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Dealing with objects in javascript

in javascript, we deal with objects a lot for example in reactjs there is no way you can implement react application without knowing how to manipulate objects. Also, there can be a possibility where you can use objects in sorting data from the database. even some styling frameworks use objects
here I am going to show some ways of using and manipulating objects.
we are going to use the example below:
var Fiacre={
'height': 1.75,

To create new field

you may need to add field in object
//another way
console.log('object with added field in Fiacre object:',Fiacre)

to update field

console.log('updated object:',Fiacre)

to read all keys

console.log('object keys:',Object.keys(Fiacre))

to read all values

console.log('object values:',Object.values(Fiacre))

to read one field

console.log('firstname field:{',Object.keys(Fiacre)[0],':',Object.values(Fiacre)[0],'}')

to read one key

console.log('firstname key:{',Object.keys(Fiacre)[0],'}')

to read on value

*console.log('firstname value:{',Object.values(Fiacre)[0],'}')
console.log('forth way to read firstname:{',Fiacre[Object.keys(Fiacre)[0]],'}')

console.log('third way to read firstname value:{',Fiacre['firstname'],'}')
console.log('forth way to read firstname value:{',Fiacre.firstname,'}')*

to delete field

delete Fiacre.favoriteColor;
delete Fiacre['sex'];
console.log('object without favoriteColor and sex:',Fiacre)

delete all values in fields

console.log('empty values in object:',Fiacre)

to delete all field

delete Fiacre[key]
console.log('empty object:',Fiacre)

to sort objects in an array based on certain property

you may need to sort objects in array which has same value for certain property.for example:

let arrayOfObjects=[{
'full name':'Fiacre Giraneza',
'full name':'Pacifique Tuyizere',
'full name':'Clemence Nyiramariza',
'full name':'Celine Mugeni',

const groups = arrayOfObjects.reduce((s, item) => {
const group = s[item.gender] || [];
s[item.gender] = group;
return s;
}, {});
//if you display groups it will come as an object which has arrays inside

thank you Happy coding!!

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