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Cover image for Code Spirited MVP - A P2P Coding Bootcamp Organizer

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Code Spirited MVP - A P2P Coding Bootcamp Organizer

This is a submission for the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge

What We Built

Code Spirited MVP is a platform designed to revolutionize the way coding bootcamps in 🇵🇭 are organized and accessed. It allows users to create and manage custom bootcamps, seek out mentors, and offer their services as freelance instructors at affordable rates. Additionally, it features a marketplace for browsing and discovering various bootcamp programs, making it a comprehensive solution for both learners and educators in the coding community.

Demo and Code

Bootcamp Listing
Image description

Bootcamp Information Page
Image description


To build Code Spirited MVP, We leveraged several key AWS services to ensure a seamless and powerful user experience:

  • Data Management: Utilized AWS Amplify to create curriculum data efficiently.
  • Authentication: Implemented secure user authentication and authorization using AWS Amplify Auth.
  • Serverless Functions: Create a trigger to create a profile record after post confirmation.
  • File Storage: Integrated AWS S3 for storing and retrieving profile pic, providing robust and secure storage solutions.
  • Connected Components: Used Storage Manager to upload the profile pic to the cloud.

Connected Components and/or Feature Full
We used auth functions from AWS Amplify and connected a custom UI following the same UX flow.

Team Member

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