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Eric The Coder
Eric The Coder

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My beloved PHP cheat sheet

Follow me!: Follow @EricTheCoder_

Here is my cheat sheet I created along my learning journey. If you have any recommendations (addition/subtraction) let me know.

PHP local server
php -S localhost:3000
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// one line comment

This is a multiple-lines comment block
that spans over multiple

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Naming conventions

// PHP opening/closing tag
  echo "Hello World";
// if no closing tag the rest of the file will be considered PHP

// Short syntax for PHP echo
<?= "Hello World" ?>

//Enable strict typing (first line of your PHP file)
<? declare(strict_types=1);

// Include a PHP file
require 'app/Product.php'

// Create a namespace
namespace App;

// Use a namespace
use App\Product;

$firstName = 'Mike'  // camelCase
function updateProduct() // camelCase
class ProductItem // StudlyCaps
const ACCESS_KEY = '123abc'; // all upper case with underscore separators

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Output & Input

echo 'Hello World';

// Debug output

// Input from console
$name = readline('What is your name : ');

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Variables Declaration

$name = 'Mike'; //string
$isActive = true; //boolean
$number = 25; //integer
$amount = 99.95; //float
$fruits = ['orange', 'apple', 'banana'] //array
const MAX_USERS = 50; //constant
define('MAX_USERS', 50); //constant

// Assign 'by reference' with the & keyword
$name_2 = &$name_1

// Type conversion
$age = (int)readline('Your age: ');
echo 'Your age is' . (string)$age;

echo gettype($age); // int

echo is_int($age) // true
echo is_float(12.5) // true
echo is_string($name) // true

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// String can use single quote
$name = 'Mike'
// or double quote
$name = "Mike"

// Double quote string can escape characters \n = new line  \t = tab  \\ = backslash
echo "Hello Mike\nHello David";

// Double quote string can do interpolation
echo "Hello $name";

// string concat
echo 'Hello ' . $name;

// string length
echo strlen($name);

// Remove space(s) before and after
echo trim($text)

// Convert to lowercase / uppercase
echo strtolower($email);
echo strtoupper($name);

// Converts the first character to uppercase
echo ucfirst($name);  // 'Mike' 

// Replace text a by text b in $text
echo str_replace('a', 'b', $text);

// String Contains (PHP 8)
echo str_contains($name, 'ke')  # true

// Find numeric position of first occurrence 
$pos = strpos($name, 'k'); # 2

// Returns portion of string (offset / length)
echo substr($name, 0, $pos); # Mi 

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// Shortcut addition assignment
$value = 10
$value++ // 11
// or
$value += 1 // 11

// Shortcut subtraction assignment
$value = 10
$value-- // 9
// or
$value -= 1 // 9

// Check if numeric
echo is_numeric('59.99'); # true

// Round a number
echo round(0.80);  // returns 1

// Round a number with precision
echo round(1.49356, 2));  // returns 1.49

// Random number 
echo(rand(10, 100)); # 89
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// If / elseif / else
if ($condition == 10) {
    echo 'condition 10'
} elseif  ($condition == 5) {
    echo 'condition 5'
} else {
    echo 'all other conditions'

// And condition = &&
if ($condition === 10 && $condition2 === 5) {
    echo '10 and 5'

// Or condition = ||
if ($condition === 10 || $condition2 === 5) {
    echo '10 or 5'

// One line 
if ($isActive) return true;

// Null check
if (is_null($name)) {
    do something...

