GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. From open source to business, you can host and review code, manage projects, and bui...
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Thanks so much GitHub team for joining us as a CodeLand Patron sponsor. Really excited that you all have chosen to support us, and very excited that the community here will be able to engage with your team.
Excited to see some awesome profile READMEs from community members here 😎
This is seriously awesome!
Thanks so much GitHub Team and Brian for organizing this,
Here is mine : README
I am also the maintainer of awesome-github-profile-readme 😊
Hello Abhishek, thanks for sharing.
It's my pleasure sir, 😊
Some of these are so cool! I'll have to dig through them for some inspiration
Yea Sure, Infact we have our website also,
Link - Website
I am loving the profile READMEs! I made an old coworker a collaborator on mine as a joke and he made me one... Needless to say, I had to make some changes.
Hi there, here is mine : github.com/lalawuhan/lalawuhan
I absolutely love your readme <3
Nice! I love the images Thabi. How did you go about creating the gif animation?
Thank you, I just converted short animations from mp4 to gif online. I recommend Canva animated images canva.com/join/caribbean-kasbah-ge... - search animated and there will be a few options to create a short video.
I'd love to see it! I already have a Canva account and this link is only for new Canva members. Can you please send it to me?! Thx! My GitHub is RozBarnes (and twitter)
You can do it with any canva account. Just search animations on canva
If anyone's looking for inspiration here are ten really nice profile READMEs seen in the wild 😍
10 Standout GitHub Profile READMEs
Lee Reilly ・ Jul 23 ・ 6 min read
Hi! I'm really excited to be a part of this virtual conference~ As a newbie who greatly needed to be surrounded by other coders, I'm thank you guys helped sponsored it. ^^ I think this is my readme? Still haven't entirely used GitHub....><
There is a link in the post that shows how to create a Profile README.
TLDR; Creating a repo with your handle as the name (Marlyn-suarez) will unlock the README.
Also if you want to learn more about GItHub, checkout lab.github.com/githubtraining/intr...
Thank youuuuu!~ ^_^
Got it! github.com/Marlyn-suarez/marlyn-su... This is really cool!! Ahhh, can't wait to continue using this website~ 😄
Thank you Github for sponsoring this awesome conference! Loving it!
Just learned how to create a profile README and looking forward to adding bells and whistles: github.com/delphinefoo/delphinefoo
Love the DEV integration!
Hello everyone, if you submitted 12:01 pm PST that included a link to your profile README, please let us know your shipping info using this form. Thanks so much for everyone who shared and hung out here in this thread during the event.
If you would like to learn more about GitHub, check out our new docs page and our learning lab.
Sticker info submission form
Also congrats to the following READMEs, we have sent you an email letting you know that you now have access to Codespaces.
These profiles stood out and were selected.
If you would like early access to Codespaces, please sign up for the waitlist using this link.
@github I love these customisations!
I have created #myoctocat (see the tweet) and also updated my README.md file with lots of emojis. Check it out on my GitHub profile
Ohhh Dammn! That octocat creator and Readme emojis are reaaaaally dope! My profile now needs some extra jazzz
If you are into Jazz, check out github.com/natemoo-re. They were able to embed their "now playing on Spotify" into their README.
Holly molly canolly! Spotify + GitHub? that's reaaaal classy stuff
Here's mine... nothing special! I actually just created it and I'm going to work on it this weekend
Awesome, checkout Waylon's post. It includes a few examples in the comments, just in case you would like some inspiration.
Wow, that is an awesome profile. Definitely going to take some inspiration from it. Thank you!
hey Brian, how do you feel about GitHub's ongoing relationship with ICE?
Thank you for geting me to finally do this profile readme thing - I'm afraid its a bit basic today because I've got a problem with my main computer and am struggling a bit but here it is: github.com/dominicduffin1/dominicd...
Nice Dominic, what is your favorite thing about Gatsby?
I haven't really explored that much of it yet, but the official tutorials are excellent and really explain everything well so a beginner can jump straight in. So for now, that!
Excellent I am using it for my Twitch Overlay, for now, if powers static content, but it will power my chatbot soon. I love how easy it is to get a React App up and running. They also make it easy to make contributions to it.
