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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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A Comparison Between Java 8 vs Java 11

Java, as a programming language, has become a cornerstone of the software development industry since its inception in the mid-1990s. Developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation), Java offers a versatile, object-oriented approach to programming that has gained widespread adoption across various domains.

The Java ecosystem is constantly evolving, with new versions of the language being released regularly. Two significant versions of Java that have made a significant impact on the language and its ecosystem are Java 8 and Java 11. These versions introduced groundbreaking features, improvements, and changes that have shaped the way Java applications are developed and maintained.

Java 8, released in March 2014, revolutionized the Java programming paradigm with the introduction of lambdas, functional programming constructs, and the Streams API. These additions allowed developers to write more expressive and concise code, enabling better support for functional programming paradigms. Java 8 also addressed the long-standing issue of null references with the introduction of the Optional class, promoting safer and more robust coding practices.

Java 11, released in September 2018, brought significant advancements to the Java ecosystem. It introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), enabling developers to create modular applications, enhancing code organization, and reducing dependencies. Java 11 also marked a shift in the release cycle, with a faster and more predictable cadence, allowing developers to benefit from new features and improvements more frequently. It introduced support for modern web protocols like HTTP/2 and WebSocket, along with essential tools like Flight Recorder and Mission Control, which were previously only available in commercial versions.

In this article, we will delve into a detailed comparison between Java 8 and Java 11, exploring their key features, improvements, and the impact they have had on the Java ecosystem. By understanding the differences and advancements between these versions, developers can make informed decisions about which version is most suitable for their projects and leverage the strengths of each to write efficient, scalable, and maintainable Java applications.

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Features of Java 8 (vs Java 11)

Java 8 was released in March 2014, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the Java programming language. This version introduced several key features that transformed the way Java code is written and structured.

Lambdas and functional programming constructs

One of the most notable additions in Java 8 was the introduction of lambdas and functional programming constructs. Lambdas are anonymous functions that allow developers to write more concise and expressive code by reducing boilerplate and focusing on the core logic of the program. Functional programming constructs, such as functional interfaces and method references, complement the use of lambdas and enable the adoption of functional programming paradigms within Java.

Streams API for declarative and parallelizable data processing

Java 8 also introduced the Streams API, which revolutionized the way data is processed in Java applications. The Streams API provides a declarative approach to working with collections, allowing developers to perform complex operations such as filtering, mapping, and reducing data in a concise and readable manner. Moreover, the Streams API supports parallel execution, leveraging multicore processors to improve performance for computationally intensive tasks.

Optional class for handling null values

Java 8 addressed the issue of null references with the introduction of the Optional class. The Optional class provides a type-safe container that either holds a non-null value or represents the absence of a value. By using Optional, developers can explicitly handle null values and avoid null pointer exceptions, improving the robustness and reliability of Java code.

The features introduced in Java 8 had a significant impact on code readability and maintainability. They provided developers with powerful tools to write expressive and concise code, handle null values more explicitly, and process data in a declarative and parallelizable manner. These advancements laid a solid foundation for the subsequent versions of Java and set the stage for further enhancements in the Java ecosystem.

Features of Java 11 (vs Java 8)

Java 11 was released in September 2018, bringing significant improvements and new features to the Java ecosystem. This version aimed to enhance the modularity, performance, and monitoring capabilities of Java applications.

Introduction of Java Platform Module System (JPMS)

One of the major additions in Java 11 was the introduction of the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), also known as Project Jigsaw. JPMS revolutionized the way Java applications are structured and deployed by introducing a modularization system. With JPMS, developers could organize their code into modules, encapsulating and managing dependencies more effectively. This modular approach allowed for better scalability, maintainability, and reusability of code.

Shift to a faster and predictable release cadence

Java 11 marked a significant change in the release cycle of Java. It embraced a faster and predictable cadence, with new Java versions being released every six months. This change in the release strategy ensured that developers could access new features and improvements more frequently, without having to wait for major releases. It allowed for more agile development practices and quicker adoption of enhancements in the Java ecosystem.

