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Discussion on: Vim: from foe to friend in 9 minutes

evaldobento profile image
Evaldo Bento

Long time Vi/Vim/Neovim user here. 8+ years to be more precise.

I guess I was at every step of a Vim user already, from the fanboy to the it's just a tool person.

Some things are really amazing about this "simple" text editor. I'm still learning it even after so many years, there is always something new to learn and to improve one's workflow.

I would say the worst thing about Vim and it's steep learning curve is that it leaves out some many people... And the ones who are "allowed" into the club usually become such fanboys that is even hard to make critics to the editor. Been there, done that.

Nowadays I just try to be open about it and if people want to start I tell them to find a good reason, like feeling more productive, and not something like "feeling like a Hollywood hacker".

And then, to finish: How do you know someone is a Vim user? Don't worry, they will tell you :-)

omerxx profile image
Omer Hamerman

I guess it can't be put better than that :)