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Gabriel Cruz (he/him)
Gabriel Cruz (he/him)

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Total Madness #2: Async Locks

In the first episode of this series, we discussed why locks are important and the issues that come with them. Last time we unraveled the inners of the async/await concurrency model. Now, let us finally merge these two topics to explore Async Locks: a way to overcome some traditional locking issues using the async/await model. Finally, we'll explore the difference between Rust's std::sync::Mutex and tokio::sync::Mutex and how this relates to async locks.

Obs: I'll use the terms "Lock" and "Mutex" interchangeably (lock == mutex), as well as the verbs "Acquire" and "Lock" (lock == acquire). So to avoid saying "lock the lock" I'll say "acquire the lock" or "lock the mutex", just know it is all the same thing.

Episode 2: Async Locks

As a reminder, let's review our original example and see why we even need locks in the first place:

Two siblings want to use the toothbrush they share, but obviously only one of them can use it at a time. The childish, sibling-like thing to do is to say “I’m first!” before the other person. The rule is simple: whoever starts saying “I’m first” first, gets to use it.

A lock, or Mutex, is just a way to allow tasks to do that. In this analogy, saying "I'm first!" is analogous to mutex.lock(), so if a task acquires a mutex, all other tasks trying to acquire it have to wait until the first one is done (i.e. when it calls mutex.unlock(), or mutex.release() or whatever name the developers decided to use).

As we saw on Episode #0: Locks, this is all fun and games until we face Deadlocks, which is when tasks get stuck waiting forever on each other. Several different situations can cause a deadlock, but a very common one is interrupts. Let's see an example of interrupts causing a deadlock from that episode:

fn main() {
    let mut tb_lock = ToothbrushLock::new();
    // gabriel brushes teeth
    // <--- INTERRUPT (Fefê)

fn interrupt() {
    if tb_lock.lock() {
        // brush cousins' teeth...
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In the above example, the main() function is interrupted right after locking the toothbrush, but the interrupt() function needs to lock tb_lock as well, which causes the interrupt code to be deadlocked. This is a typical situation of: "your computer stopped working" because interrupts usually can't be themselves interrupted, so, since they can't be interrupted and are stuck, there's nothing to help the computer regain control of execution. We talked about a way to avoid this in the first post: instead of using lock(), we use try_lock(), which returns either true if it acquired the lock, or false otherwise. Either way, the function returns. It doesn't block (this is what we call a non-blocking function).

Aside: why (most) interrupts can't be interrupted

Think about a keyboard buffer: when a key gets pressed on the keyboard, the processor generates an interrupt so that the kernel can get the key from the keyboard's memory, which could very well only hold a maximum of one key) and put it in a buffer (i.e. an array/vector). If the code that copies the key gets interrupted by another key press event, the key is lost. Avoiding interrupts is called Interrupt Masking. However, some less critical interrupts can in fact be interrupted.

An async lock is an alternative to the try_lock() idea using, you guessed it, async/await. Here's more or less what we'll do to the original lock() code, can you tell why this would be better than the first approach?

async fn main() {
    let mut tb_lock = ToothbrushLock::new();
    // gabriel brushes teeth
    // <--- INTERRUPT (Fefê)

async fn interrupt() {
    // brush cousins' teeth...

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Well, the first obvious advantage is that you can guarantee that a lock will be locked. I mean think about it, in this snippet of the try_lock() example, I actually hid something very bad, can you figure out what it is?

fn interrupt() {
    if tb_lock.try_lock() {
        // brush cousins' teeth...
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It's the else statement! The big downside of try_locking is that, if you can't lock(), then you just... deal with it. There are no guarantees that try_lock() will succeed, and the big advantage of async locks is that you can tell the computer: "Can I lock now? Not yet? That's alright, I'll just let someone else run, and try again later". Let's now see how an implementation of async locks would look.

Implementing an async lock

We're going to get somewhat Rust-specific, but the errors raised by the compiler will help us understand the issues and limitations of async locks. In this sense, getting a bit Rust-specific is a feature, not a bug!

First, let's use some boilerplate code. This is the code we wrote in the last post for our toothbrushing example:

mod executor;
mod task;

use executor::Executor;
use futures::pending;
use task::Task;

async fn brush_teeth(times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        // TODO: lock
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
        pending!(); // new!
    return "Done".to_string();

fn main() {
    let mut executor = Executor::new();

    let task_gabe = Task::new("gabe".to_string(), brush_teeth(20));
    let task_nat = Task::new("nat".to_string(), brush_teeth(30));
    let task_fefe = Task::new("fefe".to_string(), brush_teeth(100));


    while executor.tasks.len() != 0 {
        for task in executor.tasks.iter_mut() {
            print!("{}: ",;
        println!("--- Went through all tasks once");

