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Notes on algorithms

Emilie Gervais on January 10, 2020

I'm doing CS50: Introduction to Computer Science on I find it's a great way to review what I learn by completing, rewriting and sharin...
codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I enjoyed the video immensely, by the way!

You may also consider looking into two more, both of which are among the fastest known sorting algorithms in existence.

  • Dual-Pivot Quick Sort (Yaroslavisky, Vladamir)
  • Timsort (Peters, Tim)
emilie_gl profile image
Emilie Gervais

Thank you, I'll look into them! 😊👍

jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing)

It's encouraging to see you summarize what learn from courses, at the same time others can learn from you as well. Keep doing it 👍🏻

jlohani profile image
Jayant Lohani • Edited

The best thing to test whatever you have learnt/studied is to share and explain others about it. It boosts confidence as well as help understand it better.
Came across these algorithms a year ago while studying C/C++. Thanks for refreshing these algorithms. Great notes for revision. ✌

emilie_gl profile image
Emilie Gervais

I agree, but find it hard to find the time to do so in an interesting way sometimes. I guess it's an habit to take up as part of a learning & sharing routine. Like it should be done right after and/or before starting to learn something else.
Thanks to you for the positive comment. =)

jlohani profile image
Jayant Lohani

Yeah that true. Its difficult to take out time. I am a beginner so trying my best to implement this habit from the beginning. The good thing about doing this is that the work is done more systematically and with focus. No one would work lazily or just for formality if he/she has to deliver that to a bunch of people afterwards. Also the quality will be maintained. And the best thing is that it would act as a revision /summary for him/her and others who would come across it. Its a win win situation for everyone. 🙂
Thanks for these notes. Hope to read more in future and gain knowledge. Great job and all the best.✌

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emilie_gl profile image
Emilie Gervais

Totally agree once again. 🙂
Thanks to you and all the best as well! 💮

mah_khalafallah profile image
Mahmoud Khalafallah

I didn't get avoid overflow part

emilie_gl profile image
Emilie Gervais • Edited

To prevent integer overflow for large numbers which could end up being too big to fit the integer's storage space.

mah_khalafallah profile image
Mahmoud Khalafallah

Aha, I see
So we get the difference first and divide it by 2 then add it to the start.
instead of adding the start and the end.
But why we didn't do the same with the js example ?!

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emilie_gl profile image
Emilie Gervais

To highlight both possibilities? You don't always have to worry about overflow; When you do, it's nice to know there's a simple solution. These are just notes.

heyrohit profile image
Rohit Gupta
