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Fathiraz Arthuro
Fathiraz Arthuro

Posted on β€’ Edited on


My First Time Contributing to Homebrew: Adding Windsurf IDE

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Hi developers! Today I want to share my journey about contributing to Homebrew. I want to add Windsurf IDE to community. It was very fun journey and I did learn many new things!

What is Homebrew and Why You Need It? 🍻

Before I'm going to tell you about my journey, let me explain first about Homebrew! And no worry, it not real beer - which is good since I'm try to be a good Muslim and only brew code, not alcohol 🀣


Me brewing code, not beer - the only brewing that halal

People call Homebrew "The Missing Package Manager for macOS". It's kind of like magic helper that install software for you. For me as Muslim developer, this is only brew that make me happy (and stay halal of course πŸ™) Instead of manual download and install software and check a regular updates, Homebrew do everything with one command:

brew install your-favorite-software
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Why Ruby? πŸ’Ž


Ruby: Make package manager simple since 2009

Maybe you questioning why Homebrew use Ruby language. Well, in my opinion here is several good reasons:

  1. Easy to Read: Ruby code very simple to understand
  2. Already in macOS: Ruby is exist on every Mac
  3. Good for Making Rules: Ruby good for making special commands
  4. Many People Use: Ruby have big community

How I Start This Journey πŸš€

It's all begin when I find Windsurf from this youtube video Windsurf IDE: NEW AI Editor - Cursor Alternative That's FREE & LOCAL!, they call it "The first agentic IDE". From the windsurf website, it said: "The Windsurf Editor is where the work of developers and AI truly flow together, allowing for a coding experience that feels like literal magic."

Mind Blown GIF

My face when first time use Windsurf AI

After I tried it for several times, I think "Woah, wouldn't it will be nice if people can install this easy with Homebrew! since it's not officially supported by the Windsurf team". That's mark my journey of contribution to Homebrew started!

Step 1: Finding the Download URLs Like Detective πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Attempt, first challenge: i am downloading right from the Windsurf website, i have to find the download URL, Windsurf supports both of Arm Mac and Intel Mac architecture. I found a nice google chrome extension called "OpenAPI DevTools" to help me for the first task. The extensions is here, it's really nice extension (very helpful tool!) that make it easy for me to get the API request, response and make it to OpenAPI spec. The first task done in less than 3 minutes!

Drink GIF

Pov OpenAPI DevTools user

The Windsurf IDE have two different URL for different Mac:

  • For Arm archictecture Mac:
  • For Intel archictecture Mac:

What API Give Back πŸ“¦

When we request to that API endpoint, it will give back this kind of JSON data:

  "url": "<sha-commit>/Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg",
  "name": "<version>",
  "version": "<sha-commit>",
  "productVersion": "<version>",
  "hash": "<hash>",
  "timestamp": <timestamp>,
  "sha256hash": "<sha256-hash>",
  "supportsFastUpdate": true,
  "windsurfVersion": "<version>"
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Step 2: Make the Homebrew Formula 🍼

Have no idea GIF

Me try to make Homebrew magic

Next step, I have to create a Homebrew formula. I don't know where to start, but the homebrew team created a really good documentation to help me through the process. I read Homebrew documentation - wow, so detail and deep! I also read The Formula Cookbook also very complete, it takes more than 20 minutes to read all of it, and I think i'm ready to start coding! As i want to add Windsurf as a cask, I need to know how to make cask. I read Cask cookbook - so very detail and deep!

Here is the Important Parts in Cask πŸ“š

To make good cask, we need:

  1. Version and SHA256: For make sure app download is safe
  2. Support Different Mac: For Arm and Intel Mac
  3. Download URL: Where to get the app
  4. Install Rules: Where to put files
  5. Clean Up: How to remove app clean

Step 3: My Code and Terminal Adventure πŸ’»

Let me tell you about my command line journey! First, I try simple way:

brew install windsurf
==> Tapping homebrew/core
Cloning into '/opt/homebrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2341771, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6918/6918), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2701/2701), done.
remote: Total 2341771 (delta 4955), reused 6008 (delta 4217), pack-reused 2334853 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (2341771/2341771), 839.11 MiB | 4.46 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1704571/1704571), done.
Tapped 4 commands and 7224 formulae (7,565 files, 1GB).
Warning: No available formula with the name "windsurf".
==> Searching for similarly named formulae and casks...
Error: No formulae or casks found for windsurf.
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First Try Fail GIF