//Comparaison operation
== // equal no type check
=== // equal with type check
!= //not equal
|| //or
&& //and
> //greater than
< //less than

// Ternary operator (true : false)
echo $isValid ? 'user valid' : 'user not valid';

//Null Coalesce Operator
echo $name ?? 'Mike';  //output 'Mike' if $name is null

//Null Coalesce Assignment
$name ??= 'Mike';

// Null Safe Operator (PHP 8) will return null if one ? is null
echo $user?->profile?->activate();

// Null Safe + Null Coalesce (if null will return 'No user profile')
echo $user?->profile?->activate() ?? 'Not applicable';

//Spaceship operator return -1 0 1
$names = ['Mike', 'Paul', 'John']
usort($names, function($a, $b) {
    return $a <=> $b;
// ['John', 'Mike', 'Paul']

// Return false when convert as boolean
false, 0, 0.0, null, unset, '0', '', []

// Compare same variable with multiple values
switch ($color) {
    case 'red':
        echo 'The color is red';
    case 'yellow':
        echo 'The color is yellow';
    case 'red':
        echo 'The color is red';
        echo 'The color is unknown';

// Match Expression (PHP 8)
$type = match($color) {
    'red' => 'danger',
    'yellow', 'orange' => 'warning',
    'green' => 'success',
    default => 'Unknown'

// Check if variable declare
isset($color['red']);  # true

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Loops and Iterations

//for loop
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
    echo "i value = " . i;

//while loop
$number = 1;
while ($number < 10) {
    echo 'value : ' . $number ;
    $number += 1;

//do while
$number = 1;
do {
    echo 'value : ' . $number ;
    $number += 1;
} while ($number < 10);

// foreach with break / continue exemple
$values = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
foreach ($values as $value) {
    if ($value === 'two') {
        break; // exit loop
    } elseif ($value === 'three') {
        continue; // next loop iteration
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//Array declaration can contain any types
$example = ['Mike', 50.2, true, ['10', '20'];

//Array declaration
$names = ['Mike', 'Peter', 'Shawn', 'John'];

// Direct access to a specific element
$name[1] //output Peter

// How to access an array in an array
$example[3][1] // 20

//add a element to an array
$names[] = 'Micheal';

// Array merge
$array3 = array_merge($array1, $array2);

// Array Concat with Spread Operator
$names = ['Mike', 'Peter', 'Paul'];
$people = ['John', ...$names]; // ['John', 'Mike', 'Peter', 'Paul']

//Remove array entry:

//Array to string
echo implode(', ', $names) //output Mike, Shawn, John, Micheal

// String to Array
echo explode(',', $text); // ['Mike', 'Shawn', 'John']

//loop for each array entry
foreach($names as $name) { 
   echo 'Hello ' . $name;

// Number of items in a Array
echo count($names);  

//Associative array declaration (key => value):
$person = ['age' => 45, 'genre' => 'men'];

//Add to ass. array:
$person['name'] = 'Mike';

//loop ass. array key => value: 
foreach($names as $key => $value) { 
   echo $key . ' : ' . $value

// Check if a specific key exist
echo array_key_exists('age', $person);

// Return keys
echo array_keys($person); // ['age', 'genre']

// Return values
echo array_values($person) // [45, 'men']

//Array filter (return a filtered array)
$filteredPeople = array_filter($people, function ($person) {
    return $names->active;

// Array map (return transform array):
$onlyNames = array_map(function($person) {
    return ['name' => $person->name];
}, $people)

# Search associative array
$items = [
        ['id' => '100', 'name' => 'product 1'],
        ['id' => '200', 'name' => 'product 2'],
        ['id' => '300', 'name' => 'product 3'],
        ['id' => '400', 'name' => 'product 4'],

# search all value in the 'name' column
$found_key = array_search('product 3', array_column($items, 'name'));
# return 2

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//function declararion
function name($firstName, $lastName = 'defaultvalue') {
    return "$firstName $lastName"

//function call
name('Mike', 'Taylor');

//function call with named parameters (PHP 8)
name(firstName: 'Mike', lastName: 'Taylor'); // order can change

//function variables params
function name(...$params) {
    return $params[0] .   . params[1];

// Closure function
Route::get('/', function () {
     return view('welcome');

// Arrow functions
Route::get('/', fn () => view('welcome');

// Typed parameter and typed return
function display(string $first, string $last) : string {
    return "$first $last";

// Typed or null
function display(?string $name) {

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// Get the current dir
$current_dir = __DIR__;

// Check if file exist
if (file_exists('/posts/first.txt')) {
  do some stuff

// Read file content into one variable
$post = file_get_contents($file);

