DEV Community

Git Push Guides

Git push is used to tajke local files and upload them to a remote git repo. Learn more in these guides below.

This is a collection of top and trending guides written by the community on subjects related to Git Push concepts. For all things git, check out the git tag! Please contribute more posts like this to help your fellow developer in need.

GitLab: You cannot push commits for 'repo' You can only push commits that were committed with one of your own verified emails

Go to sourceTree and view the last commit again, author and committer name should change, now click push and you are good to go :) Please note that it only works for most recent commit. If you have multiple commits with wrong committer, you may stop reading from here.

Automating git push with just a single bash command

Say you are working on a project or learning something or doing challenge like #100daysofcode and you are only person who is committing files to the github repository. Wouldn't it be great if we could make whole git process automated instead of typing every time same git commands to push file on to github repository.

Webhook to auto-deploy on git push to Github

The trigger-rule in config above will ensure that the script is only triggered when header from Github request contains "X-Hub-Signature" with a secret string and the push has occured in master branch.

How to Fix that Heroku Push Error!

Apparently you were on your PC and had logged into the work account the last time you made a push and now you have created a personal heroku app, most likely a weekend hobby project and yes, you pushed to the office dashboard... Hmmm. Well let's fix that shall we?

GitHub actions: how to push a GitHub status in addition of GitHub checks

The first idea is to add a step at the end of the workflows, which push a status from here.

Something like:

Pare de usar git push --force

Ao reescrever a história da nossa branch, com git rebase, por exemplo, costumamos utilizar o git push --force. Essa opção força o envio das alterações e substitui todas as alterações remotas pela versão local.

Set up a CI pipeline in GitLab to build and push Docker Images from a Git repository

In an agile environment, teams continuously commit their changes to a version control system, these commits include new features, improvisations over old features, and bug fixes in the system. To reflect these changes on the Testing/UAT/Production servers, pipelines are set up that can pull the latest code from the version control system, build the image and push it to the corresponding container registry. Generally, Docker supports pipelining only from GitHub & BitBucket, unfortunately, with GitLab, you need to set up this pipeline from your GitLab repo itself and not from Docker.

Git: push to a new remote branch

It is important to specify <remote> <branch> in every pull and push in the scenario. If not specified, would be default master.

Cherry-Pick Your Teammate's Changes Without Push 'n Pull-ing To Your Repo In IntelliJ

You asked your teammate for help with a piece of code and they showed you the solution in their editor. Now you need to fetch those changes. Usually, this would mean a series of tedious Git commands for both of you (not to mention that the changes will forever grace your git history), but no longer - GitLive allows you to cherry-pick your teammate's changes straight from their local files without having to push and pull to Git.

New GitHub Rules Guide [git push -u origin main]

This post explains very quickly how to push your code to your GitHub repository following the new rules imposed by GitHub.

Git pre-hook: Setup pre-push hook for Gradle project example

There are various Git pre-hooks that are quite helpful for several essential tasks we want to execute before commit or push or rebase etc. Basically, there are various use cases, like running linting before you commit or running unit tests before push or commit.

Git Rebase คอมมิทที่ push ขึ้นไปแล้ว

วิธีง่ายๆ ในการกรุ๊ปรวมคอมมิทหลายๆ ตัวให้เป็นตัวเดียว และยังสามารถทำได้แม้ในกรณีที่เรา push คอมมิทเหล่านั้นขึ้นไปยัง git server เรียบร้อยแล้วด้วย

Create a folder and push multiple files under a single commit through GitHub API

I could not understand how to push multiple files under a single commit, using GitHub API. Some googling landed me on Git Database API Docs. Wasn't very clear how it worked so I tried getting my hands dirty! Documenting it here for anyone who's looking for it.

How to Push a Project to GitHub using terminal

GitHub is the cloud-hosted Git management tool and git is Version Control System as we discussed previously. Github helps us to share and store our code easily. Today we will learn how we can push a project which is stored locally to a remote server or Github.

React Native 프로젝트를 git에 push 하기 전에 할 것

여러 개발자들이 React Native 앱을 함께 개발하고 있다. 개발자 A가 잘 테스트하여 origin에 push 했다. 다른 개발자 B가 fetch 하여 실행해보려고 한다. pod install 을 하니 Cocoapods could not find compatible versions for "Folly" 오류가 발생한다. 그래서, B는 pod repo update 를 하거나 pod update Folly --no-repo-update 를 실행한다. 그랬더니, Podfile.lock 파일이 변경된다.

How to get rid of branch name from git push origin master

We always type git push origin master, while working on feature branch we type git push origin JIRA-1, sometimes the names of the feature branch is not easy then we use git push origin this-branch-will-do-something to push the code over GitHub or any other hosting service. In each case, we are doing redundant work of copy-pasting or typing branch name which is redundant and annoying as you have to remember the branch name exactly or you might end up pushing the code to the wrong branch. This can be handled by just with one command,

Cherry-Pick Your Teammate's Changes Without Push 'n Pull-ing To Your Repo In Android Studio

You asked your teammate for help with a piece of code and they showed you the solution in their editor. Now you need to fetch those changes. Usually, this would mean a series of tedious Git commands for both of you (not to mention that the changes will forever grace your git history), but no longer - GitLive allows you to cherry-pick your teammate's changes straight from their local files without having to push and pull to Git.

[git notes] Fix git push -u The current branch has no upstream branch error

The error bellow happens everytime that I need to push a brand new brach to a remote git server using the command git push -u.

Learn how to push code through GitKraken from scratch

Today we are going to clone this repository in our local folder and then upload a code file in that new folder and push it through GitKraken

Git Push New

When I tell git to push my branch to a remote, it needs to know where. And, if it doesn’t exist, I need to tell it to create an upstream branch in my remote repository.

Configure Git to Always Push to the Current Branch

If you have not yet configured git to always push to the current branch, you will get a has no upstream branch error if you don't explicitly set it.

Automate your git push to remote server

I have a ReactJS app setup as a git repo. Every-time I update and push to my currently working dev branch I have to ssh/login to my server and pull it to reflect changes to server.

Day 4: Push existing project to existing Git repo

Previously, I always delete the local project, then clone the cloud repo to local. This is okay, but what if the project is already big? You may not want to redo it from scratch. Another way is to push directly and create new project in cloud, but I am too lazy to delete the old one and create the new one. Because I want to reserve the project name (so I need to delete the old one).

Using GitHub Actions to push changes

We can use GitHub Actions to push a new commit each time there is a new change detected.

Learn to Push Your Code To GitHub

By remote repository, means the repository that we have created on the GitHub account.

Here, the aim is to add the link for the GitHub repository where we have push our files to.

(the link is available on the repo page on GitHub)

Happy Git Push coding!