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Is Python slow in comparison to use cases of other languages?

A variety of studies have indicated that Python is slower than other commonly used programming languages, including Java and C++. Instead of enhancing code execution speed, many programmers substitute the default runtime of Python with a custom runtime.

To improve the performance and speed of the application, some developers also rewrite existing Python code. But the usage statistics posted on different websites show that Python is more successful than PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, and Go at the moment. There are also a number of reasons why, considering it being so slow, developers prefer Python to many other programming languages.

Why is it so popular?

  1. Concise and Readable Application Code

  2. Multiple Popular Programming Paradigms

  3. High-Level Programming Language

  4. No Code Recompilation

  5. Rapid Application Prototyping

  6. A Robust Standard Library

  7. A Variety of Frameworks and Tools

  8. Build Complex Applications

  9. A Component of LAMP Stack

  10. Test-Driven Development

  11. Reduce Project Overheads

  12. Python is highly flexible

In terms of benchmarks and efficiency, Python might be slow in comparison to C/C++, but its processors and computers are as solid as ever in terms of computing power and the performance gap from C/C++ won't matter that much. Python, however, is a high-level programming language that is often used around the world. It mainly has more in-built functions that can decrease a programmer's effort.

As compared to some other languages, the code lines are much shorter. It is commonly used to solve mathematical problems, which is why it is used in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Python has better precision and is more productive to use. That's why more people are trying to get pythons for a better future.

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