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Revolutionizing Database Interaction: The Power of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

Simplifying Data Fusion: The Magic of ORM

ORM is a technique that maps objects in an object-oriented programming language to data in a relational database.
In other words, ORM allows you to interact with a database using objects, which is more intuitive for object-oriented programmers.

|-- ORM
|   |
|   |-- Database
|-- Application code
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The backend is the layer of software that sits between the ORM and the database. It is responsible for sending requests to the ORM and receiving responses from the ORM. The ORM is the layer of software that maps data between the objects in the application code and the tables in the database. The database is the layer of software that stores the data for the application.

This code snippet showcases how Prisma ORM simplifies database operations:

// Import the Prisma Client library.
import prisma from "@prisma/client";

// Create a new Prisma client object.
const prismaClient = new prisma();

// Create a new user object.
const user = {
  name: "John Doe",
  email: "",

// Save the user to the database.
prismaClient.users.create({ data: user });

// Get all users from the database.
const allUsers = prismaClient.users.findMany();

// Get the user with the id of 10.
const user = prismaClient.users.findOne({ id: 10 });

// Update the user's name. = "Jane Doe";

// Save the user to the database.
  data: user,
  where: { id: },

// Delete the user from the database.
prismaClient.users.delete({ where: { id: } });
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