idea in Angular that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a component are in
charge of a box, like a div, a rectangle area. But I don't like Angular in that
my code has to be depending on so many bloated dependencies to run. I created
leanweb as a set of tools to help create web components based web projects,

  • are based on native DOM and web components api
  • are pure Javascript, no fancy framework
  • are assistive, not restrictive
  • are more standards, less proprietary
  • are built to last

The principle is simply that 3 files (html/js/scss) as a web component will
control a box.

Getting started

In this demo, I assume leanweb is installed as a global tool by running

npm i leanweb -g

leanweb init or lw init

Create a directory called demo for this demo project.

$ mkdir demo
$ cd demo
demo$ lw init

Now a src/ directory are created at the project root. src/leanweb.json
looks like:

  "name": "demo",
  "version": "0.4.5",
  "components": ["root"],
  "imports": [],
  "resources": ["resources/"]

which suggests a root web component demo-root is created. In src/ directory,
an index.html, an empty demo.scss and an empty global-styles.scss files
are created, in global-styles.scss we can add global styles. demo-root web
component directory is created at src/components/root/. There are 3 files in
this directory:

  • root.html
  • root.js
  • root.scss


<div>demo-root works!</div>

root.js defines your new web component demo-root, which is a web component
based on standard DOM api.


import LWElement from './../../lib/lw-element.js';
import ast from "./ast.js";

  class extends LWElement { // LWElement extends HTMLElement
    constructor() {

root.scss is empty, which is for you to add web component specific styles.

leanweb serve or lw serve

Run lw serve and you should see a browser window open. Try make some
changes in the code, and save, the browser should refresh automatically to
reflect your changes.
lw serve

leanweb electron or lw electron

Run lw electron or even lw elec and you should see an electron app window
open as follows:

lw electron

leanweb generate or lw generate

Let's create a login web component with lw generate or lw g.

demo$ lw g login

Now the leanweb.json has one more entry in the component list:

  "name": "demo",
  "version": "0.4.5",
  "components": ["root", "login"],
  "imports": [],
  "resources": ["resources/"]

demo-login is the newly generated web component. The web component name is
prefixed with project name demo-. Inside src/components/, a new web
component directory login is created containing 3 files:

  • login.html
  • login.js
  • login.scss

Now let's make two changes, first open up src/components/root/root.html, and
add a new line <demo-login></demo-login>. The new root.html should look
like the following after the change:

<div>demo-root works!</div>

Then open up src/components/login/login.scss, and add the following style:

div {
  color: red;

And you should see the changes in the browser. Please note the styles added to
the login component does not affect other components.

lw serve

Run lw electron again, and you will see the same changes reflected in
the electron app.

lw electron

leanweb dist or lw dist

Run lw dist, and a dist directory will be created with minified files
for production.

leanweb clean or lw clean

lw clean will delete build/ and dist/ directories.

leanweb upgrade or lw u

lw upgrade will upgrade src/lib/ directory if there is a new version

leanweb destroy or lw destroy

lw destroy project-name will remove the src/, build/ and dist/
directory. Please note the src/ directory will be deleted by this command.

leanweb help or lw help

lw help command-name will print help information for the command. For
example, lw help dist or lw h di will print help information for
lean dist.

leanweb version or lw version

lw version will print version information.

lw directives


Contents inside a tag with lw directive are considered expressions that will
be evaluated. In the example below, the <span lw>name</span> will be
evaluated as <span>Leanweb</span>, because the variable name is defined
in the web component js file with the value Leanweb.

Hello <span lw>name</span>!
// ...
name = "Leanweb";
// ...
Hello Leanweb!


<span lw-if='name==="Leanweb"'>Leanweb</span>

The span DOM node will be shown if name==="Leanweb" will evaluate true,
otherwise, it will not be shown.


The following example shows how lw-for directive helps to generate DOM nodes
for each item in the items array.

<div lw lw-for="item, $index in items">$index+': '+item</div>
// ...
items = ["one", "two", "three"];
// ...
0: one
1: two
2: three

lw-model and lw-on:

<input type="text" lw-model="name" />
<span lw>name</span>
<br />
<button lw-on:click="resetName()">Reset Name</button>
// ...
resetName() { = 'Leanweb';
// ...



<div lw lw-for="item, $index in items" lw-class:active="isActive($index)">
// ...
items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
isActive(index) {
  return index === 1;
// ...
.active {
  color: red;



<img lw-bind:src="imgSrc" lw-bind:width="imageWidth" />
// ...
imgSrc = "";
imageWidth = 400;
// ...



lw-input is used to pass and share data from parent to children.


<demo-child lw-input:userData="user"></demo-child>


// ...
user = { firstname: "Qian", lastname: "Chen" };
// ...

The child is able to access the user object passed in with lw-input:
directive from inputReady() method.

// ...
inputReady() {
// ...

Form Binding

Here is a few examples how Leanweb helps web components work with form binding.


