DEV Community

Discussion on: Which editor/IDE do you use and why?

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Forest Hoffman

I've used quite a few editors over the years and I'd say that I enjoy using Sublime Text 3 for the vast majority of my work. I'm a web developer, so my projects are PHP and JavaScript based. Therefore, I don't need a bulky IDE with a compiler.

Sublime's performance and options for customization has me hooked. I've been using it for a year or two now, so I have my workflow ironed out now. All the tricks and shortcuts feel intuitive and effortless. Among others, packages like Origami (achieving functionality similar to GNU's screen command) and GitGutter (git diff indicators in each file's gutter) make development much more enjoyable.

I tried Atom back when it was first ramping up and the experience was similar, but not on par with Sublime.

For compiled languages, I'd say that Visual Studio is fairly solid. I used it extensively for a C++ asteroids clone (using SFML) and wasn't burned by the experience. For any future work of that kind, I think I would use Visual Studio.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to say that I use nano for headless server work, would I be allowed to keep my developer card? Hypothetically, of course...