DEV Community

Discussion on: Programmers make me 😁 and 🤬

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Oh my. I've been coding with different kinds of developers in the past and for the first time in my career recently came across the grumpy RTFM dev. I'm not sure what happened. I just got this new gig and needed to get up to speed on some of the ways the company did deployments when they directed me for further guidance from their rock star developer. I thought yey and approached her kindly asking her if she'd be open to walk me through the process whenever she gets some free time. Now picture this... She hears my voice, then turns her head in this creepy, slow motion rotation with this super annoying ass angry look. As if I crossed paths with a king cobra, I carefully took a few steps back, she then opened her mouth and uttered "Cant you just go read the manual". At that point, we locked eyes. I, shocked, unable to grasp what I just did wrong to upset her to. Her, shocked as well, her hands shaking a little, probably amazed and baffled at the same time by her ability to treat another fellow human in such way. I slowly retreated, apologizing for interrupting and went to read the manual. That day I have whole heartedly regretted the tiniest amount of frustration that I may have expressed at someone when they approached me for answers and where I responded in a grumpy manner.