When Homebrew say "not found"

Of course Homebrew cannot find it - because I not make it yet! The homebrew team make things simpler to just using brew create command. Here is the command of creating a cask package:

brew create --cask<sha-commit>/Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
Cask name [Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>]: windsurf
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-d
############################################################################################################################ 100.0%
Please run `brew audit --cask --new windsurf` before submitting, thanks.
Editing /opt/homebrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/w/windsurf.rb
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Make sure you add --cask before the URL, also don't forget to empty some space because it will clone the big repository of homebrew-cask (it is about 400 MB in total) also with downloading the application. The command also opening your default editor to edit the cask file.

Here my code for Windsurf:

cask "windsurf" do
  arch arm: "darwin-arm64", intel: "darwin-x64"
  version "<version>,<sha-commit>"
  sha256 arm: "<sha256-hash-arm>",
         intel: "<sha256-hash-intel>"

  url "{arch}/stable/#{version.csv.second}/Windsurf-#{version.csv.first}.dmg"
  # more code here
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After finished the code, I try to install it, first run to test the code didn't going well:

brew install --build-from-source windsurf
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-<version>
curl: (56) The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                   

Error: Download failed on Cask 'windsurf' with message: Download failed:<sha-commit>/Windsurf-<version>.dmg
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Error GIF

404 Error: what!?

I'm checking the error message, it said "The requested URL returned error: 404". It means the download URL is wrong. I fix some things and try to edit the code, it will open the editor again. I change the download URL to the correct one:

brew edit --cask windsurf
Editing /opt/homebrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/w/windsurf.rb
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After I edit the code, I run brew install --build-from-source windsurf again, Alhamdulillah, it work! But still need more check...

brew install --build-from-source windsurf -f
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-d
Already downloaded: /Users/fathiraz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/<hash>--Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
==> Installing Cask windsurf
==> Moving App '' to '/Applications/'
🍺  windsurf was successfully installed!
Warning: No available formula with the name "windsurf".
==> Searching for similarly named formulae and casks...
==> Casks
windscribe                                                        windsurf βœ”

To install windscribe, run:
  brew install --cask windscribe
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Check Everything Strictly like a Detective 😎

Now most difficult part - the audit:

brew audit --strict --new --online windsurf
==> Downloading and extracting artifacts
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-d
Already downloaded: /Users/fathiraz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/<hash>--Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-d
Already downloaded: /Users/fathiraz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/<hash>--Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
audit for windsurf: failed
 - The URL's domain does not match the homepage domain, a 'verified' parameter has to be added to the 'url' stanza. See
 - Upstream defined :catalina as the minimum OS version but the cask declared :big_sur
  * The URL's domain does not match the homepage domain, a 'verified' parameter has to be added to the 'url' stanza. See
  * Upstream defined :catalina as the minimum OS version but the cask declared :big_sur
Error: 2 problems in 1 cask detected.
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Debugging GIF

Me want to fix problems one by one with dance

I Need to fix many things as informed by the audit, it is:

  1. URL domain does not match homepage
  2. macOS version need update, it should be Catalina or later, but the cask declare Big Sur

Try to Fix the Code πŸ”§

I fixed the code, and try to running audit command again:

brew audit --strict --new --online windsurf
==> Downloading and extracting artifacts
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
Already downloaded: /Users/fathiraz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/<hash>--Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
==> Downloading<sha-commit>/Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
Already downloaded: /Users/fathiraz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/<hash>--Windsurf-darwin-arm64-<version>.dmg
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Make Code Look Nice ✨

Last step, make code look good by using brew style command:

brew style --fix windsurf
Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/w/windsurf.rb:29:14: C: [Corrected] Cask/ArrayAlphabetization: The array elements should be ordered alphabetically
  zap trash: [ ...
Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/w/windsurf.rb:36:5: C: [Corrected] Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: Put a comma after the last item of a multiline array.
Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/w/windsurf.rb:38:4: C: [Corrected] Layout/TrailingEmptyLines: Final newline missing.

