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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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Can Private Variables be Inherited in Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports inheritance, which is one of the core features of object-oriented programming. Inheritance is the process by which one class can inherit properties and behavior from another class.

In Java, a class that inherits from another class is called a subclass, while the class that is being inherited from is called a superclass. Inheritance is used to promote code reusability, reduce code duplication, and create a hierarchy of classes that represent real-world entities. Subclasses can inherit both instance variables and methods from their superclasses, but the access to private variables and methods is limited to the superclass only.

Developers often face the question of whether private variables can be inherited by a subclass in Java. The answer to this question is not straightforward and requires a deep understanding of the concept of inheritance and access modifiers in Java. In this article, we will delve into the concept of private variables and inheritance in Java and try to come up with a resolution to this question.

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Understanding Private Variables in Java

Private variables are a type of instance variable in Java that can only be accessed within the same class in which they are declared. They are denoted by the private keyword in the variable declaration and are often used to hide the implementation details of a class from other classes.

Private variables are commonly used in object-oriented programming to encapsulate the data of an object and prevent external classes from modifying the data directly. When a variable is declared as private, it can only be accessed through the public methods defined in the same class.

To declare private variables in Java, you need to follow these steps:

Define the class

Start by defining the class in which you want to declare the private variables. This can be any class, such as a regular class, a class representing an object, or a class representing a data structure.

Declare the variables

Inside the class, declare the variables using the desired data type and give them a name. Precede the variable declaration with the private access modifier.

public class MyClass {
    private int myPrivateVariable;
    private String anotherPrivateVariable;
    // Other class members and methods
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In the above example, myPrivateVariable and anotherPrivateVariable are declared as private variables.

Access the private variables

To access the private variables from within the class, use them directly like any other variable. They are visible and accessible within the same class.

public class MyClass {
   private int myPrivateVariable;

   public void printVariable() {
      System.out.println("The value of myPrivateVariable is: " + myPrivateVariable);
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In the above example, the printVariable() method can access and print the value of the private variable myPrivateVariable.

Provide public methods (optional)

If you want to allow access to the private variables from outside the class, you can provide public methods, commonly known as getters and setters, to read or modify the variable values.

public class MyClass {
    private int myPrivateVariable;

    public int getMyPrivateVariable() {
        return myPrivateVariable;

    public void setMyPrivateVariable(int value) {
        myPrivateVariable = value;
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In the above example, the getMyPrivateVariable() method allows retrieving the value of the private variable, and the setMyPrivateVariable() method allows setting a new value for the private variable.

By declaring variables as private, you ensure that they can only be accessed within the same class, providing encapsulation and data hiding in Java. Other classes can interact with private variables only through the public methods provided by the class.

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance is one of the fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP) that enables a new class to be based on an existing class. The existing class is called the superclass or parent class, and the new class is called the subclass or child class.

The subclass inherits all the non-private fields and methods from its superclass, which means it can reuse the code and functionality of its parent class. This allows us to create a hierarchy of classes with shared characteristics, making our program more modular, efficient, and easier to maintain.

Types of Inheritance in Java

In Java, there are five types of inheritance which are:

  1. Single Inheritance - where a class inherits only one superclass.
  2. Multilevel Inheritance - where a class is derived from a class which is also derived from another class.
  3. Hierarchical Inheritance - where two or more classes inherit a single superclass.
  4. Multiple Inheritance - where a class can inherit from more than one superclass (not supported in Java).
  5. Hybrid Inheritance - where it is a combination of two or more types of inheritance.

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Syntax of inheritance in Java

In Java, inheritance is achieved through the extends keyword. To inherit a class, we simply add the extends keyword followed by the name of the class we want to inherit from. For example, if we want to inherit from a class called Parent, we would write:

public class Child extends Parent {
    // code for child class
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This would create a new class called Child that inherits all the methods and properties of the Parent class. The Child class can then add new methods and properties or override existing ones.

Inheriting Private Variables in Java

In Java, private variables are not directly accessible outside the class in which they are declared. This means that subclasses cannot directly access private variables of their parent class. However, private variables can still be inherited in Java.

When a subclass is created, it includes all of the fields and methods of its parent class, including the private ones. Although the private variables cannot be accessed directly, they can still affect the behavior of the subclass through the methods provided by the parent class. This allows for encapsulation and abstraction, ensuring that the implementation details of the parent class remain hidden from the subclass.

Accessing private variables in the same class

In Java, private variables can only be accessed within the same class in which they are declared. This means that subclasses cannot directly access private variables of their superclass.

However, it is possible to provide public methods or protected methods in the superclass that can be used to access or modify the private variables. Another approach is to use reflection to access private variables, but this is not recommended as it can lead to code that is difficult to read and maintain.

