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Fernando Catacora
Fernando Catacora

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10 Suggestions for CPAs to enter into AWS World

This post is not about Kubernetes, CLI, EC2, VPCs and many many services or functionalities you as a CPA can learn from AWS Cloud. I have been using AWS technology and services and for me as a CPA and it has been just an amazing journey of non-stop learning. Like in accounting we use debits and credits all the services are based on hardware and software and the binary language for computers. As CPAs we know debits and credits are the fresh air, we breadth every day in our daily journey, it would be helpful to initiate a second career in learning technology and AWS is the best way to start, so here are my top 10 suggestions after being two years as an AWS Community Builder:

1. Open an account with AWS: well, this seems obvious but not all colleagues hear this first step the way should be. For the experts from this community, I am pretty sure this first suggestion is too basic, but you have to open your account in order to move forward. Just the benefits you get for one year are enough to try it.

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2. Don't get scared with the number of services AWS can offer you: As of the moment I write this blog, AWS has more than 250 services. One of the facts impressed me is the number of services available from AWS. All services are like lego or a puzzle pieces where you can build whatever you want and bring live your ideas with the application of all these technologies. Although they are too many to mention in this post, I will recommend the ones you have to try it and learn the basics:

  • Route 53: in plain English this service will help you to administer a DNS system. For example, if you want to setup a dedicated server for mail services, this is the AWS service that will help you to configure the proper records. If you want to point a domain to a specific IP address, Route 53 is the service that will do that for you and of course you can buy your own domain using Route 53.

  • EC2: There is too much information on the internet about EC2 however I just want to share with you that is similar to the server your accounting application is running in-house, but the offering is huge meaning you can reserve a cheap server or a very very expensive one. There is practically no limit on the technical specifications for EC2 servers. You as a CPA may not be the one administering the server, however acquiring a basic expertise is mandatory these days. At the end of the day all business applications are running on servers, in this case virtual servers such as EC2.

  • Lightsail: If you do not want to go over the EC2 step by step configuration, lightsail is the one for you. You can launch and manage virtual servers with lightsail and I will leave to you to discover it.

  • AWS Managed Grafana: CPAs are professionals that deal with numbers, however more and more every day we need to switch to a more graphical approach to detect anomalies from data and Grafana is one of the best services that can help you out to visualize not just financial data but also operational figures. You don't have to go over complicated configurations because this is a managed service.

  • Amazon Quicksight: if you want to use a powerful BI/Analytical tool this is the service you may want to try it as a CPA. This can read pretty much any source of data and transform your data and create powerful visualizations, so you have to deep into the details for this amazing application.

  • S3: in plain English S3 is one of the most if not the most popular service for object storage. You have plenty of choices, is not expensive and is always available. S3 should be used instead of your shared drive and some SAAS apps use S3 for storage service.

  • VPC: This is for the professionals in networking field, however you need to learn the basics, Why? simple, every single EC2 will need to be attached to a VPC, look a VPC like your local network in your company nothing else, each computer connected to your LAN.

  • AWS Audit Manager: If you are a CPA in the field of technology beyond the financials, this is a service you need to explore. With AWS Audit Manager you can continuously audit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance.

  • IAM: There is no doubt IAM, Identity Access Management should be one of your favorites basically because as a CPA our minds are trained to implement internal controls and IAM can deploy all different permissions to create, approve and authorize access to different layers of your organizations and the services related each user can run individually.

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3. Debits and Credits are similar to 0s and 1s: It is absolutely correct, the binary language which is used by computers are similar to our debits and credits. It is not a coincidence that the language of business is a combination of accounting theory supported by the binary language from computers. Why this is so relevant? It is because the more you understand the binary logic the better your understanding will be in matters such as IPs, DNSs, local IP address, IPV4, IPV6, etc.

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4. Start installing some SAAS applications: there are many business applications you can install as SAAS. This means you pay for what you use both hardware and software. I will provide you just two suggestions:

  • ODOO: This is an opensource ERP.
  • Alfresco: This is an ECM with many features that can be used to store all business documentation for your company.

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5. Study, read and repeat the cycle: Don't expect you will learn everything in one day. Your brain can only process little pieces of information, so do not assume you will learn everything in one hour. Give some time to your brain to accommodate the pace of acquiring new information.

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6. AWS Cloud is similar to the number of applications available to CPAs: Think about all the applications as a CPA you have at your disposition: ERPs, CRMs, ECMs, Fixed Assets apps, EPM apps, ETL Software and many more. It is the same for AWS services with just one difference: all AWS services are new for you however is up to you to learn about them.

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7. Use the free layer AWS offers you in the first year: Yes, is true, AWS offers you a free layer of services. As long as you are learning and testing this is an advantage you may not want to miss it. You don't need to spend money for learning, is your decision to learn and the free layer is enough to try different services.

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8. As you are going through your learning journey take notes: is ok you have your own study preferences, however, make notes, jot down all acronyms, terms, words that are new for you. There is too much to learn and your memory need some training, so the best way is to take notes, that way your hand is connected with your brain.

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9. Try as much labs as you can: Theory without practice is just useless, you will not grasp the foundations without practicing and working with labs. There are many resources, and the best advice is to go through AWS documentation which is just amazing. You will find all answers in AWS documentation. If you want to practice, Youtube is a good choice but discover yourself all free resources others are sharing for the community.

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10. Start now: Finally like every special or important event in your life, set a date to start, otherwise your learning curve will be impossible to tackle.

Good luck in your journey !!

Fernando Catacora Carpio, AWS Community Builder Founder,
Social Professional Network for CPA Spanish speakers.

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