Hi everyone!
I use this opportunity to showcase one of my most favorite private projects I did while studying electrical engineering. For Christmas, I have decided to build something very special for my girlfriend, so I came up with the idea of a remote controlled LED-Matrix, where I could post messages from my mobile device, which are then displayed by the Matrix.
For the project I have used:
After I soldered everything together things were looking very good, and I was able to control the LED Matrix using this library on GitHub.
I developed a custom script, which shows the actual time and synchronizes via Internet. While there is an active Internet connection the Raspberry Pi connects to a web service and fetches the strings I upload there using my mobile device. So whenever any change in the string occurs the LED Matrix shows it. Also, on special dates, like when we had our first kiss, etc. the Matrix displays a special letter every full hour.
Since pictures say more than a thousand words, here is a short video clip
and some static images :)
Thanks for reading! For any specific questions, feel free to ask.
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