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Launching FlowTestAI - IDE for API first Workflows, Integrations and Automations

Hi my name is Sajal Jain and I am the author of opensource IDE FlowTestAI.

APIs never work in silos, they always work in collaboration with other APIs. Take any app or website in this world, users always achieve their final outcome after a couple of clicks if not atleast 2 clicks.

Understanding how each API interacts with other APIs is a very important aspect of a product development. Backend folks write end to end tests to test these very aspects. Frontend folks need to know how backend APIs work to optimally design the UI. Product managers may need to understand how current feature works without understanding the code.

Online tools like postman, insomnia lets you test individual APIs but does not allow you to seamlessly explore how different set of APIs work together. Also these tools have become so bloated lately and does not let you do anything basic without signing up. Using such online tools is also a no go for a lot of companies who don't want to expose their private APIs or protect their auth credentials.

FlowTestAI is a local first IDE that runs entirely in your local environment and helps your build language agnostic API workflows. An API workflow is nothing but a set of APIs chained together one after another with logical nodes. This protects privacy at it's core because all your security credentials and your in-development/private APIs are not exposed to the outside world.

Use Cases

  • Backend folks can draw out end to end tests in a language agnostic manner.
  • Frontend folks can draw out API workflows in the tool to understand how backend works and optimize the UI.
  • One can build automations and run them periodically using our CLI. For instance, a workflow that daily gets top 10 customer support tickets from zendesk and posts them in a slack channel.

We are also proud of our "using LLMs to interact with APIs feature". Using our tool, once can describe their workflow in plain language and our tool will translate that into a runnable API driven workflow. We are the first one to build something like this in production and were recently featured in one of LangChain blog

Image description

You can try our tool here by visiting our github page. All honest feedbacks and constructive discussions are welcomed. Let us know if you found the tool helpful and it will be enough to put a smile on our face.

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