DEV Community

Eoin Vaughan
Eoin Vaughan

Posted on

Me, Myself and Irene

Watch me grow

Hey everybody, this is my first post on this platform. My hope is to document my learning all in one place and figured this would be a great place for that.

I'm working at present as a data manager and I'm really feeling that I need to add many more strings to my bow, so I have enrolled in a 10 week part time data scientist role here in Vancouver and it starts in 2 weeks. So I have dived into prepping for it since the new year. I'm excited to get hands on with assignments and projects that hopefully will help me gain a better understanding of what all this data collection is for.

The course will predominately use python for programming which is great as I know the community for this language are awesome. I hope to ask lots of questions on the topic and read the many great posts on the subject here.

Thanks in advance as I know I will be helped out a lot on my way, and hopefully down the line repay that to other newbies.

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