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Cover image for osm-edge: Using access control policies to access services with the service mesh
Ali Naqvi for Flomesh

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osm-edge: Using access control policies to access services with the service mesh

Deploying a service mesh in a complex brownfield environment is a lengthy and gradual process requiring upfront planning, or there may exist use cases where you have a specific set of services that either aren't yet ready for migration or for some reason can not be migrated to service mesh.

This blog post will talk about the approaches which can be used to enable services outside of the service mesh to communicate with services within the osm-edge service mesh.

osm-edge forked from Open Service Mesh is a lightweight, extensible, cloud-native, SMI-compatible service mesh built purposely for Edge computing. osm-edge uses lightweight programmable proxy Pipy as a sidecar proxy.

Accessing services within service mesh

osm-edge offers two ways to allow accessing services within the service mesh:

  • via Ingress
    • FSM Ingress controller
    • Nginx Ingress controller
  • Access Control
    • Service
    • IPRange

The first method to access the services in the service mesh is via Ingress controller, and treat the services outside the mesh as the services inside the cluster. The advantage of this approach is that the setup is simple and straightforward and the disadvantages are also apparent, as you cannot achieve fine-grained access control, and all services outside the mesh can access services within the mesh.

This article will focus on the second approach, which allows support for fine-grained access control on who can access services within the service mesh. This feature is newly added and available in release 1.2.0 osm-edge v1.2.0.

Access Control can be configured via two resource types: Service and IP range. In terms of data transmission, it supports plaintext transmission and mTLS-encrypted traffic.

Let's get started with a demo.

Demo environment preparation

Kubernetes cluster

Using the minimalist Kubernetes distribution k8e:

curl -sfL | K8E_TOKEN=k8e-mesh INSTALL_K8E_EXEC="server --cluster-init --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 --write-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config" sh -
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osm-edge CLI

system=$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -L${release}/osm-edge-${release}-${system}-${arch}.tar.gz | tar -vxzf -
./${system}-${arch}/osm version
cp ./${system}-${arch}/osm /usr/local/bin/
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Install osm-edge

Execute the following commands to install the related components of osm-edge.

export osm_namespace=osm-system
export osm_mesh_name=osm

osm install \
     --mesh-name "$osm_mesh_name" \
     --osm-namespace "$osm_namespace" \
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Check to make sure all pods are up and running properly.

Deploy the sample application

#Mock target service
kubectl create namespace httpbin
osm namespace add httpbin
kubectl apply -n httpbin -f

#Mock external service
kubectl create namespace curl
kubectl apply -n curl -f

#Wait for the dependent POD to start normally
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n httpbin -l app=httpbin --timeout=180s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n curl -l app=curl --timeout=180s
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At this point, we send a request from service curl to target service httpbin by executing the following command.

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{}')" -n curl -- curl -sI http://httpbin.httpbin:14001/get
command terminated with exit code 56
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The access fails because by default the services outside the mesh cannot access the services inside the mesh and we need to apply an access control policy.

Before applying the policy, you need to enable the access control feature, which is disabled by default.

kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n "$osm_namespace" -p '{"spec":{"featureFlags":{"enableAccessControlPolicy":true}}}' --type= merge
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Plaintext transfer

Data can be transferred in plaintext or with two-way TLS encryption. Plaintext transfer is relatively simple, so let's demonstrate the plaintext transfer scenario first.

Service-based access control

First, create a Service for service curl.

kubectl apply -n curl -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: curl
    app: curl
    service: curl
    - name: http
      port: 80
    app: curl
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Next, create an access control policy with the source Service curl and the target service httpbin.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AccessControl
  name: httpbin
  namespace: httpbin
  - name: httpbin
      number: 14001 # targetPort of httpbin service
      protocol: http
  - kind: Service
    namespace: curl
    name: curl
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Execute the command again to send the authentication request, and you can see that this time an HTTP 200 response is received.

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{}')" -n curl -- curl -sI http://httpbin.httpbin:14001/get
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 08:47:55 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 267
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
osm-stats-namespace: httpbin
osm-stats-kind: Deployment
osm-stats-name: httpbin
osm-stats-pod: httpbin-69dc7d545c-qphrh
connection: keep-alive
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Before continuing with the rest of the demonstration, execute the command kubectl delete accesscontrol httpbin -n httpbin to delete the policy you just created.