Wow, I didn't realize that a personal README was a thing! Just made one and I can't wait to make it even better! Also, I now love my custom Octocat! I tried to make it look like me!
No worries, It was launch 2 weeks ago and users are just now figuring out how to leverage it to share their developing journeys.
Check out this post for more examples.
10 Standout GitHub Profile READMEs
Lee Reilly ・ Jul 23 ・ 6 min read
Wow, two weeks ago! People have already made such awesome personal READMEs! Thanks for the resource. I'm excited to make mine even more interesting and compelling!
Here's mine: github.com/HorrorOfPartyBeach
It's pretty basic right now because I didn't even know this could be done but I'm really excited to learn more and make it look cool :)
Looks good Emma. What feature are you looking forward to in Vue3?
Thanks! I haven't had a chance to look in depth at Vue3 yet but the Composition api sounds really interesting and I heard it allows for some similar functionality to React Hooks. I'm also curious to see how Vuex and vue-router will evolve.
Thank you GitHub for sponsoring this amazing conference! 🥳
Here is my profile README on GitHub
Amazing. What have you learned in Vue so far?
So far, I've learned resusable vue components, state management, routing and nuxt.js :)
Hi! I'm really excited to be a part of this virtual conference
I am a Student and Just Started my Journey to this Amazing World of Tech and Code, and I will Love to Connect to all our Coding family members
Here's mine - github.com/AMANKANOJIYA
Thank you GitHub for sponsoring this amazing conference!
I've loved making my profile readme! Have loads more ideas, but as I've been working full time while Codeland has been happening I've not been able to execute all other them ... yet. Here's the link for what I've got so far github.com/aHudspith
Hello everyone, just complete my README on my profile. Thank you Github for everything! Hopefully I'll get my first developer stickers ever!
@creaturenex README
PS Thanks for your work Brian got to watch your segment!
Newbie here! really psyched about this conference so far and looking forward to ways to grow as a developer :)
My Octocat readme: github.com/hkishawi/github_readme
Awesome, consider checking out this thread if you are looking for mentor friends twitter.com/JeromeHardaway/status/...
Made my readme because I love stickers! github.com/tonomoshia
Saw you were a MySpace whiz on your website. I think you will appreciate my Myspace page on GitHub dev.to/bdougieyo/making-myspace-in...
Yep. Pretty cool!
This is really cool, here's my profile so far github.com/kirakirakira
"currently working on making your appliance give you a cold glass of water"
Tell me more..... Are you making sentient refrigerators?
Haha, they've always been sentient, you just have to ask nicely ;)
Here is my README. It was fun adding my own little profile section. Think I'm going to have go make my own Octocat to add to it now!
Speaking of Neopets, check out my coworker's pet on their page github.com/jessrudder
Cool. Today I learn about profile README! Here's mine ->
this is mine , the script is not fully by me .
I edit it to fit my needs (Don't reinvent the wheel :p , but I have an addition -> understand how the wheel work :D )
Nice job. Open Source FTW!
It was a great experience creating a profile README. Thank you Github and CodeLand for this opportunity. Looking forward to learning from comments.
Profile: github.com/singhsuryansh12
The README stuff is awesome! I want to do more with this when I get the time to do so - I'll bet there's so many possibilities I can't see yet!! This is how far I got today though: github.com/Zohla
was having the ability to create and post my custom octocat on a public readme really the push that will get me to start learning and using Git? YOU BET!
Be sure to check out lab.github.com
Just learned about the profile READMEs! Excited to continue to build mine out here github.com/helloeduardo/helloeduardo
I never realized you could do this until now, but here is my tiny README: github.com/AsyncBanana
Thanks github for sponsoring,here is my simple readme brian 🙂
The badges are beautiful and really round out your profile.
Very cool! Also just learned how to create a profile README. Here's mine:
I hope to snazz it up in the future 😆
I had no idea GitHub added this feature so I LOVE THIS ACTIVITY! Thanks for the reason to improve my profile !
Thanks for being so awesome, Github Team!! 😍 I'm in love with the new Readme feature! Here's mine github.com/dumpofmemory for start 😊
Hello there. I'm excited to be joining in on this conference, it's my first! I'm looking forward to the experience and grateful for the companies that sponsored.
