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Help with VSCode "Bracket Pair Colorizer" extension!(SOLVED)

I am using VSCode and i already have configured some settings for the extension, and it works fine in my CSS file.
But it doesn't work in my HTML file. Do i have to tweak or add something?

Top comments (3)

f0rsakenc0der profile image

Got it, in case someone needs it.

"bracketPairColorizer.consecutivePairColors": [
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
son20121987 profile image

? how?

fredsheehan profile image
Fred Sheehan • Edited

Depends on whether your on Mac, Linux or Windows as to where exactly this file will be located, and you will need to have hidden files showing to find it too, but what your looking for;

your user/documents directory, inside this you should find a 'hidden' folder, '.vscode'

inside this is another folder, 'extensions'

in the extensions folder, look for the colorize brackets folder by its name;

' coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-1.0.61 '

inside that folder is a ' package.json ' file.

Open that in vscode, and scroll down to the line;


and copy/paste that code above between the [ ], brackets