Hey everyone! A little while ago, I shared that LectureKit got acquired (super exciting!), and I wanted to follow up with how the actual transfer process looked.
Honestly, I had no idea what happens after you sell a SaaS project—but now I do. Turns out, it was way easier than I thought, so I figured I’d share the steps in case it helps anyone else thinking of selling.
Here’s what the handoff looked like:
Code & Documentation:
I pushed the code into a new GitHub repo owned by the dev working for the buyer. That’s it. Simple and clean.
Database (MongoDB):
I invited him to my MongoDB project, gave him admin access, and he transferred the DB to his own account. Once that was done, I removed his access from my project.
Domain Name:
I used NameCheap, and they have a super straightforward domain transfer option. Literally a few clicks.
AWS (S3 Buckets & CloudFront):
This was the trickiest part.
The buyer gave me temporary IAM access to their AWS account.
I created the necessary roles, set up policies on both origin and destination buckets.
Wrote a quick script to copy all the content from my S3 buckets to theirs and applied the right policies for S3 and CloudFront.
Exported all user emails to a CSV file and sent it over for them to upload into their email provider (Resend).
Payments (Paddle):
Just gave them access to my Paddle account for this project.
And now… onto the next adventure 🚀 (Working on 2 more projects)
That’s pretty much it! Honestly, it was smoother than I expected. If anyone’s thinking of selling a SaaS project and has questions, feel free to ask
I'll be happy to help :)
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