DEV Community

Top YouTubers Recommended For CodeNewbies

Garvit Motwani on June 23, 2020

Note: This list is my personal reference You can also refer to this list. Hey Guys I am Garvit Motwani and In This Article, I will share my recomm...
diosamuel profile image
diosamuel β€’

Thank you so muchπŸ‘

carnold22265 profile image
Christopher Arnold β€’

thank you Kevin powell on yt was the best css instructor I found. for JS I prefer the complete JavaScript course from 0 to Expert on Udemy. He goes pretty slow and makes sure you understand whats happening behind the code before you move on.

hudderstrom profile image
hudderstrom β€’

Code With Mosh should be in this list.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

I will add him. Thank You

divyakelaskar profile image
Divya Kelaskar β€’

You compiled almost all of my YT channels list πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thank You Divya For The Compliment

abbyhanssen profile image
Abby Hanssen β€’

This is amazing, thank you!

spiritupbro profile image
spiritupbro β€’ β€’ Edited

for me its web developer unpas and sekolah koding but its in indonesian

jinoantony profile image
Jino Antony β€’

Academind also has some good resources. Please check it out.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thank You I will Add Academind

kahn profile image
Karim Hussain β€’

Great ones! My favourites are IAmTimCorey and Andy Sterkowitz πŸ‘