Support for HTTP/2 and WebSocket protocols

Java 11 introduced native support for modern web protocols, namely HTTP/2 and WebSocket, in the standard libraries. This enhancement enabled developers to build high-performance and scalable web applications using native Java APIs. The support for HTTP/2 brought benefits such as improved network efficiency, multiplexing, and server push, leading to faster and more responsive web applications. Additionally, WebSocket support facilitated real-time bidirectional communication between the server and clients, enabling interactive and dynamic web experiences.

Flight Recorder and Mission Control tools

Java 11 included the Flight Recorder and Mission Control tools, which were previously only available in commercial versions of Java, into the open-source OpenJDK distribution. Flight Recorder is a lightweight profiling tool that allows developers to gather detailed runtime information about their applications, including CPU usage, memory allocation, and thread behavior. Mission Control complements Flight Recorder by providing a graphical user interface to analyze the recorded data, enabling developers to optimize application performance and diagnose issues.

The introduction of JPMS in Java 11 brought a significant advancement in terms of modularity. It allowed developers to create more maintainable and scalable applications by encapsulating code into modules and managing dependencies more effectively. The modularization also facilitated the creation of custom runtimes, where only the necessary modules could be included, reducing the overall footprint and improving startup time.

Overall, Java 11's features focused on enhancing modularity, performance, and monitoring, making it a compelling choice for developers seeking improved application structure, runtime efficiency, and robust diagnostic capabilities.

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Migration Considerations for Java 8 and Java 11

Migrating from Java 8 to Java 11 may present some challenges and implications for developers. One primary challenge is the potential compatibility issues due to the introduction of new features and changes in Java 11. Code that relies heavily on deprecated or removed APIs in Java 11 may require refactoring or rewriting. Additionally, third-party libraries and frameworks used in the project may need to be updated to be compatible with Java 11.

Successful migration from Java 8 to Java 11 requires careful planning and thorough testing. It is essential to assess the project's codebase, dependencies, and third-party libraries to identify any potential compatibility issues. Developers should conduct comprehensive regression testing to ensure that the application behaves as expected in the new Java version. This includes testing for functionality, performance, and compatibility with other components of the software ecosystem.

Java 11 is a long-term support (LTS) release, which means it will receive updates and support for an extended period. For enterprise applications, this LTS status provides stability, reliability, and long-term maintenance assurance. Choosing Java 11 for enterprise projects ensures that critical security patches, bug fixes, and updates will be available for a more extended period, reducing the need for frequent version upgrades and minimizing potential disruptions to the application.

Factors influencing the choice between Java 8 and Java 11

Several factors should be considered when choosing between Java 8 and Java 11. Firstly, the project's specific requirements and dependencies play a crucial role. If the project heavily relies on libraries or frameworks that are not yet compatible with Java 11, sticking with Java 8 might be the better option until the dependencies are updated.

Additionally, the need for newer features and enhancements offered by Java 11 should be evaluated. If the project can benefit from the modularity features of JPMS, the performance improvements, or the monitoring capabilities provided by Flight Recorder and Mission Control, migrating to Java 11 would be advantageous.

It's also essential to consider the development team's familiarity and expertise with the newer features introduced in Java 11. If the team has invested significant time and effort in mastering the features and patterns of Java 8, a migration to Java 11 may require additional training and adaptation.

Lastly, the long-term support (LTS) nature of Java 11 should be weighed against the potential benefits of staying up to date with the latest Java versions. If stability, backward compatibility, and long-term maintenance are critical factors for the project, Java 11's LTS status makes it a reliable choice.

In conclusion, migrating from Java 8 to Java 11 requires careful planning, thorough testing, and consideration of various factors such as compatibility, project requirements, and the benefits offered by newer features. While there may be challenges involved, Java 11's long-term support, modularity improvements, performance enhancements, and monitoring capabilities make it a compelling choice for developers seeking to leverage the latest advancements in the Java ecosystem.

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Read more: A Comparison Between Java 8 vs Java 11

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