I’m happy to be a code land attendee again this year.
Have you tried the README feature yet? aboutmonica.com/blog/how-to-create...
Just added a simple README. I will update.
Here's my README!
Love the new Github Readme feature. Here's mine: github.com/jonathanyeong.
I'm not that creative, so I just tweaked the original Readme suggestion.
It's a start! Awesome photos on insta!
I am updating it for sure. 😄
Had a LOT of fun with the Octocat! Here's the repo: github.com/petr7555.
Writing about yourself is forever hard. This was very fun though!
Remember, an animated gif is like a million words. So just add three gifs, and you should be good.
I think I have the best/most important gif. But I definitely agree 😂
Hello everyone!
My name is Joe, born in Guatemala City, but grew up in Reno, Nevada.
I would love to make some new code friends!
Please feel free to connect with me! Thank you :-)
Here is my secret GitHub profile 😉
Here's my README github.com/singh08prashant/singh08...
It's great to see so many awesome READMEs in this discussion.
I made an octocat, so cute! github.com/Memitaru/Memitaru
I love the Octocat! I also approve the align="right". Did you see Sindre's tweet on adding CSS in the README via SVGs? twitter.com/sindresorhus/status/12...
I didn't! Thanks for sharing. I love how creative people are getting with their profiles. I've seen so many really cool ones that are making me want to dedicate more time to mine.
I love you to have a project example in your README. I wish there was a way to do embeds or iframes in markdown properly. Perhaps someday this dream can become a reality.
Thanks, I wanted to show something I made, I'll add a few more soon.
I'm also checking to see if I can get a link without the iframe.
I got a direct link but you have to leave the profile to hear the recording. Not what I want to do, I want people to checkout my projects.
Here is my readme. I tried to add my tech stack and make attractive yet clean.
Hey Brian, check this out github.com/ileriayo/ileriayo
Wow, I love the use of the animated gif. I was fooled and it was actually window.onLoad or similar.
I think this means I need to finally set up my profile README. Lol
Hey there! I had a lot of fun creating my profile README.
Here's mine: github.com/JamelHammoud/JamelHammoud
Wow, really happy to see Developers participating, and this is a great event🦄.
Here is the my GitHub readme:
Thank you soo much🙂.
here is my readme profile!
Sir/Mam I am New to Web dev I have studied the MERN stack BUT i hate REACt or any other front end framework....Is it necessary to have commad in front end to be a dev???
Nope, I look at a lot of Sara Soueidan's work does not include a framework - sarasoueidan.com/ - and they are exceptional.
Frameworks provide tools to already solved problems. You can definitely without frameworks but there are always tradeoffs of course.
awesome event, github.com/josephling kept it nice and simple
Hey Joe, nice seeing you here. Thanks for sharing your profile.
I love the new profile README! I'm just getting started on mine but looking forward to having a lot of fun with it. github.com/Katedam
Loving this profile README feature ♥! Will be spending this weekend making it more fancy but, here's mine for now: github.com/mooneyd12
Don't really know what to add too the README as of yet, so this is it for the moment, you can view the repo here.
I like it. I actually haven't seen a lot of Ascii art yet. Nice touch.
Hi everyone! Tyvm for supporting dev.to Github! This is my modest README repo: github.com/AdrianSkar/AdrianSkar
Will improve, I promise, 😊
I'm making it look better, but here it is :D thanks github!
my read me :
Hey GitHub,
Thanks for sponsoring this!
GitHub: github.com/Ileriayo/ileriayo
Hi there, this is my profile github.com/rogcomfox/rogcomfox
and thank you github for sponsoring this virtual conference!
Here is my readme. I am just getting started.
It's not really one of the new portfolio readme's, just what I've been working on.
Hi there, here is mine : github.com/shaijut
hey there
Thank you Github for sponsoring this awesome conference! Loving it!
Just learned how to create a profile README
Oh, I love stickers, I hope I get a pack, while I keep improving my README >> github.com/marianorenteria/mariano...
I'm going to end up spending so much time playing around and trying to "perfect" this now! github.com/dpells
Just found out about profile READMEs! I made mine at github.com/jessding !
