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My review of the Responsive Web Design Certificate from Free Code Camp

My background going into this certification:

  • Codecademy JS, Python, C++
  • Built Python and JS tutorial projects
  • Spent considerable time on algorithm problem solving
  • Basic HTML CSS knowledge

The Free Code Camp certificates consist of two sections:

Knowledge Section


In this section, you will learn all sorts of syntax. From simple to complicated, you will push through a long list of tasks to test out HTML and CSS. None of these are too complicated, and if you need help there are plenty of resources provided by free code camp. It is easy to get discouraged by this part if you are a beginner. DON'T LET IT. There is a lot of knowledge to take in. It takes time. If you feel like you don't completely understand a topic, feel free to move on and double back at the end.

This section is all about getting the fundamental knowledge to take the first steps in building your own basic HTML/CSS site. The real learning comes when you have to build something. You can memorize all this syntax for as long as you want, but if you don't put it to use in a real-life website it won't stick in your brain.

Project Section


To me, this is where all the magic happens. Being forced to put all the new syntax you learned to good use really reinforces this stuff in your brain. It starts to become muscle memory. When you don't know something, you go look it up. The act of looking it up, utilizing the method, and seeing the change on your webpage is a powerful way to learn. You will get a variety of different websites to build. You will build a tribute page, survey form, product landing page, technical documentation page, and a personal portfolio page.

In order to pass, you need to meet the 10-15 specifications laid out by Free Code Camp. After completing them, I suggest that you pick out which projects you want to put in your portfolio. Go spend the extra time polishing those projects. For me, I spend a ton of extra time making the personal portfolio page perfect. I plan on using this page to show potential employers down the line. I will only be using this page to showcase my HTML/CSS skills. The rest of the projects I want to showcase will be from the next certificates in FCC.


If you want to learn how to code and get a job, this is your competitive advantage. Set your intentions early. Be persistent. When you struggle, don't beat yourself up. Utilize those opportunities to rest and reset. Learn from your mistakes. Repeat.

You WILL run into hurdles. You WILL be frustrated. You might even want to QUIT. In these times, you need to have a strong mindset to fall back on.
Prepare yourself before you start. Make peace with the fact that this won't be easy. Embrace the challenge and don't give up. The formula is simple:

Learn to Code or Get a Job = Time + Consistency + Mindset

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