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Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D for Flutter FYI

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Flutter: Learning Resources for Beginners

Updated: July 22, 2020
It's been over two years since I posted this and Flutter has evolved hugely since. I hope to be cleaning up this post and restarting some learning and sharing with on Flutter in August. You can also follow @flutterfyi for updates then. Thanks for the ♥️ Learning is a joy and this community is 🔥

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a mobile UI technology & SDK from Google that enables you to build native apps for multiple platforms (Android & iOS) from a single codebase written in Dart. The current release is at Beta v3 and considered production ready.

Update: June 20, 2018 The Flutter team just announced Release Preview 1 which indicates we have now begun the sprint to the official v1.0 release

Where can I learn more?

This is a living document that I plan to keep up to date with new and updated resources for learning.

Read this first! Smashing Magazine had an excellent Flutter intro posted today (Jun 21) from Mike Bluestein. It is now my go-to article to share with anyone who asks "What is Flutter?". Go read it!

There are many ways to get started. Here are a few that I think are valuable:

  1. Getting Started. Start here. The Flutter team put together a great guide for getting your development environment set up. Plus, a simple tutorial to get you familiar with the basic concepts.

  2. Flutter Codelabs. If your learning style favors coding-over-concepts, then start here. There are 9 codelabs available from GoogleIO (May 2018) that cover an introduction to Dart, Writing your First Flutter App with 2 parts, Using Material Components for Flutter with 4 parts, and Integrating Firebase. Each of these comes with starter code that lets you jump straight into understanding specific features with code.

  3. Flutter Course @Udacity. If you're someone who likes to understand how things work under the hood, or want to get a better grasp on the concepts before diving into codelabs, this is for you. Currently a 2-part course from the Flutter team, covering The Flutter Framework and Building Interactive Apps, with more content expected soon. Check out the related GitHub Repos for the course.

  4. Flutter By Google: Videos. A YouTube playlist curated by the Flutter team, with videos from #IO18 and from Flutter Developer Advocates. Worth subscribing to.

  5. Flutter Weekly is a community-curated newsletter that is a quick way to catch up on articles and tutorials posted by the community. See past archived issues or subscribe here.

  6. FlutterDevs List is a Twitter list I maintain of Flutter fans including folks on the Flutter team at Google, and Flutter experts from the community. Also check out the list of Google Developer Experts, Flutter. I also hugely advocate following Nilay Yener from the Flutter team, who oversees community outreach.

  7. Awesome-Flutter is an awesome GitHub repo that contains updated listings of numerous Flutter resources for self-guided exploration, including articles, components and open-source projects.

  8. Flutter Examples is one of the best sources to understand how to think in Flutter. Most developers learn by deconstructing then remixing working examples and Flutter is no exception. While this repo contains examples from the Flutter team (including the Flagship Flutter Gallery app), you can also check out open source community apps for another set of perspectives.

  9. Flutter FYI. Shameless Plug #1. I recently set up this site to share articles and insights from my own exploration of Flutter. I also hope to go back and post sketch-notes from various talks that I've attended. My goal is to share structured (collections) and unstructured (posts) where the former will be used to periodically collect the latter into useful learning paths that help provide coverage of specific topics.

  10. Flutter on Reddit. This is actually a good repository of key videos, articles and more.

  11. Flutter Utils. This is for listing apps, tools or libraries that help you become more productive with Flutter. First amongst these is the FlutterStudio a great app to mockup and implement a view. I'm also maintaining a Flutter By Example Twitter moments collection gathering references to apps, code examples and best practices from Flutter authors everywhere. Next, Brian Egan's Flutter Samples has great examples for architectural design of Flutter apps (e.g., from state management, testing & evolution perspectives) - watch his 2018 DartConf talk for context.

  12. Flutter Cookbook. Nice collection of recipes to solve frequently-encountered problems or needs, in a Flutter environment. Maintained on the official Flutter docs site which is awesome!

Flutter By Community

I'll be using this section to highlight YouTube video creators/playlists & Flutter blogs that are worth subscribing to, on Flutter development. There are a lot of resources coming online every day, so moved this to its own sub-section. Also adding a new section focused on presentations - this is specifically to share speaker decks (with permission) that others can use to jumpstart talks/awareness in their communities.


