
Cover image for Setting up a NestJS project with Docker for Back-End development

Setting up a NestJS project with Docker for Back-End development

Erez Hod on January 31, 2021

NestJS has been my go-to Back-End framework for API development in NodeJS for quite a while now after discovering how annoying it can be to set up ...
yuvalhazaz profile image
Yuval Hazaz

Nicely done!
We created an open-source project that let you create a full functional NestJS backend with GraphQL and REAT API over your custom model in minutes. We generate a high quality TypeScript code and let you continue development on your own.
You are invited to try it on

The repo is in

erezhod profile image
Erez Hod

Looks promising! Will look into it 🙂

manhhailua profile image
Mạnh Phạm

Nice post!
But production stage better not have COPY . .

junibrosas profile image
Juni Brosas

Got my project dockerized, thank you!

dewaldels profile image
Dewald Els

Nice work! Got it working first try thanks to the clear instructions!

odairto profile image

Thank you!!! Nice article!! Works perfectly!

eybel profile image
Abel Simon

I have a doubt. If I only run "docker-compose up prod" I dont have a '/dist' folder by then so why would you use "COPY --from=development /app/dist ./dist" ? Why dont we have a RUN npm build in the production target? If these are like 2 different images, why are depending on development dist folder, or the whole process takes place when built? Im somehow confused there

ygrek09396626 profile image

Hi, nice article. One important note: in the production stage of Dockerfile there should not be a COPY . . command. On prod we just need to start the app from the dist folder and having all sources in the image is at least not necessary.

dsky profile image

One a day I shown NestJS to Angular team and they built MVP and production ready beta in a couple weeks like they always knew how to cook a great API.

GraphQL, tests and docs out of the box. Great tool 👍🏼

erezhod profile image
Erez Hod

NestJS is golden for Angular developers who want/need to go Full-Stack. The syntax and workflow is so similar, which makes it seamless to move between the two. Great choice and recommendation 👍👍👍

truezombie profile image
Oleg Ovcharenko • Edited

Hi Erez Hod. Nice article. Could you please explain how better works with node_modules in your configuration? I mean we have no node_modules with this configuration. But we need it for vscode for (development process linter, prettier, etc), and also what I need to do if I need to install an additional npm package?

Do we need to install node_modules also through npm install (by locally) for vscode (development process linter, prettier, etc)? And for installation of additional node_module, we need to stop docker-compose, install additional node_module and after that run docker like docker-compose up --build -V for rebuilding node_modules in our volume. Is it correct?

vjnvisakh profile image
Visakh Vijayan

nice read. How to add a postgres db to start along with nestjs app out of the box

codefalcon95 profile image

Hello, i tried this example and the prod version didnt start up always giving Error: Cannot find module '/usr/src/app/dist/main'.

erezhod profile image
Erez Hod

Hi 🙂
How is your docker-compose.yml defined? also, does your app run using npm run start:prod without Docker?

aliweb profile image

Thank you.

what about the deployment?
I am new to nestjs. Would you please explain what to do next to make it fully work on the server?

ahmedyounes profile image
Ahmed Younes

service refers to undefined network nestjs-network: invalid compose project