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Discussion on: I front-end and hate CSS. Here's how I deal with it

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Thank you for pitching in with an opinion Olivier!

Knowing that element tags are elements and className attributes are css class names, I find it much easier to create a cognitive separation and less of hassle to know which is what.
Personally, I respectfully disagree. I do understand the reasons for this opinion and I also half-expect this to be the norm - it's just I think I'm wired differently in some sense. I tried using class names and separate style sheets but found it much more difficult to work with. But I do realize that my structure is flawed in so many different ways(as people have kindly pointed out in the comments), I am going to fix this for the better and try a different approach.

this is more about people who like XML versus people who like HTML structure
I hadn't thought about it this way. Thank you for widening my perspective on the matter! :)

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