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Blade components
Blade components are a subset of blade template that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated PHP and HTML.
For example you may want to create a navbar to be used in many of your application pages. So you build your navbar as a component and can reused the component wherever you want.
When created, component can be call with same syntax as any html tag:
Class based component
Class based component is compose of a php file that encapsulate component logic and a template file.
To create a class based component you can use the Artisan command make:component
php artisan make:component Alert
This command will create two files:
The Alert.php file is a class that inherits from Component
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
class Alert extends Component
public function __construct()
public function render()
return view('components.alert');
the alert.blade.php template file is an empty container:
Let's do an example. The final goal will be to display a alert message and style that message base on the alert type (error or success)
When the component will be created you can call your new component by using the x-name syntax:
<x-alert type="error" :message="$message"/>
The x- is a convention that tell Laravel to render the specified component name.
The ":" prefix in :message tell Laravel that the content of the props will be bind to a php expression/variables.
When you append the x- before the component name, Laravel know where to look to find your component.
:type and :message are data pass to the component
You can retreived those value in the component class file:
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
class Alert extends Component
public $type;
public $message;
public function __construct($type, $message)
$this->type = $type;
$this->message = $message;
public function render()
return view('components.alert');
Inside your component template, you may display the contents of your component's public variables by echoing the variables by name:
<div class="alert alert-{{ $type }}">
{{ $message }}
Component Attributes
Sometimes you may need to specify additional HTML attributes, such as class that are not part of your component data.
<x-alert type="error" :message="$message" class="mt-4"/>
If you want to pass these additional attributes down to the root element of the component template you can use the $attributes variable.
<div {{ $attributes }}>
That will render to:
<div class="mt-4">
If a class attribute already exist in your div you can use $attributes->merge to merge both together.
<div {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'alert alert-'.$type]) }}>
{{ $message }}
That will render to:
<div class="alert alert-error mt-4">
You will often need to pass additional content to your component via "slots". Component slots are rendered by echoing the $slot variable.
You can pass content to the component:
This is a alert
The slot content can now be use anywhere inside our component template:
<div class="alert alert-danger">
{{ $slot }}
You can pass multiple content (slot) by naming those:
<x-slot name="title">This is a alert</x-slot>
<x-slot name="sub">This is a sub message</x-slot>
Those name slots contents can be use anywhere inside our component template:
{{ $title }}
{{ $sub }}
That's it for today. Tomorrow the journey continue, if you want to learn more about component, read Laravel Official documentation:
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Follow me!: Follow @EricTheCoder_
Top comments (5)
That was a wholesome experience reading this article. Specially, I was reading the Laravel Blade Template's docs and got stuck at the Components part. So for more lucidity, I googled and found this article!
Thank You @ericchapman 🦄
This article is better than the docs since the docs provided me with
syntax which just won't work for no reason and didn't tell me why wouldn't it work and what other variants I have (name="slotName"
)This is an EXCELLENT article - indicates all the necessary hiddne bits to know about components. Thankyou!
Thanks for the article,
By the way, I suggest to use Grammarly plugin, it will help with the grammar - :)
hey, i have question, how to forward jquery or global variabel to the component?