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create-react-app and Express, together on Glitch

Angelo Stavrow on February 14, 2020

Glitch is the fastest way to get an app or site up and running live on the web, but it runs apps on only one port. Sometimes you need more, like wh...
aceslowman profile image
Austin Lee Slominski

For some reason this proxy won't work for me, webpack-dev-server is starting up and working without issues, but sending a GET request to results in an error Cannot GET /api/ping. There seems to be something going on with sockjs as well, as webpack-dev-server is having issues with live-reloading.

Is there any reason why, with the configuration you've given, this fetch wouldn't work?:

fetch('').then(d => d.json()).then(d => console.log(d))
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angelostavrow profile image
Angelo Stavrow


There's a breaking change in http-proxy-middleware between the v0.2.0 version that shipped with this app and the latest and greatest v1.0.0 — I've updated the embedded app to address this

Also, I added an MIT license because you should absolutely to remix and use this app as you see fit!

sejori profile image
Sebastien John Ringrose

Super-duper awesome. This is so damn helpful. You sir, are a saint and I can’t thank you enough. Have a great week and please keep up the good work. Earned my follow.

angelostavrow profile image
Angelo Stavrow

Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm glad you found it helpful!

mindsgaming profile image
MindsGaming • Edited

Very Cool, was trying this out and ran into a cool feature with Firefox Nightly

angelostavrow profile image
Angelo Stavrow

Oh, that's really neat. Thanks for sharing!

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

somebody has been drinking the mktg coolaid :) "glitch is ONE of the fastest ways to get an app or site up and running"

filipczapeczka profile image
Filip Czapeczka

Would you suggest on how to add to this working with client or this is too much and should be done as a separate project for FE and BE?

filipczapeczka profile image
Filip Czapeczka

And of course, very helpful article!

lucasverra profile image
Lucas Verra

why don't you use 2 separates projects; one backend and one front end ?

angelostavrow profile image
Angelo Stavrow

You certainly could! 🙂

If you just need a simple back-end API for your React project (or, alternatively, a basic React front-end for your API project), you can use the approach in this article. But if the complexity of the overall project grows past that, you're right — it's probably better to use two different Glitch apps, one for the back-end, and one for the front-end.

scott_griffin_b50d482147e profile image
Scott Griffin

I made an updated project on glitch (also with tailwind css)!/express-with-re...