        // clean up tasks that are done
        executor.tasks.retain(|task| !task.is_done());
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Now, what we want to do is change it to have a ToothbrushLock. For this, let's start with the code we wrote in the first episode:

struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: bool,

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { locked: false }

    pub fn lock(&mut self) {
        while self.locked == true {}
        self.locked = true;

    pub fn try_lock(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.locked == true {
            return false;
        self.locked = true;
        return true;

    pub fn unlock(&mut self) {
        self.locked = false;
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And finally, let's make the brush_teeth function use our lock:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: &mut ToothbrushLock, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        brush_lock.lock(); // new!
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
        brush_lock.unlock(); // new!
    return "Done".to_string();

fn main() {
    let mut executor = Executor::new();

    let mut brush_lock = ToothbrushLock::new(); // new! (literally)

    let task_gabe = Task::new("gabe".to_string(), brush_teeth(&mut brush_lock, 20));
    let task_nat = Task::new("nat".to_string(), brush_teeth(&mut brush_lock, 30));
    let task_fefe = Task::new("fefe".to_string(), brush_teeth(&mut brush_lock, 100));


// ... (rest of the code)
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There's nothing async in our lock for now. Not to worry though, we'll get there soon enough. First, let's get this code to compile because as of now it doesn't. Let's see why:

error[E0597]: `brush_lock` does not live long enough
  --> src/
25 |     let mut brush_lock = ToothbrushLock::new(); // new! (literally)
   |         -------------- binding `brush_lock` declared here
26 |
27 |     let task_gabe = Task::new("gabe".to_string(), brush_teeth(&mut brush_lock, 20));
   |                     ------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^------
   |                     |                                         |
   |                     |                                         borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                     argument requires that `brush_lock` is borrowed for `'static`
45 | }
   | - `brush_lock` dropped here while still borrowed
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This error happens three times, one for each call of Task::new(), but I've redacted the other two since they're the same. The problem here is that, since brush_teeth() is a Future, it doesn't run right away. Actually, it can run whenever! The compiler doesn't know when it'll run, much less when it'll finish. As a result, it can't guarantee that it will finish running before main() finishes (which is when brush_lock will be freed).

Scopes: Scopes are how the Rust compiler knows which variables get discarded/freed/dropped. A good rule of thumb is: if a variable has been declared inside brackets {}, it belongs to this "block". For example, if a variable is declared inside of a function (e.g. brush_lock inside of main()), it will belong to the function's scope, and therefore will be dropped when the scope of the function ends (a.k.a.: in line 45). Another example would be a for{...} loop. Variables declared inside loops belong to the scope of that single loop iteration.

One way around this is to use Reference Counting (RC), or, even better Atomic Reference Counting (ARC), which is the same thing but with atomic operations. Arc allows an object to have several owners, and, when the scopes of all its owners end, only then the Arc is dropped. Here's how to use it:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        brush_lock.lock(); // new!
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
        brush_lock.unlock(); // new!
    return "Done".to_string();

fn main() {
    let mut executor = Executor::new();

    let brush_lock = Arc::new(ToothbrushLock::new()); // new! (literally)

    let task_gabe = Task::new("gabe".to_string(), brush_teeth(brush_lock.clone(), 20));
    let task_nat = Task::new("nat".to_string(), brush_teeth(brush_lock.clone(), 30));
    let task_fefe = Task::new("fefe".to_string(), brush_teeth(brush_lock.clone(), 100));

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We enclose our thing (ToothbrushLock in this case) with Arc and it should do its magic! Unfortunately for us, this is not the only issue we have to deal with. Here's what we get when we try to compile now:

error[E0596]: cannot borrow data in an `Arc` as mutable
  --> src/
14 |         brush_lock.lock(); // new!
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
   = help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `Arc<ToothbrushLock>`

error[E0596]: cannot borrow data in an `Arc` as mutable
  --> src/
17 |         brush_lock.unlock(); // new!
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
   = help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `Arc<ToothbrushLock>`

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0596`.
error: could not compile `episode-2-async-locks` (bin "episode-2-async-locks") due to 2 previous errors
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The problem now is that, while Arc allows a variable to be owned by multiple scopes, it doesn't allow them to mutate the data. This is one of the mechanisms that Rust has to ensure memory safety: having two or more tasks altering the same memory region can cause data races for the region. As a reminder, take a look at this example, where both taskA and taskB want to flip the value of var1: bool (to true if it is false and to false if it is true):

  1. taskA reads var1: value is true
  2. taskB reads var1: value is true
  3. taskA writes to var1: value is false
  4. taskB writes to var1: value is false

At the end of this example var1 == false, while it should be true since we flip it twise. Allowing only one mutable reference to the variable solves this issue, but also restricts the code quite a bit. Another solution that allows us to have multiple mutable references is precisely what we've been doing: locks! So now we need a way to ignore this rule, and for that, we'll use UnsafeCells:

use std::cell::UnsafeCell; // new!

pub struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: UnsafeCell<bool>, // new!

