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4 Mistakes Bloggers Make When Building A Website

It is a known fact that anybody can now create websites anywhere and anytime, but there are things that must be considered to become a professional developer and make your website wordclass.
Some make lots of mistakes in their websites unnoticeable by them. Below are the lists of these common mistakes:

1. No Consistent Navigation

This is a common mistake when building and it occurs when visitors visit your website and are not sure of where or how to find the information they need and find it tough to discover your previous content. When links are hard to find, buttons are not visible or are placed in the wrong spot making them inaccessible to the visitor then you would be experiencing a lower bounce rate on your website as visitors won't be able to play around your webpage and would be largely restricted to the landing page. When designing your webpage from scratch there needs to be logic and a lot of common sense in how you organize your website navigation.
As a web owner, you would want your users to be able to find what they need on your page in as few clicks as possible and won't want to stress them when they are seeking or information. The best thing to do is to keep your header, footer, and navigation bar consistent on each page and also have a search bar somewhere on the page so as to assist them, you would also need to make all your pages and post easily accessible to your site visitors

2. A disorganized homepage

When building a website you should pay more attention to the design and layout of your homepage as this is usually the first thing your visitors see on your website. You have to use this opportunity to create a good impression of your website to your visitors and guarantee they would continue to browse it. If you are running an online business and your homepage is looking packed and flashy, your visitors who are potential customers might feel tempted to just walk away. You can actually offer a lot of great content on your website but display them in a simple and organized way. It is also advised that you don't use too much text on your homepage, and if you want to use multiple images, going for a sliding gallery would also be more preferable.

3. Outdated contents:

Everyone loves to be updated frequently even bots. So don't give the impression that you just launched a site and left it there. You have to show the world that you are active. If your site is meant for business people won't bother to get in touch with you if your site seems abandoned and if its a blog or news page it sure does need regular updating. Doing this also affects how your website ranks in search engines. The more recent your contents are, the more often is gets indexed by Google and other search engines so the best thing to do is, keep updating.

4. Launching without testing

It is true that most website builders like give you the power to build your website on your own without the help of a professional, but you still need to crosscheck yourself for broken links, spelling mistakes, alignment issues and other things that you might have overlooked. You would need to go over the entire website by yourself, and it is good to also get another pair of eyes to browse through it and give you their thoughts before launching your webpage.

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