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Evanderson Vasconcelos de Souza
Evanderson Vasconcelos de Souza

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Simple configuration Babel + Node

Hello, I'm Evanderson, this is my second post and this I will you go to teach how to configure the Babel + Node in a simple way, let's go!

πŸš€ First step:

  • Initialize your papckage.json
yarn init -y


npm init -y

πŸ“‚ Install devDependecies:

yarn add babel-cli babel-preset-env nodemon rimraf -D


npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env nodemon rimraf

πŸ“„ Create file .babelrc in root path:

  • Insert the code:
  "presets": [
    ["env", {
      "node": "current"

πŸ“„ Create three scripts in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "nodemon -w src --exec \"babel-node src --presets env\"",
  "build": "rimraf build && babel src -s -D -d build --presets env",
    "start": "node build"

obs ⚠: In your project you should have a folder src and a file index.js into the folder, if not, you should configure the package.json in accord with your directories.

πŸ’» It's already done:

  • With this simple configuration, you can use import/export and several actualities of the syntax

if did you like, comment and share ok? bye!

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