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Books That Helped Me Become a Tech Lead

Frank Rosner on December 20, 2023

Why Books? When developing my skills, I like to use a combination of conference talks, video tutorials, books, papers, blog posts, learn...
tensorprogramming profile image

This is a pretty good list. Some of these are metatextual and could be read regardless of the field you are involved with.

Here are some programming specific must reads to supplement your list. All of these are relevant regardless of skill or experience: The Mythical Man-Month, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (the dragon book), The Pragmatic Programmer, and Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). I could probably name off at least 10 more, but these are a the tippy top of the books I consider to be must reads.

The main takeaway from The Mythical man month is that throwing more people at a problem is almost always going to be counter productive; it teaches you value of time and planning (I'm generalizing here). This is the book that I point to when an investor or higher up causes some issues due to time crunch and its saved a few projects that I've been on.

The dragon book is worth reading even though it's somewhat dated because it's a compiler bible. Regardless of if you're ever going to work on or build your own compiler, its always useful to understand the basics especially given how ubiquitous they are in our field.

The Pragmatic programmer covers personal responsibility, career development, architectural techniques, and programming by coincidence aka the value of luck. Its a great metatextual read for learning how to approach a project efficiently.

SICP is probably the best programming textbook ever written. (The 2nd edition from 1996 is also free). There is a new edition that was published in 2022 and a JavaScript edition (if you don't want to learn lisp). It's a book that's worth reading regardless of skill; I've reread it at least 5 times over my career. Regardless of how much of an expert you are in the field, it can never hurt to refresh yourself on the basics.

It never hurts to sit down and read a good book even when you might feel overwhelmed.

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Will check them out, thanks for sharing!

icanhazstring profile image
Andreas Frömer

Add one more to the list, which will improve the way to let your peers and yourself grow.

Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Will check it out, thanks for sharing!

proteusiq profile image
Prayson Wilfred Daniel

So much I have to read.

As I moved towards leading role, my book shelf start changing from
software development like, Clean Code - Roberet C. Martin,
and Principles of Package Design - Matthias Noback to Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman, Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow -Manuel Pais and Matthew Skelto

I discovered lots of leadership books that helps me be a servant leader, organise my teams and projects, in fast pace world.

Thank you for sharing your list.

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Yeah same for me!

emmascript profile image
Emma • Edited

The other books that have been recommended to me:

  1. The Manager’s Path (Camille Fournier)
  2. Staff Engineer: Leadership Beyond the Management Track (Will Larson)
  3. Engineering Management for the Rest of Us (Sarah Drasner)

Thank you for sharing!

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Thank you so much for sharing! I will check those out :)

serge4687 profile image

Hello everyone. Which book would you recommend to read first for someone looking into becoming a Lead Engineer? I am already good on the technical side, and I am interested more in non-technical content, which can provide good value in developing leadership skills and habits. The book will not be necessarily theoretical but rather described more from a practical point of view with good explanations, examples and practical advice. I hope this book exists; if not, what would be a good bet for me? :)

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Which books did you read so far? From my point of view, effectively leading others requires you to effectively lead yourself. So you can start with any of the books from my list I guess. They are all useful and practical. Maybe just pick one that resonates with you the most and go from there?

serge4687 profile image

Thanks, will pick one.

greenteaisgreat profile image
Nathan G Bornstein

Looks like some interesting reads in there! Thanks for sharing. Have you heard of "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"? Specifically the JavaScript version is the one I'm thinking of. I haven't read it yet, but I've heard it's considered to be one of the holy grails of computer science reads.

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

Will check it out, thanks for sharing!

ntombizakhona profile image
Ntombizakhona Mabaso

I can't wait to read these books.

arnoldbhebhe profile image

Great list, thank you for sharing!

rahulp3 profile image
Rahul P B

Thanks for sharing!

rumuscug profile image

Good list here, thank you. the Atomic Habits book did well for me when synced with the “Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy.

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

I'll check it out, thanks!

akuoko_konadu profile image
Konadu Akwasi Akuoko

Good stuff, thanks for sharing

lovestaco profile image
Athreya aka Maneshwar

Read Takehiko Harada - Management Lessons from Taiichi Ohno_ What Every Leader Can Learn from the Man who Invented the Toyota Production System you may learn more deeper management skills.

nageswarchedella profile image
Nageswar Chedella

Great list! Thanks for sharing 👍

chill_27 profile image
MIT Chell

Awesome books.

vulwsztyn profile image
Artur Mostowski

Quality post

kevinrawal profile image

Amazing Stuf🔥!!

dancoral profile image
Dan Coral

Awesome 👍

jeffchavez_dev profile image
Jeff Chavez

Love this.

sarfarazunarr profile image
Sarfaraz Unar


martindev2 profile image

Thanks for sharing this! I've come across "Atomic Habits," and it looks great. I'm checking out the other books now 🙂

kirillzm profile image