  1. Guru Meditation - blog by Thomas Burkhart who brings Xamarin expertise to Flutter.
  2. Iiro Krankka's Blog from GDE liro Krankka who brings Android and Kotlin expertise to Flutter. (this site was previously Flutter Rocks).
  3. Flutter Samples - blog by Brian Egan and others, with great insights into architecture patterns for Flutter app development
  4. Noteworthy / Flutter - blog by Burhanuddin Rashid with Flutter insights for Android developers


  1. Flutter Challenges - videos that walk through building a full/complex UI or feature for a challenge.
  2. Coding With Flutter - videos from Andrea Bizzo who brings iOS expertise to Flutter.
  3. MTechViral - 70+ video tutorials from Pawan Kumar GDE for Flutter with Android expertise.
  4. Dart/Flutter Tutorials - from the folks behind the Tensor Programming Blog

Presentations (Slides)

  1. Flutter is now in beta: an introduction - by Pascal Welsh a Google Developer Expert in Flutter
  2. Building Beautiful Apps with Google Flutter - by the awesome Ahmed Abu Eldahab, community and #FlutterBus organizer!
  3. Flutter, Then Fly - from me, at WindyCity DevFest in Jan, when Flutter was in alpha. Some things changed, but core is still valuable.

Repositories (Code Samples, Apps)

  1. Pawan Kumar
  2. Bhavik Makwana
  3. Flutter Flakes

Anything else I need to know?

Shameless Plug #2. I run the Google Developer Group, New York City and have been a huge fan of Flutter. I ran a Flutter workshop at IWD NYC 2018 and a Flutter study session at our I/O Extended event in early June. And I'll be doing a deep-dive on Flutter at OSCON in July.

Image Credit: GoogleIO

We're currently planning the first Flutter Camp, an all-day immersive learning workshop for beginners. If you live in the greater NYC area, do join GDG NYC and sign up on this form to get notified when registration opens for the event. I suggest you mention Dev.To in the comments section for context.

We only have a few spots left to fill. It's beginner friendly and I would love to see equal representation so I encourage you to sign up!

Get 'appy with Flutter today!

Latest comments (27)

sanjai profile image

where can i learn the latest firebase for flutter .can any one suggest me a youtube channel ...

saurabhaswal009 profile image
saurabh singh aswal

Hello everyone I am new in here and so excited to be the part of this dev world. i am atrected here because the good coding stuff, friendly community, healping each others in coding, learn somthings new.
I am a Flutter Developer and created a lots of apps and placed in playstore now i am work in my Personal Project so all the community member please help me if i am stuck in some conditions and i am also available for your help also.

please check out my website and if you give some feedback so i am so happy -->>

Thank's and please connected ❤️❤️❤️

nazmulislamrony profile image
Md Nazmul Islam

Thank you for the sharing important information. You can also follow the Flutter Android & iOS App Development Service. They provide useful information to learn flutter very easily.

pablonax profile image
Pablo Discobar

Helpful article! Thanks! If you are interested in this, you can also look at my article about Flutter templates. I made it easier for you and compared the free and paid Flutter templates. I'm sure you'll find something useful there, too. -

kamal_bunkar profile image
kamal bunkar

thanks nitya for amazing article. it is really very helpful for beginners. You can add some more values by including some topic like how to release flutter app on apple store and Flutter stateless vs statefull widget .
by the way thanks you. I like your article and have shared it on facebook.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Thanks so much - this is actually older now but I hope to revisit in July and start a new series that updates this with resources and guides for Flutter v2.2 onwards so keep an eye out.

And yes absolutely - those are great topics.

techguy profile image

Free eBook Flutter Succinctly

leandrit_ferizi profile image
Leandrit Ferizi

Thank you for this compilation :)

marketsense profile image

Where is the best place to find solid Flutter Developers?

tushar16992 profile image
tushar16992 • Edited

This is great learning and I would like to suggest best flutter tutorials to be added in this collection.

kris profile image

These are some great resources to learn about the flutter and dart programming. Thanks for this resourceful article. Blogs, videos, reports, learning links, and whatnot. Simply a great article to find all the resources required to be an able flutter developer. Likewise, there are lots of flutter templates in the market that offer real-world mobile solutions minimizing time, effort, and cost spent on development. These templates are also a great learning resource for beginners. A source of motivation in terms of design and functionalities.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Love the flutter templates resource - thanks for sharing!

There has been a lot of updates in the Flutter community since I first wrote this article - but I hope to overhaul the article and publish more content post October under the @flutterfyi organization here as well! It's a great time for mobile development~

yassine_dev profile image
Yassine BENNKHAY • Edited

Just I want to say thank you a lot for these useful resources I really appreciate this work. thanks again for sharing :)

libsdeveloper profile image
Developer Libs

We can learn Flutter and dart same place with some good working example here developerlibs and working templates Flutter Arsenal

core2duo12 profile image

Thank you so much Nitya, this is very valuable especially for starter on this Flutter journey !!

manishappdeveloper profile image

Informative article Nitya. Thank you!!!

rohanprasadofficial profile image
Rohan Prasad