IP range-based access control, plaintext transfer

First, get the pod IP address of the service curl.

curl_pod_ip="$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.podIP}')"
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Access control using IP ranges is simple, just set the access source type to IPRange and configure the IP address you just obtained.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AccessControl
  name: httpbin
  namespace: httpbin
  - name: httpbin
      number: 14001 # targetPort of httpbin service
      protocol: http
  - kind: IPRange
    name: ${curl_pod_ip}/32
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Execute the command again to test if the control policy is in effect.

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{}')" -n curl -- curl -sI http://httpbin.httpbin:14001/get
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 09:20:57 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 267
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
osm-stats-namespace: httpbin
osm-stats-kind: Deployment
osm-stats-name: httpbin
osm-stats-pod: httpbin-69dc7d545c-qphrh
connection: keep-alive
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Remember to execute kubectl delete accesscontrol httpbin -n httpbin to clean up the policy.

The previous ones we used were plaintext transfers, next we look at encrypted transfers.

Encrypted transfers

The default access policy certificate feature is off, turn it on by executing the following command.

kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n "$osm_namespace" -p '{"spec":{"featureFlags":{"enableAccessCertPolicy":true}}}' --type=merge
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Create AccessCert for the access source to assign a certificate for data encryption. The controller will store the certificate information in Secret curl-mtls-secret under the namespace curl, and here also assign SAN curl.curl.cluster.local for the access source.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AccessCert
  name: curl-mtls-cert
  namespace: httpbin
  - curl.curl.cluster.local
    name: curl-mtls-secret
    namespace: curl
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Redeploy curl and mount the system-assigned Secret to the pod.

kubectl apply -n curl -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: curl
  replicas: 1
      app: curl
        app: curl
      serviceAccountName: curl
      nodeSelector: linux
      - image: curlimages/curl
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: curl
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
        - name: curl-mtls-secret
          mountPath: "/certs"
          readOnly: true
        - name: curl-mtls-secret
            secretName: curl-mtls-secret
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Service-based Access Control

The next step is to create an access control policy that uses encrypted transport. When configuring the target service, enable client certificate checking by specifying tls.skipClientCertValidation = false. For the access source, in addition to the Service type of access source, the SAN curl.curl.cluster.local should be specified via AuthenticatedPrincipal.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AccessControl
  name: httpbin
  namespace: httpbin
  - name: httpbin
      number: 14001 # targetPort of httpbin service
      protocol: http
      skipClientCertValidation: false
  - kind: Service
    namespace: curl
    name: curl
  - kind: AuthenticatedPrincipal
    name: curl.curl.cluster.local
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Test whether the access policy is effective. When sending the request, we have to specify the CA certificate, key and certificate to be used for the curl command of the access source, which will be responded to by HTTP 200 normally.

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{}')" -n curl -- curl -ksI https://httpbin.httpbin:14001/get --cacert /certs/ca.crt --key /certs/tls.key --cert /certs/tls.crt
HTTP/2 200
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 10:44:05 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 267
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
osm-stats-namespace: httpbin
osm-stats-kind: Deployment
osm-stats-name: httpbin
osm-stats-pod: httpbin-69dc7d545c-qphrh
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IP Range-Based Access Control

After service-based access control, IP range-based control is simple. You just need to specify the type of access source as IPRange and specify the IP address of the access source. As the application curl is redeployed, its IP address needs to be retrieved (perhaps you have discovered the drawbacks of IP range-based access control).

curl_pod_ip="$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.podIP}')"
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kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AccessControl
  name: httpbin
  namespace: httpbin
  - name: httpbin
      number: 14001 # targetPort of httpbin service
      protocol: http
      skipClientCertValidation: false
  - kind: IPRange
    name: ${curl_pod_ip}/32
  - kind: AuthenticatedPrincipal
    name: curl.curl.cluster.local
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Send the request again for testing.

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{}')" -n curl -- curl -ksI https://httpbin.httpbin:14001/get --cacert /certs/ca.crt --key /certs/tls.key --cert /certs/tls.crt
HTTP/2 200
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 10:58:55 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 267
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
osm-stats-namespace: httpbin
osm-stats-kind: Deployment
osm-stats-name: httpbin
osm-stats-pod: httpbin-69dc7d545c-qphrh
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Bingo! The access is successful, indicating that our policy has taken effect


This blog post will talk about the approaches which can be used to enable services outside of the service mesh to communicate with services within the osm-edge service mesh. There may exist use cases where you have a specific set of services that aren't yet ready for migration to service mesh or for some reason can't be migrated yet.

The access control approaches presented in this article are suitable for solving such problems, and allow you to choose the appropriate type of access source and whether to transfer data in plaintext or encrypted, depending on your needs. The control is more granular than using a unified Ingress for access.

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