1 file inspected, 3 offenses detected, 3 offenses corrected
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Fix the syntax error and trailing comma, try to running the style command again:

brew style --fix windsurf
1 file inspected, no offenses detected
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Success GIF

Finally success

Step 4: Send Pull Request Time πŸ–₯️

With bismillah, I click "Submit" on my pull request. Masyaallah, what journey!

windsurf 1.0.5 (new cask) #193585

Important: Do not tick a checkbox if you haven’t performed its action. Honesty is indispensable for a smooth review process.

In the following questions <cask> is the token of the cask you're submitting.

After making any changes to a cask, existing or new, verify:

Additionally, if adding a new cask:

  • [x] Named the cask according to the token reference.
  • [x] Checked the cask was not already refused (add your cask's name to the end of the search field).
  • [x] brew audit --cask --new <cask> worked successfully.
  • [x] HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --cask <cask> worked successfully.
  • [x] brew uninstall --cask <cask> worked successfully.

Clear GIF

My brain try process all Homebrew docs

You know what crazy? I spend almost 1 hour just to learn how everything work. First, i have to be a detective to find Windsurf download URLs. Then read many Homebrew docs!

While I learn and try make good contribution, I see my PR keep saying - "Update Branch" because many people already merged their PR by the maintainer. In short time, maybe 12 PR already merged, what a busy repository!

Sport GIF

Me: "Almost ready!" Homebrew: "Done, merged 3 PR more!"

What I Learn from This? 🧠

Applause GIF

Every day chance for learn!

  1. Technical Things:

    • How the Homebrew formula work
    • How good documentation of the Homebrew
    • How to create Homebrew formula for cask
  2. Good Practice:

    • Test everything
    • Follow rules strict
  3. Soft Skills:

    • Read documentation patient
    • Keep spirit in process

Tips for New Contributors

  1. Read Docs First: Seriously, Homebrew docs very good
  2. Test Local: Use brew audit and brew style before submit
  3. Be Patient: Review process strict because it has reason

What Next? πŸš€

This experience make me more motivated to contribute to open source. Amazing think my small contribution can help other developers install Windsurf easy. Now looking for next project to contribute!

Future Ideas

  1. Add more tools to Homebrew
  2. Contribute to other project

Remember: every big journey start from first step. Wanna contribute? Just do it! Community welcome you with open arms.

Resources for Start πŸ“š

You ever contribute to open source? How your first time? Share your story in comments!


Thank you for reading! Now go brew something cool!

UPDATE: Great News, PR Merged! πŸŽ‰

Alhamdulillah, I have amazing update! My pull request has been merged into Homebrew! Now anyone can install Windsurf IDE easily using Homebrew. You can check the official formula page here: Windsurf on Homebrew.

To install Windsurf, just run:

brew install --cask windsurf
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API Trace View

How I Cut 22.3 Seconds Off an API Call with Sentry

Struggling with slow API calls? Dan Mindru walks through how he used Sentry's new Trace View feature to shave off 22.3 seconds from an API call.

Get a practical walkthrough of how to identify bottlenecks, split tasks into multiple parallel tasks, identify slow AI model calls, and more.

Read more β†’

Top comments (2)

spacewalk_alex profile image
Alexander Thomson β€’

Great job, and thank you for your contribution to Homebrew! Since each cask requires a hash to ensure the package is safe, doesn't that mean you're going to have to update the formula whenever Codeium updates Windsurf IDE?

I'd bet there is a nice way to automate this. Maybe you can make that the next step in your journey! :-) just a suggestion.

Anyway. Thanks again.

fathiraz_arthuro profile image
Fathiraz Arthuro β€’ β€’ Edited

Thank you so much for your kind words and insightful suggestion, Alex!

I've implemented the livecheck feature in the cask to monitor upstream updates automatically. This should help keep the Windsurf IDE formula up-to-date without manual intervention. If you have any further suggestions or feedback, I'd love to hear them!

By the way, are you one of the Homebrew maintainers? :-)

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