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Mellisa Falbo
Mellisa Falbo

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How to Find Paid Blogging Work

Blogging can be a lot of fun. It can also be quite lucrative. In fact, some college students are paying their way through school by blogging for others. You can get in on this fascinating career. How to make money online, Here are six ways to find paid blogging work .

Create Your Own Blog

It’s important to have a body of work to show potential employers. If you want to blog for pay, the first step is to create your own web presence. Create a blog on something you’re passionate about. Add to your blog on a regular basis. Make sure your content is compelling and valuable. Also include a page on your blog that markets your blogging services.

Get Active on the Blogosphere

In addition to creating your own blog, comment on other blogs you find interesting. Get involved in the blogging industry. Connect with other bloggers. Comment and engage. If there is a particular blog you’d love to blog for, get involved on it. Make your mark. Engage lively discussions and get the owner’s attention.


Connect with blog owners in your areas of interest. Let them know you admire their blog. Offer your services. Be sure, in your query, to include a link to your own blog so they can review your writing style. If you’ve been active on their blog, chances are they already know who you are and have taken note.

Guest Blog

While guest blogging is generally not a paid writing gig, it’s a way to garner more attention and credibility. Offer guest blogging services to a few friends and associates. Consider swapping posts. Have them guest blog on your blog as well.

Visit Freelance Job Sites

There are paid blogging opportunities on freelance job sites. They’re very competitive. However, with a notable blog, good samples and a compelling application you can get the job. There are many blogging opportunities on freelance job sites so be patient. If you don’t get the first position, keep trying. Once you get your foot in the door with a blog owner, you can show your stuff.


Last, but certainly not least, networking pays off. Connect with others both online and off. Let people know you’re a writer. Let them know you’re looking for blogging work. Being in the right place at the right time pays off. You may land the blogging job of your dreams.

Blogging for pay is an ideal lifestyle. While you’re searching for paid blogging work, stay active, and engaged online. Blog, comment, and interact. Your dream blogging opportunity is just around the corner.

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