How to build an MVP? If you're interested in the MVP creation process, in this video you will find everything you wanted to know (but were afraid to ask).
🟣 Does every startup need MVP?
🟣 How do we define and build MVP at Frontend House at Liki? What does the process of creation look like?
🟣 What information about my product I have to deliver to developers to start the process of MVP creation?
🟣 Do we need a large team to develop an MVP? What team members play a crucial role at this step?
🟣 What are the biggest challenges while building an MVP?
🟣 What is the next step after creating an MVP and collecting the feedback?
🟣 Have you ever met a situation when you have too much feedback and what has to be implemented?
🟣 What are the most popular clients’ mistakes?
Enjoy the video, hope you will find it useful 🙂
You can also read the article at Frontend House
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