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Filip Białek
Filip Białek

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JavaScript: private fields proposal

JavaScript — as a language — grows larger every year. It shouldn’t be surprising that the process of introducing new features to JS can cause a lot of turmoil. Programmers usually held strong opinions about their tools so it’s rather expected that any change to JS spec will be discussed relentlessly by developers. However, some of the changes proposed by TC39 Committee (body responsible for EcmaScript standard) arouse more resistance than others. A proposal that recently caused a lot of negative reactions was class fields proposal that — among others — tries to add to the language private class fields.

The current form of the candidate is a result of combining two earlier proposals — viz. one introducing public fields and another proposing private class fields. Consequently, the proposal allows us to declare class fields inside the class body but outside constructor function and — besides — it introduces two kinds of class fields — public (properties) and private.

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