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Internal Communications Promoter for Organizations

Here is my video

This program is for promoting internal communication of organizations, and also my final project for Code in Place 2020 by Stanford University.

Firstly the program reads employee database which includes employee numbers, names and pictures this time.
It then randomly creates groups of four, and giving group ID so the groups can use it as Zoom ID directly if they would like.
The program shows your group number, group members names and employee pictures when the user inputs employee number.

Why did I create this program?

My manager asked me, "Do you often grab lunch or talk with our colleagues outside our team? Any close ones?", when I had 1-on-1 meeting.
I answered "Not really." I have always thought about making connections/network outside company but have not taken that in account.
He then recommended me to make connections within the company to easily collaborate with other divisions at the meeting.

However, the problem was I did not know 'How' to connect with employees I do not work with.

I have been thinking about that, and finally come up with this idea,
'I can build a program by myself if there is no such tool in my company.'

Additionally, all employees are apart because they have been working from home lately, and I have always wanted to create a platform so that people can virtually and mentally feel connected.

I hope you enjoy my video, and feel free to comment if you have any.

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