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Cover image for Markdown Essentials
Eoin Vaughan
Eoin Vaughan

Posted on

Markdown Essentials

My first post was necessary, otherwise no half pretty posts haha. I would appreciate if anybody could recommend how they resize their images to follow the cover image dimensions.

Markdown Language


It is a lightweight markup language like HTML (No Tags) with a plain formatting syntax. The ease of use and readability are seen as its main advantages.

Markdown keeps positioning and uses special characters/punctuation marks to format stuff like bold, italics, lists etc.


  • It can be converted into HTML/XHTML
  • Use with files (Github etc, Documentation on a Repo page)
  • Forums & Blogs (Pieces of content)
  • Static Site Generators (Gatsby that uses React framework)
Core Markdown
Headings Lists
Block of code Images
Emphasis Block-quotes
Links(Inline & Reference) Horizontal rules
Paragraphs Code & Syntax highlighting


  • Extensions allow for extra functionality with using markdown, like GitHub has extra extensions that allow for tables and task lists to be generated.
  • Text Editors have extensions that allow for you to preview the markdown file you have generated (VSCode (Auto-Open Markdown Preview), Atom, SublimeText etc.)



Single (Asterisks or Underscore)




Double (Asterisks or Underscore)


bold boy


Double Tilda

~~Computer says NO!~~

Computer says NO!

Horizontal rule (line)

Triple underscore, hyphens or underscores


Add double tildas to get two Horizontal rules, aligned to the left, shortened also so may be used for sub section breakup. Good to know (My Mistake found it, sweet!)


Escape special characters,

Allows you to include them as normal in your document, see below how I used the \ escape character to include the HTML tag in the header section.


Like headers in HTML (# = </h1> tag)

#header one
## header two
### header three
#### header four
##### header five
###### header six

header one

header two

header three

header four

header five
header six

links (Inline & Reference)

Inline Link

Square brackets & Curly parentheses
[Text for link](link itself, "Title"(Optional, for hovering over purposes(Doesn't seem to work here, if someone has a solution let me know))

[My GitHub]( "GitHub Profile")

[**My LinkedIn**]( "Eoin Vaughan LinkedIn Profile")

My GitHub

My LinkedIn

Reference Link

Place the reference at the bottom of the document(hidden), very useful if you want to use the same link a few times in a markdown doc.

Click here for [BC Parks][BCParks]

\[BCParks]: (Will be hidden, only visible in source markdown code)

Click here for BC Parks

Images(Inline & Reference)

Inline Image

Exclamation mark !

![Image of the price of Babybel here in Vancouver, Crazy](

Image of the price of Babybel here in Vancouver, Crazy

Reference Image

![Sea the stars][Best horse ever]
![Frankel][Second best horse ever]

\[Best horse ever]:

\[Second best horse ever]:

Sea the stars


Use of carat character > results in a highlighted background with a border to the left of the block-quote

>"To infinity and beyond" Buzz Lightyear

"To infinity and beyond" Buzz Lightyear

Span multiple paragraphs, Block-quotes

>Hello to you
>And goodbye
>to you

Hello to you
And goodbye
to you

Lists (Ordered and Unordered)

Use asterisk (with space) for unordered lists
\1. for ordered lists

* Chocolate fingers
* Chocolate buttons
* Chocolate digestives
  • Chocolate fingers
  • Chocolate buttons
  • Chocolate digestives
1. Chocolate fingers
1. Chocolate buttons
1. Chocolate digestives
  1. Chocolate fingers
  2. Chocolate buttons
  3. Chocolate digestives

Can use indentation to have nested list items, must find out how to make indentation default to 1.1, 1,2, 1.1.2 etc.?

1. Chocolate fingers
 1. Chocolate buttons
1. Chocolate digestives
  1. Chocolate fingers
    1. Chocolate buttons
  2. Chocolate digestives
  • Chocolate fingers
    • Chocolate buttons
  • Chocolate digestives

To include text within a bulletpoint you may include it underneath with 2 indentations

* Chocolate fingers

* Chocolate buttons
* Chocolate digestives

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