DEV Community

Syed Faateh Sultan Kazmi
Syed Faateh Sultan Kazmi

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My Unique Project - Github Graph Magician

Here is an exciting new update! πŸ˜€

The GitHub Contribution Graph

All those folks using GitHub, know that there is a Contribution Graph in GitHub that represent the statistics of the user's contributions over the past year in a Graphical Design so that it colors the date of contribution. That's cool, right?

So, what I have developed?

GitHub Graph Magician

Ever wanted to design your contribution graph yourself? That sounds pretty awesome 😎. I have developed a unique tool, that you can use to design any pattern on your GitHub Contribution Graph, without knowing any technicalities behind the curtain!

Here is a quick walkthrough about how to use this tool

  1. First, install Node JS on your PC as per your operating system.
  2. Go to GitHub Graph Magician (developed by me 😁)
  3. Follow the instruction mentioned on the website Alt Text
  4. and SEE THE MAGIC HAPPEN! 😍😍😍

P.S.: This website works on screens greater than 695px. This means that you won't be able to use it on your mobile phones (also not intended for πŸ˜‚)

Remember me in your prayers!

Allah Hafiz!

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