// ...
items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
toggleCheckboxes() {
  if (this.checkedValues.length) {
    this.checkedValues.length = 0;
  } else {
    this.checkedValues = [...this.items];
checkedValues = [];
// ...
<button lw-on:click="toggleCheckboxes()">Toggle Checkboxes</button>
<div lw-for="item, $index in items">
  <input type="checkbox" lw-bind:value="item" lw-model="checkedValues" />
  <span lw>item</span>
<span lw>checkedValues</span>

Leanweb Form Binding Checkbox


// ...
items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
selectTwo() {
   this.selectedOption = 'two';
// ...
<button lw-on:click="selectTwo()">Select Two</button>
  <select lw-model="selectedOption">
    <option lw lw-for="item, $index in items">item</option>
<span lw> selectedOption </span>

Leanweb Form Binding Select

Multiple Select

// ...
items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
toggleAllOptions() {
  if (this.selectedOptions.length) {
    this.selectedOptions.length = 0;
  } else {
    this.selectedOptions = [...this.items];
selectedOptions = [];
// ...
<button lw-on:click="toggleAllOptions()">Toggle All</button>
  <select lw-model="selectedOptions" multiple>
    <option lw lw-for="item, $index in items">item</option>
<span lw> selectedOptions </span>

Leanweb Form Binding Multiple Select

Radio Button

// ...
items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
chooseTwo() {
  this.picked = 'two';
// ...
<button lw-on:click="chooseTwo()">Choose Two</button>
<div lw-for="item, $index in items">
  /><span lw>item</span>
<span lw>picked</span>

Leanweb Form Binding Radio Button


// ...
selectRange50() {
  this.selectedRange = 50;
selectedRange = 10;
// ...
<button lw-on:click="selectRange50()">Select Range 50</button> <br />
<input type="range" lw-model="selectedRange" />
<span lw>selectedRange</span>

Leanweb Form Binding Range

Import libraries from node_modules

Assuming npm module lodash-es is installed, you could use any of the
following import statements for your web component class:

import { get } from "lodash-es"; // find from node_modules
import get from "lodash-es/get.js"; // find from node_modules
import * as _ from "lodash-es"; // find from node_modules

Importing a JSON file:

import someJSON from "./some.json";

Importing CSS/SCSS:

import agate from 'highlight.js/scss/agate.scss';

// customElements.define('demo-root',
//  class extends LWElement {  // LWElement extends HTMLElement
//    constructor() {
//      super(ast);
//    }
//  }

Component Communication

The following project demonstrates how Leanweb helps web components to talk to
each other.

Leanweb Component Communication


// import LWElement from './../../lib/lw-element.js';
// import ast from './ast.js';

// customElements.define('demo-pub',
//   class extends LWElement {  // LWElement extends HTMLElement
//     constructor() {
//       super(ast);

         setInterval(() => {
           this.time = new Date(;
           LWElement.eventBus.dispatchEvent("time", this.time);
         }, 1000);

//     }
//   }
// );


<div class="pub">
  <span>Time Publisher</span>
  <span lw>time</span>


// import LWElement from './../../lib/lw-element.js';
// import ast from './ast.js';

// customElements.define('demo-sub',
//   class extends LWElement {  // LWElement extends HTMLElement
//     constructor() {
//       super(ast);
//     }

       sub() {
         this.listener = LWElement.eventBus.addEventListener('time', event => {
           this.time =;
         this.subscribed = true;

       unsub() {
         this.subscribed = false;
//   }
// );


<div class="sub">
  <span>Time Subscriber</span>
  <span lw>time</span>
  <div class="buttons">
    <button lw-bind:disabled="subscribed" lw-on:click="sub()">
      Subscribe Time
    <button lw-bind:disabled="!subscribed" lw-on:click="unsub()">
      UnSubscribe Time

Source code of this demo



LWElement extends HTMLElement, and Leanweb components extend LWElement.
So Leanweb components are just more specific versions of the standard
HTMLElement. LWElement helps to wire up the lw directives in the HTML and
provides some convenient methods to update the DOM.

update(rootNode = this.shadowRoot)

The update method provides a convenient way to update the DOM when the model
changes. You should feel free to use old way to update DOM. The update just
makes life a little easier. update takes rootNode as parameter, which
allows you to specify which DOM element to start with. The default value is
the currentshadowRoot.

LWElement will call update in the following scenarios:

  1. after all lw directives are initially bound to DOM;
  2. after lw-on: event is fired;
  3. after lw-model change is fired;

You may need to call the update() method manually in other events. For

  1. in your setTimeout/setInterval callbacks;
  2. in LWEventBus callbacks;
  3. in any network api callbacks;


domReady() will be called after all initial DOM events are bound, and all
DOM interpolations are evaluated. This method is meant to be overridden and is a
great place to send events to the event bus.


inputReady() will be called after all input data from parent's lw-input:
are ready. In this method, children are able to access the passed in data
shared by parents.


If urlHashChanged() is defined as a function, it will be called whenever the
urlHash changes. This could be useful to update the DOM in component routing.


applyStyles will apply the styles that is imported from a css or scss into
the web component DOM.


urlHash is a reference to window.location.hash which can be used for


LWElement comes with a global instance of LWEventBus that helps web
components to talk to each other by sending and receiving events and data. You
could use your own way for component communication. LWEventBus is just a
choice for you.

addEventListener(eventName, callback)

You can use LWElement.eventBus to get the global instance of event bus, and
use LWElement.eventBus.addEventListener(eventName, callback) to subscribe to
a type of event from the event bus. addEventListener takes two parameters.
The first eventName is the name of the event, and the second callback is a
function that will get called when a event is sent to the event bus. The
callback function that takes a parameter event, which contains eventName
and data fields. addEventListener returns the eventListener instance
being added, which could be passed in removeEventListener as parameter.


removeEventListener removes the listener from the event bus, so it stops
being notified when a next event is fired.

dispatchEvent(eventName, data = null)

dispatchEvent is used to send an event to the event bus. It takes two
parameters. eventName is the name of the event, and data is the payload data
of the event.

More examples and tutorials

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