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It took 5 days to compile a complete set of PHP resources. Please like it.

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Here is a collection of PHP resources I've compiled to help everyone find what they need without wasting time searching. I will update it weekly. If you find it useful, please give it a star ❤️. If you wish to share or reproduce it, please keep the source. Thank you! 😆

PHP PSR Coding Standards

PHP Resource List

  1. PHP Environment Deployment Tools:

PHP Resource Sites

Development Projects

  • FastAdmin - A rapid backend development framework based on ThinkPHP5 + Bootstrap
  • Notadd - An open-source PHP framework based on Laravel and Vue
  • KiteCms
  • Flarum - A lightweight community platform developed with PHP and Mithril.js
  • PHPDish - A content community system developed on the Symfony framework

Comprehensive Projects

  • DuckChat - Private chat software
  • BookStack - A wiki-like platform for online book writing

PHP Frameworks

  • Slim
  • Flight - An extensible micro-framework for PHP
  • Bullet PHP - A micro-framework for building REST APIs
  • Aura - A collection of many components
  • Kohana - HMVC framework
  • Workerman - A PHP socket server framework
  • Ohsce - A high-reliability PHP communication and control framework using sockets
  • PPM - PHP Process Manager
  • ZPHP - A SOA service framework
  • - A multi-threaded PHP application server
  • MeepoPS - A multi-process socket service
  • phpDaemon - An asynchronous framework for PHP
  • QPM - Quick PHP Process Manager
  • Zan PHP Framework - A network service framework based on PHP coroutines developed by the Youzan team
  • Swoole - A high-performance network communication framework for PHP
  • React - An asynchronous framework (PHP version of Node.js)
  • Zephir - A programming language for writing PHP extensions
  • Yaf - Yet Another Framework
  • APIx - A PHP AOP framework
  • Go! - A PHP AOP framework
  • ToroPHP - A micro routing framework
  • Fat-Free Framework



  • Amp - A non-blocking coroutine concurrency framework
  • Recoil - An asynchronous coroutine framework
  • Promise - A Promises/A implementation for PHP
  • Guzzle Promises - A Promises/A+ library for PHP with synchronous support

Frontend Related

  • PHP-CSS-Parser - A CSS parser implemented in PHP
  • Minify - JS and CSS minification tool
  • Munee - A PHP library with image resizing, CSS/JS merging/minification, caching, and more


  • Easy SMS - SMS sending component
  • PhpSms - SMS sending library
  • BotMan - A PHP library for building chatbots

File Management

  • Nextcloud Server - A private cloud service based on PHP
  • Cloudreve - A cloud storage system that supports multiple cloud storage providers

Text Processing


Code Checking


Error/Exception Handling

  • Whoops - Exception/error handling class
  • BooBoo - Exception/error handling class
  • PHP-Error - Error handling library

Debugging Tools


  • phprs - A lightweight, JAX-RS-like, practical PHP framework
  • graphql-php - A PHP port of the GraphQL reference implementation
  • Dingo API - A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks

Top comments (1)

koas profile image

Great list, thank you! I'd suggest adding to the debugging section, IMHO it's a better alternative.