Hi there! I just made this: github.com/jmanuel1/jmanuel1. Hopefully I can make it more visual soon! Looking at the READMEs others have made makes me googly-eyed 👀
Here is my readme github.com/Harshsngh07/Harshsngh07
Sir I need to Github Actions Please Provide me a link to learn it
Hi there,
Just created mine!
It's amazing to be part of this. Thank you guys =)
Hey Github Team! Will the sticker pack be given to everyone who shares his/her profile link or is the process selective?
By the way, here is my Profile README link: github.com/singhsuryansh12
Someone on Twitter or DEV mentioning including a "what I'm working on" section to their README and felt like I was a good fit me.
Mine still needs some heavy work on it
Thank you for the love Github Team. 🎉
I prefer a minimalist touch, so
Here is my GitHub account: github.com/TechLead-21
& profile readme 😄 github.com/TechLead-21/TechLead-21
Hello everyone, here is my profile Readme, it's nothing fancier but will be developing something there soon.
Hi @bdougieyo are profile README's available for everyone? Like worldwide?
Yes, all users with an active GitHub account.
Hi! Thanks for sponsoring! Here's my readme: github.com/MegTheDev/megthedev/blo...
So I finally got around to doing my personal read.md on my github profile, love the feature.
That gif is beautiful.
Hello Github! Thank you for making the README profiles! I had fun making mine.:
Followed you on Twitch. I look forward to joining your next session.
I had a query, will the sticker pack be given to everyone who commented with their readme link or is the process selective? And also, how will I be notified?
ReadMe : github.com/anandnat
This is me ! github.com/pixeline :-)
my github github.com/RizkyRajitha/RizkyRajitha
still under construction though
Here is my Profile
And here is my README
Totally love GitHub, and the fact that I can find new things to play around with
We have a regular series with tips like these, check out the post I did earlier this year.
This guy! Starts with Beychella
Here's mine, nothing fancy for now: github.com/hweecat/hweecat 😁
Now, how do I get a custom Octocat? 😸
Here is a readme for a frogger game that I created a long time ago github.com/zaynaib/frogger-arcade-...
Mine exists, but that's about all you could say about it!
Ready for some inspiration from others' here...
Well that was fun github.com/bizob2828.
Almost eery how close you resemble that Octocat. Please take a photo of today's newspaper to prove your hands are not tentacles.
I just looked at your profile readme, nice myspace throwback
Hii, hope you all liked mine readme🙂..
Thank you.
Here is the readme👇
Github README.md. Consists of Lot of Badges, git, png, and a lot of Love, Live Github Stats. Add this to your profile and help me with contributing to this stuff. Github Profile README.md
Hi there, I'm Hemant!👋 .
Hi🙋♂️ ,
I'm 18 years old Self-taught Full-Stack developer from India.
-🥀 Learning GraphQl

.-🔭 SpaceX FanBoi,
-🛸 Into High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
-💬 Connect? Here 👉🏼
I am Into ,🙏
Machine Learning, Web Development, SEO, Micro Services, System Design, Competetive Programming & Physics and Physics😼
- Languages and Tools...
- Blogs🌱
- Podcast⚡️
Thank You-🙏🏼
Mine is simple but I love em badges
Thank you! This is my first discussion and I am a total codenewbie and absolutely LOVING this codeland conference. Here is my ReadMe:
hello all! Here's my README: github.com/clandau/clandau
My current readme is here:
Personal README
Hi👋 , I'm ItsASine
Software Test Engie
Some day I might take it seriously, but for now, I went gaudy MySpace with gifs :)
@bdougieyo thanks for this thread, it reminded me I wanted to add pronouns and current video game playing to my readme. And reminded me about the Octocat tool :)
I activated my README, but haven't built it out much yet. I did add a link to my browser based pong game if you need a few minutes of downtime: github.com/ryanroat
OMG my first GitHub post (,:
Welcome to the club, Allyson! Looking forward to seeing more of your coding journey.
Hi from Indonesia, glad to join this Codeland 👏🏼
Please checkout My Readme
Hello - just started mine: github.com/platform6
Anything for Stickers...
Nice car!
Its kind of basic, but it is mine :)
nothing basic about Squirtle. They don't play.