An easy way to detect if we are at the last element of a python vector
First, we will create a function that will return a generator using the yield keyword.
from typing import Union, Set, List, Tuple, Any
Vectors = Union[Tuple, List, Set]
def lookthelast(items: Vectors) -> Tuple[Any, bool]:
lenght_items = len(items)
for index, value in enumerate(items):
if index == (lenght_items - 1):
yield value, True; break
yield value, False
you can do this directly in your use case, but if we encapsulate this, we improve readability. it only imports the function and we avoid rewriting this code every loop.
An use case example:
numbers = ["one", "two", "three"]
for value, is_the_last in lookthelast(numbers):
if is_the_last:
print("this is the last element -> " + value)
👉 execute this example here
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