To access private variables within the same class in Java, you can directly refer to them by their variable names. Since private variables are declared within the class, they are accessible anywhere within the class, including other methods or constructors. Here's an example:

public class MyClass {
    private int myPrivateVariable;

    public void accessPrivateVariable() {
        myPrivateVariable = 10; // Accessing and modifying the private variable
        int newValue = myPrivateVariable * 2; // Accessing the private variable for computation
        System.out.println("The value of myPrivateVariable is: " + myPrivateVariable);
        System.out.println("The new value after computation is: " + newValue);
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In the above example, the accessPrivateVariable() method accesses and modifies the private variable myPrivateVariable. It assigns a new value to the private variable and performs computations using its value. The private variable is directly referred to within the method without any additional steps.

Since private variables are not accessible outside the class, accessing them within the same class ensures encapsulation and data hiding. This way, you can control and manipulate the internal state of the class without exposing the private variables to other classes or objects.

Accessing private variables in a subclass

In Java, private variables are not inherited by subclasses. This means that if a class defines a private variable, it cannot be accessed by any subclass. However, there are some ways to access private variables in a subclass. One way is to use a public method in the superclass that returns the value of the private variable. Another way is to use reflection, which allows you to access private fields and methods of a class.

To access private variables within the same class in Java, you can directly refer to them by their variable names. Since private variables are declared within the class, they are accessible anywhere within the class, including other methods or constructors. Here's an example:

public class MyClass {
    private int myPrivateVariable;

    public void accessPrivateVariable() {
        myPrivateVariable = 10; // Accessing and modifying the private variable
        int newValue = myPrivateVariable * 2; // Accessing the private variable for computation
        System.out.println("The value of myPrivateVariable is: " + myPrivateVariable);
        System.out.println("The new value after computation is: " + newValue);
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In the above example, the accessPrivateVariable() method accesses and modifies the private variable myPrivateVariable. It assigns a new value to the private variable and performs computations using its value. The private variable is directly referred to within the method without any additional steps.

Since private variables are not accessible outside the class, accessing them within the same class ensures encapsulation and data hiding. This way, you can control and manipulate the internal state of the class without exposing the private variables to other classes or objects. However, it is important to note that accessing private variables in a subclass is generally not good practice and can lead to problems with encapsulation. It is better to use protected or public variables if you need to access them in a subclass.

Why private variables cannot be inherited

In Java, private variables cannot be inherited by subclasses. The main reason for this is that private variables are only accessible within the class that they are declared in. When a subclass inherits from a superclass, it does not have access to the private fields of the superclass. This means that any attempt to reference a private variable from a subclass will result in a compilation error.

Inheritance is a way for subclasses to reuse code from their superclass, but the private variables are not a part of that reusable code. If a subclass needs to access the private variables of its superclass, it must use getter and setter methods or declare the private variables as protected.

Alternatives to Inheriting Private Variables in Java

In Java, private variables of a superclass are not directly accessible in a subclass. This limitation promotes encapsulation and data hiding but can sometimes pose challenges when subclass-specific access to superclass variables is required.

To address this, Java offers alternative approaches such as providing protected or public getter and setter methods. These alternatives allow subclass access to superclass variables indirectly, maintaining encapsulation while enabling controlled interaction with superclass data.

Using protected access modifier

In Java, the protected access modifier can be used for class members such as methods, instance variables, or inner classes. When a member is declared as protected, it can be accessed by any subclass of the class in which the member is declared. This means that subclasses can inherit the member and use it as if it belonged to them, just like public members.

However, unlike public members, protected members can also be accessed by other classes in the same package as the declaring class. This makes protected members useful for sharing data or behavior between related classes.

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Using getter and setter methods

In Java, private variables can be inherited but they cannot be accessed directly by the subclasses. The only way to access private variables of the superclass is by using getter and setter methods. Getter methods are used to retrieve the value of a private variable, whereas setter methods are used to modify the value of a private variable.

For instance, consider a superclass Employee with a private variable employeeId. The subclass Manager can inherit the employeeId variable using the extends keyword, but it cannot access the variable directly. To access the employeeId variable, we need to create a public getter method getEmployeeId() in the superclass Employee. Then, the subclass Manager can access the employeeId variable using the getEmployeeId() method. Similarly, if we want to modify the value of the employeeId variable, we can create a public setter method setEmployeeId() in the superclass Employee. Then, the subclass Manager can modify the value of the employeeId variable using the setEmployeeId() method.

By using getter and setter methods, we can maintain the encapsulation of the private variables and ensure that they are not directly accessible by the subclasses.

Final thoughts on private variables and inheritance in Java

Inheritance is a powerful feature of object-oriented programming that allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. Private variables, however, cannot be directly inherited in Java. Child classes can access private variables of the parent class only through public or protected methods.

It is important to note that private variables are still encapsulated within the parent class and cannot be directly accessed or modified by the child class. Overall, while private variables cannot be inherited in Java, they still play a crucial role in maintaining encapsulation and data hiding in object-oriented programming.

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Read more: Can Private Variables be Inherited in Java?

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