//File read
$file = fopen("test.txt", "r");

//Output lines until EOF is reached
while(! feof($file)) {
  $line = fgets($file);
  echo $line. "<br>";

// File write
$file = fopen('export.csv', 'a');
$array = ['name' => 'Mike', 'age' => 45];

//Write key name as csv header
fputcsv($file, array_keys($array[0]));

//Write lines (format as csv)
foreach ($array as $row) {
    fputcsv($file, $row); 
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//Throw Error
if (someCondition) {
    throw new Exception('Data format error');

//Catch the Error
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
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//class declaration
class Person 

// object instantiation
$person = new Person

//class properties and constructor
class Person 
   protected $firstName;
   protected $lastName;
   public function __construct($firstName, $lastName) {
        $this->firstName = $firstName;
        $this->lastName = $lastName

// Constructor Property Promotion (PHP 8)
class Person 
    public function __construct(protected $firstName, protected $lastName) 


// Getter and Setter
class Person
    private $name;

    public function setName($name){
            throw new Exception('$name must be a string!');
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;

//static constructor
public static function create(...$params) {
    return new self($params)
$person = Person::create(Mike, Taylor);

// Static Method
class greeting {
  public static function welcome() {
    echo "Hello World!";

// Call static method

// Static method call
class greeting {
  public static function welcome() {
    echo "Hello World!";

  public function __construct() {
new greeting();

// Static constant
class Connection
  const MAX_USER = 100;
echo Connection::MAX_USER # 100

// class inheritance
class Customer extends Person
    public function name()
        echo 'Override method';  

// self keyword reference current class (not modify by inheritance late binding like static will be)

// Interface
interface Animal {
  public function makeSound();

class Cat implements Animal {
  public function makeSound() {
    echo "Meow";
$animal = new Cat();

//Trait (mix-in)
trait HelloWorld {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo 'Hello World!';

class Greetings {
    use HelloWorld;
$object = new Greetings();
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Follow me!: Follow @EricTheCoder_

Qodo Takeover

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Top comments (13)

anthonygushu profile image
Anthony Gushu

More of a style thing, but for booleans I try to give them a verb name like:

  • isActive
  • isDefined
  • hasName
  • hasColor

which I’ve found makes my code read more semantically when the variables are used in conditional statements and loops

turkindm profile image
Dmitry Turkin

Oh come on, where is PHP8 features?

ericchapman profile image
Eric The Coder

Good point. Will add those later today.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

//Naming convention
$first_name = 'Mike'. // all lower case with underscore separators
function updateProduct() // camelCase
class ProductItem // StudlyCaps
const ACCESS_KEY = '123abc'; // all upper case with underscore separators

echo 'Hello World';

//variable declaration
$name = 'Mike'; //string
$isActive = true; //boolean
$number = 25; //integer
$amount = 99.95; //float
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You seem to introduce a naming convention of camel case for var names, then immediately contradict it with $isActive?

ericchapman profile image
Eric The Coder

Good point :-)

bawa_geek profile image
Lakh Bawa

Pretty good work, I am not sure, if it's only me, I must have used "while and do-while loop" no more than 2-3 times in the last 4 years

drbyte profile image
Chris Brown • Edited

Nice list. Note: In at least 2 cases you use __construc where it should be __construct

ericchapman profile image
Eric The Coder

Good catch. Corrected.

ellisgl profile image

I need to benchmark it again, but ++$i is a micro optimizion you can use on your for loops. IIRC, do..while is another micro optimization you replace your while loops with, if you can guarantee at least one iteration.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That is great! I recently wrote a similar PHP guide here.

kosoko_daniel profile image

Wow this is great. Weldone

costincca profile image
Constantin Coșoiu

Very very useful and concise. Do you have it as a 1 or 2 pages PDF?

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Qodo Takeover

Introducing Qodo Gen 1.0: Transform Your Workflow with Agentic AI

Rather than just generating snippets, our agents understand your entire project context, can make decisions, use tools, and carry out tasks autonomously.

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