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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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Understanding Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is a powerful collection of template classes and functions that provide a wide range of commonly used data structures and algorithms. It is an essential part of the C++ programming language and is included in the standard C++ library.

The STL comprises three main components: containers, algorithms, and iterators.

Containers are data structures that hold collections of objects, such as vectors, lists, and maps. Algorithms are generic functions that operate on these containers to perform various operations, such as searching, sorting, and manipulating elements. Iterators are used to traverse and access the elements of containers in a generic and efficient manner.

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The STL's design follows the principle of generic programming, allowing developers to write highly reusable and efficient code. It has become a fundamental tool for C++ programmers, providing a standardized and efficient way to work with data structures and algorithms.

The multimap is a container in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) that allows for storing multiple key-value pairs with the same key. It is similar to the map container, but unlike maps, multimap can have duplicate keys. This means that multiple values can be associated with a single key. The multimap is implemented as a self-balancing binary search tree, which ensures efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations.

In this article, we will explore the multimap container in detail and understand its use cases and operations in the C++ STL.

What is a Multimap?

A multimap is a data structure in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) that allows for storage of key-value pairs, similar to a map. However, unlike a map, a multimap allows multiple values to be associated with a single key. This makes it a useful container for scenarios where duplicate keys are allowed or even desired.

The multimap is implemented as a balanced binary search tree, ensuring efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations. Additionally, the elements in a multimap are automatically sorted by their keys, providing fast searching capabilities.

Differences between Multimap and other map-based containers in the STL

  1. Duplicate Keys: Unlike the map container in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), the multimap allows duplicate keys. This means that multiple key-value pairs with the same key can coexist in a multimap, whereas in a map, each key can only be associated with a single value.
  2. Ordering: Both map and multimap containers in the STL maintain the ordering of their elements based on the keys. However, map enforces a strict ordering, ensuring that all elements are sorted in ascending order of keys. On the other hand, multimap allows elements with the same key to be stored adjacent to each other, without any particular order among them.
  3. Finding Elements: The map container provides a convenient way to find elements based on their unique keys using the find() function. In contrast, the multimap container offers additional functionality with the equal_range() function, which returns a pair of iterators pointing to the range of elements with a specific key.
  4. Erasing Elements: Removing elements from a map container is straightforward as it only requires specifying the key to be removed. However, in a multimap, removing elements with a specific key is not as straightforward, as it would also remove all other elements with the same key. To remove only a single element with a specific key, the erase() function should be combined with the appropriate iterator.

These differences make the multimap container a useful choice when multiple values need to be associated with the same key, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data in a sorted order.

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Key Features of a Multimap

Ability to store multiple values for a single key

C++ Standard Template Library (STL) has the ability to store multiple values for a single key. Unlike a regular map, which allows only one value per key, the multimap allows us to associate multiple values with the same key. This is particularly useful in scenarios where we need to group similar elements together.

The multimap maintains its elements in a sorted order based on the keys, allowing for efficient lookup and retrieval of values associated with a given key.

Maintaining a sorted order based on keys

In the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), the multimap container allows for the storage of key-value pairs in a sorted order based on the keys. Unlike the map container, multimap allows duplicate keys, meaning multiple entries with the same key can exist in the container. This makes multimap particularly useful for scenarios where sorting and maintaining a sorted order based on keys is necessary.

The elements in the multimap are automatically sorted according to the specified comparison function or the default less-than comparison operator. This ensures efficient retrieval of elements in a sorted manner.

Efficient insertion and retrieval operations

Another main advantages of using a Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is its efficient insertion and retrieval operations. The Multimap allows for the insertion of multiple key-value pairs with the same key, unlike other associative containers like the Map. This makes it suitable for scenarios where keys can have multiple associated values.

When inserting elements into a Multimap, the average time complexity is logarithmic, making it efficient even for large collections. Similarly, retrieving elements from a Multimap is also efficient, with the time complexity for finding a specific element being logarithmic as well. This makes the Multimap a powerful data structure for tasks that require efficient insertion and retrieval operations.

