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Daniel McCrady for Foci Solutions

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Increasing Velocity the Right Way and the Wrong Way

We love agile development at Foci Solutions. One of our main offerings is to coach clients on how to use agile to deliver quality products to their customers. Along this journey we often get asked the question "How do we increase velocity". This question is complex and often times misunderstood.

Velocity is a metric that is critically important, and yet can be fairly arbitrary. What I mean by that is velocity is used to drive priority decisions, estimate the time a feature will take, and is used to measure the business value that a team is delivering. At the same time velocity will be different for every team, has a variance of uncertainty built into it, and can take multiple sprints for velocity to even have a use.

Its critical then to understand what velocity is and be aware of how velocity can move. describes velocity as:

an indication of the average amount of Product Backlog turned into an Increment of product during a Sprint by a Scrum Team, tracked by the Development Team for use within the Scrum Team. There is no such thing as a Good Velocity or a Bad Velocity. Remember, it is based on relative estimations

What this means is that velocity is a number used by the development team to track how much value they are delivering to the client. What is important to take from this is that it's tracked by the development team, for the scrum team. This means that the development team has sole responsibility to how the velocity moves inside the team.

As a manager or product owner if you only care about raising velocity at any and all costs developers will achieve this in the following ways

  1. Developers can begin to sand bag estimates during backlog grooming. What used to be a 2 point story is now an 8 point story.
  2. Developers start to cut corners. Maybe their unit tests aren't as robust, There error handling doesn't handle as many errors, Or they don't consider edge cases as much.
  3. Developers start to work longer hours, take less breaks, and eventually burn out.

All of these scenarios cause a bump in velocity, however the outcomes of these scenarios are often disastrous. By sand bagging estimates, developers stop feeling like their input matters, no extra value is actually being delivered with the increased velocity which makes the metric significantly less useful. If the developers begin to cut corners it will become hard to know when software is ready, increase the bug rate, increase technical debt, and make software more expensive to deliver. Worst of all if developers start to work longer hours then the velocity bump is truly temporary. The velocity will drop as developers stop having as much passion for the code they develop and the work slowly takes a toll on their mental state. This continues until inevitably the developer crashes and decides to look beyond the company to change jobs.

So how do we responsibly increase velocity without incurring negative side effects? We can find a great example of this inside of UPS. An optimization occurred at UPS where they recalculated all of their trucks routes to eliminate as many left hand turns as possible. The effects of this decision were staggering. It's estimated that this decision saved UPS over 100 million gallons of fuel every year. This kind of decision is the true way to increase velocity, by looking into the way we deliver value and doing it differently. We need to find things that can be done to increase velocity and at the same time increase value to customers now and forever. We can do this

  • Through automation
  • Through process optimization
  • Through planning
  • Through collaboration

We can spend some velocity now to increase velocity tomorrow by working to automate work developers are doing on a regular basis. Add more automation to CI/CD pipelines so developers can spend less time completing Pull Requests. Look to automate complex deployments so that a developer doesn't need to do it. Automate complicated testing plans so the a QA team can spend their time elsewhere.

Look to the process and find ways to reduce the process burden on the peoples time. This is going to vary widely based on the process you and your team has, however burdensome processes like Change Review Boards, Approval Gates, and long drawn out testing phases are often good places to look. This doesn't mean you need to make deployments riskier, however your team may need to introduce different tools, look to automation, or think outside the box to make the process less restrictive in delivering value.

Often times agile software development is often tied to doing now and thinking as we go. Taking time to come up with a solid short term plan can help in finding blockers earlier, and ensuring that the team is on the same page.

Everyone needs to come to the table and be willing to change how they work today in order to find velocity. Product Owners, QA, Managers, and even executives should be available for these discussions. Collaboration is critical to finding the largest velocity gains.

I'm sure there are other areas in your company that velocity can be found as well. Just ensure that the change is long lasting and real. Make sure the you are gaining velocity the right way.

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