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Cypress How to Configure HTML Reports with Screenshot Step by Step Guide

You might have written thousands of test cases but what makes you proud of it is, when you visualize the test results to stakeholders in an understandable way. There is a lot of articles over the internet to Integrate HTML reports into Cypress but when it comes to screenshot integration it's very difficult and time-consuming. The complexity is more.
In this article, I am presenting you Step by Step guide to integrate HTML results into your Cypress Automation Framework with Screenshots in an easy way.
This article explains Integrating HTML Results or reports with embedded Screenshot using cypress mochawesome reporter

This plugin is built on top of the mocha awesome report just to make life easy, so some of the options available in the mocha awesome reports are available here too.

Let's start
You already have set up a cypress framework with a few test cases running.

Step by Step Guide to Integrate HTML Results with Screenshot into your Cypress Automation Framework using cypress mochawesome reporter

Step 1: Install cypress-mochawesome-reporter

In Visual Studio Code, Navigate to Terminal (Ensure present working directory is your Project root level directory) type below command.

npm i --save-dev cypress-mochawesome-reporter
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Step 2: Add an entry to your cypress.json file.

Open, cypress.json file which is located in your project root directory, add the below entries.

"reporter": "cypress-mochawesome-reporter",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/reports",
    "charts": true,
    "reportPageTitle": "My Test Suite",
    "embeddedScreenshots": true,
    "inlineAssets": true
  "video": false
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Sample Image of Report configuration in cypress.json

Step 3: Add an entry in plugin/index.js

From your Project Root Folder, Navigate to cypress folder > plugin folder> index.js file
Simply, Open theindex.js file located inside the plugin folder. add the below code.

module.exports = (on, config) => {
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Example Screenshot

Step 4: Add an entry in the support/index.js

From the Project root folder > Navigate to cypress folder > support folder> index.js file
Add below entry

import 'cypress-mochawesome-reporter/register';
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Example Screenshot

That's all you are done with Set up!!!

Step 5: Execute your test in the command line

You can use below command to execute your tests in command line

npx cypress run
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Alternatively, you can also run using your package.json config, if you have configured it already.

Step 6: View the result file

The result file is located in the reportDir option value which we mentioned in Step 2. In our example, we have mentioned cypress/reports
So, From your Project Root Directory > Navigate to cypress folder > reports folder > index.html file.

The index.html is your result file, just open in chrome or any browser

Index.html file looks like below.


Step 7: Look for the attached embedded screenshot

The screenshot will be captured for all failed tests, so in order to view the screenshot Just click on Failed Test. The screenshot will appear.
Example Screenshot of Failed Test and embedded screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I disable the Screenshot?
Yes, You can disable screenshots, In the cypress.json file change the below code.
"embeddedScreenshots": false,
2. How can change the default screenshot folder?
You can change the default screenshot folder using the below command

"screenshotsFolder": "images"

Here, images is the folder name you can change it to any valid path like cypress/images, etc.

3. Can I use this plugin with cypress-multi-reporters to configure both Junit and HTML results?
Yes, you can use this plugin to configure multiple reporters.
If you want to configure multiple reports you should use the below code in cypress.json the folder

"reporter": "cypress-multi-reporters",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reporterEnabled": "cypress-mochawesome-reporter, mocha-junit-reporter",
    "mochaJunitReporterReporterOptions": {
      "mochaFile": "cypress/reports/junit/results-[hash].xml"
    "cypressMochawesomeReporterReporterOptions": {
      "charts": true,
      "reportPageTitle": "custom-title"
  "video": false
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4. How to enable inline CSS and styles in mocha awesome HTML reports?
To enable inline styles and a single HTML file (without any assets files) you need to turn on the option

`"inlineAssets": true`
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Hope you enjoyed this…

This article is written with the intention of helping the community

If you need any help, support or guidance feel free to reach me on LinkedIn

Top comments (2)

tejkumar profile image
Tejkumar Kempaiah

Thanks Ganesh, Can you please more insights on merging and generating single html report for the execution.

ganeshsirsi profile image

This article should do everything for you