Basic Operations

Creating a Multimap object

To create a multimap object in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), we first need to include the header. A multimap is a container that stores elements in association with a key, allowing duplicate keys. Here is an example of how to create a multimap object:

include <map>

std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
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Replace KeyType and ValueType with the appropriate types for your use case. This declaration creates an empty multimap that can store key-value pairs. Now, we can start populating the multimap with elements.

Inserting elements into a Multimap

To insert elements into a Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), you can use the insert function. The insert function takes a pair of key-value elements and inserts them into the Multimap. The keys in a Multimap can be duplicated, allowing multiple elements with the same key.

When inserting a new element with a key that already exists in the Multimap, the new element will be inserted in the appropriate position according to the key's order. This makes Multimap a useful data structure for storing and organizing data with multiple keys.

To insert elements into a multimap in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Include the header file at the beginning of your code to access the multimap container.
#include <map>
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  1. Create a multimap object, specifying the key and value types.
std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
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  1. Use the insert member function to add elements to the multimap. There are a few different ways to insert elements:
    a. Insert individual elements using the insert function with a pair of key-value values.

      myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));

b. Insert multiple elements using the insert function with an iterator range or initializer list.

  myMultimap.insert({{key1, value1}, {key2, value2}, {key3, value3}});
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c. Insert elements using the range constructor of the multimap by passing iterators from another container or a range.

  std::vector<std::pair<KeyType, ValueType>> elements;
  // Populate the elements vector with key-value pairs
  myMultimap.insert(elements.begin(), elements.end());
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  1. After inserting elements, the multimap will automatically sort them based on the key values. Duplicate keys are allowed in a multimap, and the elements will be sorted according to their insertion order.

That's it! You have successfully inserted elements into a multimap. Remember that multimap allows multiple values associated with the same key, making it a useful container when you need to handle duplicate keys in sorted order.

Accessing elements in a Multimap

To access elements in a Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), you can use the range-based for loop or the iterator-based approach. The range-based for loop allows you to iterate through all the key-value pairs in the Multimap easily.

The iterator-based approach provides more flexibility as you can use iterators to access specific elements or ranges of elements in the Multimap. Additionally, the equal_range function can be used to obtain a pair of iterators representing the range of elements with a specific key in the Multimap.

To access elements in a multimap in C++, you can use iterators or member functions. Here's how:

  1. Include the header file at the beginning of your code to access the multimap container.
   #include <map>
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  1. Create a multimap object and populate it with elements.
   std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
   // Insert elements into the multimap using insert() or other methods
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  1. Use iterators to access elements in the multimap. There are several iterator types available:
    • begin() returns an iterator pointing to the first element.
    • end() returns an iterator pointing to the position just beyond the last element.

You can iterate over the elements using a range-based for loop or by manually incrementing the iterator:

   for (auto it = myMultimap.begin(); it != myMultimap.end(); ++it) {
       // Access the element using the iterator
       KeyType key = it->first;
       ValueType value = it->second;
       // Perform operations with key and value
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  1. Alternatively, you can use member functions to access elements in a multimap:
    • find(key) returns an iterator pointing to the first element with a matching key. If no match is found, it returns end().
    • count(key) returns the number of elements with a matching key.

Example usage:

   auto it = myMultimap.find(key);
   if (it != myMultimap.end()) {
       // Element found, access it using the iterator
       KeyType key = it->first;
       ValueType value = it->second;
   } else {
       // Element not found

   size_t numElements = myMultimap.count(key);
   // Perform operations based on the number of elements with the given key
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These methods allow you to access individual elements or iterate over all elements in a multimap. Remember that multimap allows multiple values associated with the same key, and accessing elements involves considering all values associated with a given key.

Removing elements from a Multimap

To remove elements from a Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), you can use the erase function. The erase function allows you to remove elements from the Multimap based on a specified key or a range of keys.

When removing a specific key, all elements associated with that key will be removed from the Multimap. If you want to remove a range of keys, you need to specify the starting and ending iterators of the range.

After calling the erase function, the elements will be removed from the Multimap, and the size of the Multimap will be updated accordingly.