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub fn lock(&self) {
        unsafe {  // new! unsafe
            while *self.locked.get() == true {}
            *self.locked.get() = true;

    pub fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe { // new! unsafe
            *self.locked.get() = false;
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Obs: I've removed the try_lock() method since our async lock is trying to get rid of it anyway.

UnsafeCells allow us to have multiple mutable references to a variable, but, as the name suggests, it is unsafe, meaning that Rust's borrow checker won't enforce its memory safety rules to it. In fact, we have to enclose all calls to self.locked.get() in unsafe {..} blocks. unsafe {...} blocks basically tell the compiler to ignore checking for memory safety on these regions, it's our way of saying "don't worry, I know what I'm doing".

And with this change, our code compiles!!! Hooray! But wait, what is this output?

gabe: Brushing teeth 0
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The code hangs after printing this first line, try to figure out what is wrong with the code. Here's the solution:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
    return "Done".to_string();

// rest of code...
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The change is minimal but effective: putting the unlock() call before pending!(). Of course, we need to release the mutex before we return execution flow to the scheduler/executor because if we don't, the next task (in this case nat or fefe) will be stuck trying to lock(). But what we wanted, in the beginning, was precisely a way to return execution flow to the scheduler until we're able to lock(). In other words, this is what we want to be able to do:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        brush_lock.lock().await; // try to lock the mutex, continue running other tasks otherwise
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
        // no need for unlock(), mutex is unlocked magically
    return "Done".to_string();

// rest of code...
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We're close, but not quite there yet. As a next step, let's keep the unlock() method, and focus on making lock() async so we can call await on it:

use futures::pending;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;

pub struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: UnsafeCell<bool>,

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub async fn lock(&self) { // new! async fn
        unsafe {
            while *self.locked.get() == true {
                pending!(); // new!
            *self.locked.get() = true;

    pub fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            *self.locked.get() = false;
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With those two small adjustments, we can call the lock like so:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
    return "Done".to_string();

// rest of code...
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And our new output is:

gabe: Brushing teeth 0
Brushing teeth 1
Brushing teeth 18
Brushing teeth 19
nat: Brushing teeth 0
Brushing teeth 1
Brushing teeth 2
Brushing teeth 3
Brushing teeth 28
Brushing teeth 29
fefe: Brushing teeth 0
Brushing teeth 1
Brushing teeth 2
Brushing teeth 3
Brushing teeth 4
Brushing teeth 98
Brushing teeth 99
--- Went through all tasks once
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As you can see, we're not circling through tasks. This happens because we only yield execution on the lock() method. This means that a task that owns the lock will do:

  1. print Brushing teeth 1
  2. unlock the lock
  3. lock/acquire the lock
  4. yield execution

Then all the tasks will try to lock, but not have any success and yield execution back. When the scheduler finally goes back to the task that owns the lock, it'll repeat the sequence above. To fix that we can make unlock() also yield execution back:

use futures::pending;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;

pub struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: UnsafeCell<bool>,

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub async fn lock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            while *self.locked.get() == true {
            *self.locked.get() = true;

    pub async fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            *self.locked.get() = false;
            pending!(); // new!
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And our call becomes:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
    return "Done".to_string();

// rest of code...
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Yes! Now our execution is back to being:

gabe: Brushing teeth 0
nat: Brushing teeth 0
fefe: Brushing teeth 0
--- Went through all tasks once
gabe: Brushing teeth 1
nat: Brushing teeth 1
fefe: Brushing teeth 1
--- Went through all tasks once
gabe: Brushing teeth 2
nat: Brushing teeth 2
fefe: Brushing teeth 2
--- Went through all tasks once
gabe: Brushing teeth 3
nat: Brushing teeth 3
fefe: Brushing teeth 3
--- Went through all tasks once
gabe: Brushing teeth 4
nat: Brushing teeth 4
fefe: Brushing teeth 4
--- Went through all tasks once
gabe: Brushing teeth 5
nat: Brushing teeth 5
fefe: Brushing teeth 5
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Yes! Now our async lock works. The only last detail we need to take care of is the fact that we need to call unlock(). You see, we can use the magic of Rust to make the compiler call unlock() for us whenever is appropriate to release the lock (i.e. when the lock goes out of scope). In our example, the scope of the lock is one iteration of the for loop, so the unlock would happen exactly where we put it, just before the end of a loop. To do that, we need two things:

