- AWS Account: Ensure you have an active AWS account.
- EC2 Instance: Launch an Ubuntu EC2 instance.
- Security Group: Configure the security group to allow inbound traffic on port 22 (SSH) and port 8080 (Tomcat).
- SSH Client: Have an SSH client like PuTTY or terminal for connecting to your EC2 instance.
- Java Development Kit (JDK): Ensure you have JDK installed on your local machine for compiling Java code.
Safety Best Practices
- Use IAM Roles: Assign an IAM role to your EC2 instance for secure access to AWS services.
- Security Groups: Restrict access to your EC2 instance by configuring security group rules.
- Regular Updates: Keep your system and software up to date with the latest security patches.
- Backup: Regularly backup your data and configurations.
Steps to Install Tomcat on AWS EC2 Ubuntu Instance
Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance
- Log in to your AWS Management Console.
- Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard and click on “Launch Instance”.
- Choose the Ubuntu Server.
- Select an instance type (e.g., t2.micro for free tier).
- Configure instance details and add storage as needed.
- Configure the security group to allow SSH (port 22) and HTTP (port 80) traffic.
- Review and launch the instance. Download the key pair for SSH access.
Allow custom TCP rule for port 8080
Step 2: Connect to Your EC2 Instance
- Open your terminal or SSH client.
- Connect to your instance using the command:
ssh -i /path/to/your-key-pair.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
(You can simply connect using EC2 instance connect )
Step 3: Update the System
- Update the package lists:
- Upgrade the installed packages:
sudo apt upgrade -y
Step 4: Install Java
- Install OpenJDK 11:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y
- Verify the installation:
java -version
Step 5: Install Tomcat
- Download the latest version of Tomcat:
(see if version is updated)
- Extract the Tomcat archive:
tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-9.0.95.tar.gz
- Move the extracted folder to /opt:
sudo mv apache-tomcat-9.0.95 /opt/tomcat
Step 6: Configure Tomcat
- Add execute permissions to the Tomcat scripts:
sudo chmod +x /opt/tomcat/bin/*.sh
- Start the Tomcat server:
Step 7: Access Tomcat
- Open your web browser.
- Navigate to http://your-ec2-public-ip:8080.
- You should see the Tomcat welcome page.
By following these steps, you have successfully installed and configured the Tomcat web application server on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance, created a simple Java servlet, and deployed it to Tomcat. You can now develop and deploy more complex Java web applications using this setup.
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