To remove elements from a multimap in C++, you can use various member functions provided by the container. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to remove elements from a multimap:

  1. Include the header file at the beginning of your code to access the multimap container.
   #include <map>
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  1. Create a multimap object and populate it with elements.
   std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
   // Insert elements into the multimap using insert() or other methods
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  1. Use the appropriate member functions to remove elements from the multimap. Some commonly used functions include:
    • erase(key): Removes all elements with a specific key from the multimap.
    • erase(position): Removes the element pointed to by the given iterator.
    • erase(first, last): Removes elements in the range defined by the given iterators.

Example usage:

   // Remove all elements with a specific key

   // Remove a specific element using an iterator
   auto it = myMultimap.find(key);
   if (it != myMultimap.end()) {

   // Remove a range of elements using iterators
   auto first = myMultimap.lower_bound(key);
   auto last = myMultimap.upper_bound(key);
   myMultimap.erase(first, last);
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  1. After removing elements, the multimap will be automatically adjusted to maintain its sorted order and internal structure.

It's important to note that removing elements from a multimap only removes the specific elements you target. Other elements with the same key or different keys will remain unaffected.

Working with Multiple Values for a Key

Inserting multiple values for a single key

In the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), the multimap container allows for inserting multiple values for a single key. This feature comes in handy when we need to associate multiple values with a particular key. To insert values, we use the insert function, passing both the key and the value as arguments.

If a key already exists in the multimap, the new value will be added to the existing key. This allows us to efficiently store and retrieve multiple values associated with a single key in a multimap.

To insert multiple values for a single key in a multimap in C++, you can utilize the multimap container's property of allowing duplicate keys. Here's how you can insert multiple values for a single key:

  1. Include the header file at the beginning of your code to access the multimap container.
   #include <map>
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  1. Create a multimap object, specifying the key and value types.
   std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
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  1. Use the insert member function to insert multiple values for a single key. To insert multiple values, you can make use of a loop or use the insert function with an iterator range or an initializer list.

a. Loop-based insertion:

   KeyType key = /* your desired key */;
   for (const auto& value : values) {
       myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
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b. Inserting using an iterator range:

   KeyType key = /* your desired key */;
   std::vector<ValueType> values = /* your values */;
   myMultimap.insert({{key, values.begin()}, {key, values.end()}});
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c. Inserting using an initializer list:

   KeyType key = /* your desired key */;
   std::initializer_list<ValueType> values = /* your values */;
   myMultimap.insert({{key, values}});
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In all cases, you provide the key and the corresponding values you want to insert for that key.

  1. After inserting the multiple values, the multimap will automatically handle the sorting based on the keys. The values associated with a single key will be stored together.

By following these steps, you can insert multiple values for a single key in a multimap container in C++.

Retrieving all values for a given key

In the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), the multimap container allows for storing multiple values for the same key. To retrieve all values associated with a specific key in a multimap, you can use the equal_range() function. This function returns a pair of iterators that represent a range of elements with the given key.

By iterating over this range, you can access all the values corresponding to the key. Here is an example:

std::multimap<int, std::string> myMultimap;

myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(1, "apple"));
myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(2, "banana"));
myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(1, "orange"));
myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(3, "grape"));

int keyToSearch = 1;
auto range = myMultimap.equal_range(keyToSearch);

for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
    std::cout << "Value: " << it->second << std::endl;
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In this example, we have a multimap containing pairs of integers and strings. We insert multiple values for the key 1. By using equal_range(1), we retrieve a pair of iterators representing the range of values associated with the key 1. We then iterate over this range and print the corresponding values. The output will be:

Value: apple
Value: orange
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This allows for efficiently retrieving all values associated with a given key in a multimap.

Counting the occurrences of a key in a Multimap

In the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), a multimap is a container that allows multiple elements with the same key. When working with a multimap, it can be useful to count the occurrences of a specific key. This can be done using the count() function provided by the multimap class.

The count() function returns the number of elements in the multimap that have the same key as the one provided as an argument. By using this function, we can easily determine the frequency of occurrence of a key in a multimap.

To count the occurrences of a key in a multimap in C++, you can use the count member function provided by the container. Here's how you can count the occurrences of a key:

  1. Include the header file at the beginning of your code to access the multimap container.
   #include <map>
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  1. Create a multimap object and populate it with elements.
   std::multimap<KeyType, ValueType> myMultimap;
   // Insert elements into the multimap using insert() or other methods
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  1. Use the count member function to count the occurrences of a key. Pass the desired key as an argument to the count function, and it will return the number of occurrences of that key in the multimap.
   KeyType key = /* your desired key */;
   size_t occurrences = myMultimap.count(key);
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The count function returns the number of elements in the multimap that have a matching key. If no elements match the key, it will return 0.

  1. Perform operations based on the count of occurrences. You can use the count to determine the presence or frequency of a key in the multimap and perform any desired actions accordingly.
   if (occurrences > 0) {
       // Key is present in the multimap
       // Perform operations based on the count
   } else {
       // Key is not present in the multimap
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By using the count member function, you can easily determine the number of occurrences of a key in a multimap container in C++.

Time complexity of common operations on a Multimap

A Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is a container that allows multiple elements with the same key. It is implemented as a self-balancing binary search tree, typically a Red-Black Tree. The time complexity of common operations on a Multimap can be summarized as follows:

  • Insertion: The average time complexity for inserting a new key-value pair into a Multimap is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the container. This is because the tree structure needs to be maintained by performing rotations and rebalancing operations.
  • Deletion: The average time complexity for erasing an element from a Multimap is also O(log n). Similar to insertion, the tree structure needs to be adjusted to maintain a balanced tree.
  • Search: The time complexity for searching an element in a Multimap is O(log n) in the average case. This is because the binary search tree allows for efficient searching by comparing the keys of elements.
  • Iteration: Iterating over all elements in a Multimap takes O(n) time complexity. The iterator traverses the elements in the sorted order of keys, which requires visiting each element once.

It is important to note that these time complexities are based on the average case scenarios, assuming a well-balanced tree. In the worst-case scenario, the time complexity of operations on a Multimap can be O(n), when the tree becomes highly unbalanced.

Use Cases and Best Practices

A multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is a container that allows multiple values to be associated with a single key. This makes it particularly useful in scenarios where we want to store and retrieve multiple values for a given key.

One common use case for a multimap is when working with a dictionary or a word index. In this scenario, a word can have multiple definitions, and a multimap can be used to store all the definitions associated with each word.

Another use case is when dealing with scheduling or event management systems. Here, a multimap can be used to map a specific date or time to multiple events, allowing us to efficiently manage and retrieve all events happening at a particular time.

Overall, a multimap provides a flexible and efficient solution for situations where we need to associate multiple values with a single key, making it a valuable tool in various programming scenarios.

Tips for efficient usage of Multimap

When working with the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), it is important to understand the differences between various map-based containers. One such container is the Multimap, which allows for multiple values to be associated with a single key. This can be useful in scenarios where duplicate keys need to be stored.

However, if duplicate keys are not a requirement, it may be more efficient to use other map-based containers such as the Map or Unordered Map. The choice between these containers depends on the specific needs of the program and the trade-offs between complexity and performance.

  1. Sort the keys: Multimap stores elements in a sorted order based on the keys. To ensure efficient usage, it's recommended to insert elements in sorted order. This avoids the need for reordering the elements later and improves the overall performance of lookups and insertions.
  2. Use equal_range for range-based operations: The multimap container provides the equal_range function, which returns a pair of iterators representing the range of elements with a specific key. Utilizing this function can make range-based operations more efficient compared to iterating through the entire container.
  3. Consider using lower_bound and upper_bound: In situations where you need to find the first occurrence of a specific key or the position to insert a new element without disrupting the sorting order, lower_bound and upper_bound functions can be more efficient than find. These functions provide logarithmic time complexity compared to linear time complexity of find.
  4. Avoid unnecessary duplication of keys: Multimap allows duplicate keys, but it's important to consider whether duplicate keys are necessary for your use case. Having unnecessary duplicates can lead to increased memory consumption and may impact performance. If possible, consider using other containers like unordered_multimap for scenarios where duplicate keys are not required.
  5. Use const_iterators for read-only operations: If you only need to read the elements of a multimap without modifying them, prefer using const_iterators. This helps to enforce immutability and can lead to better performance, especially when working with large containers.

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Read more: Understanding Multimap in the C++ Standard Template Library

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