  1. Have a ToothbrushGuard type that is returned by lock, which will be in the for scope (i.e. a variable that is declared inside the for{..} loop and thus belongs to the scope of that iteration).
  2. Implement the Drop trait for ToothbrushGuard, Drop tells the compiler what to do when an object goes out of scope. In our case, we want to make it unlock when ToothbrushGuard goes out of scope.
pub struct ToothbrushGuard<'guard_life> {
    mutex: &'guard_life ToothbrushLock,
impl<'guard_life> ToothbrushGuard<'guard_life> {
    pub fn new(mutex: &'guard_life ToothbrushLock) -> Self {
        ToothbrushGuard { mutex }
impl Drop for ToothbrushGuard<'_> {
    // this function is called by the compiler when the ToothbrushGuard goes out of scope
    fn drop(&mut self) {
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And have lock() return a guard:

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub async fn lock(&self) -> ToothbrushGuard {
        unsafe {
            while *self.locked.get() == true {
            *self.locked.get() = true;
            ToothbrushGuard::new(self) // new!

    fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            *self.locked.get() = false;
            // no longer able to call pending!() here
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With these things in place, we can finally call our functions the way we wanted:

async fn brush_teeth(brush_lock: Arc<ToothbrushLock>, times: usize) -> String {
    for i in 0..times {
        println!("Brushing teeth {}", i);
    return "Done".to_string();
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Amazing! There's only one last thing to do though. You see, because the drop() function cannot be async, and unlock() is called in drop(), this means that unlock() can no longer be async (aka it can no longer call pending!() to yield execution back. As a result, the previous example does compile and works, but we're once again not circling through the tasks. A quick hack fixes that (try to do that yourself without peeking first!):

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub async fn lock(&self) -> ToothbrushGuard {
        unsafe {
            pending!(); // new: return pending before!
            while *self.locked.get() == true {
            *self.locked.get() = true;

    fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            *self.locked.get() = false;
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Returning pending!() before the while{...} loop in lock() ensures that execution will be yielded back even if the lock was previously acquired by the task.

That's it! Async locks.

Appendix I: tokio::sync::Mutex vs. std::sync::Mutex

This is somewhat Rust-specific, but very interesting nontheless. If you're a Rust developer you might have encoutered tokio::sync::Mutex and wondered how it is different from std::sync::Mutex (I know I have).

Obs: For the curious non-Rust people, tokio is an async runtime for Rust, in other words, it's like our Executor, only much more powerful and well-written.

Let's look at Tokio's documentation for its Mutex:

This type acts similarly to std::sync::Mutex, with two major differences: lock is an async method so does not block, and the lock guard is designed to be held across .await points.

Interesting! It's just like ours then. Let's think about this. Why would a Mutex not be safe to be held across .awaits? Well, one obvious answer is: if it causes deadlocks. Remember when we first tried implementing our Mutex and we got a deadlock? Allow me to refresh your memory, Our lock was:

use std::cell::UnsafeCell; // new!

pub struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: UnsafeCell<bool>, // new!

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(false),

    pub fn lock(&self) {
        unsafe {  // new! unsafe
            while *self.locked.get() == true {}
            *self.locked.get() = true;

    pub fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe { // new! unsafe
            *self.locked.get() = false;
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But the code got stuck after printing:

gabe: Brushing teeth 0
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Because our lock was blocking, so when the nat task tried to acquire the lock (in while *self.locked.get() == true {}) it got stuck on that loop, and it never awaited, so no other task could run. This, my friends, is a deadlock.

By changing the lock() function to the following, we allowed other tasks to run, at the cost of having more context switches (because you have to circle through all tasks until you go back to the one that has the lock):

pub async fn lock(&self) -> ToothbrushGuard {
    unsafe {
        while *self.locked.get() == true {
        *self.locked.get() = true;
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Suck it Tokio.

Obs: I'm kidding of course, you absolutely should not be writing your own locks if can you have the super smart Tokio people do that for you. Go do something else, i don't know, go fish or whatever.

Appendix II: Atomic Async Locks

What we did was all fun and games, but if an interrupt occurs in the middle of the code we wrote, it all goes to shit. Solving this requires atomic operations that guarantee that they won't be interrupted. We did the same thing in Episode #0: Locks:

use futures::pending;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};

pub struct ToothbrushLock {
    locked: UnsafeCell<AtomicBool>,

impl ToothbrushLock {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: UnsafeCell::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),

    pub async fn lock(&self) -> ToothbrushGuard {
        unsafe {
            while (&*self.locked.get()).load(Ordering::SeqCst) == true {
            (&*self.locked.get()).store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);

    fn unlock(&self) {
        unsafe {
            (&*self.locked.get()).store(false, Ordering::SeqCst);

pub struct ToothbrushGuard<'guard_life> {
    mutex: &'guard_life ToothbrushLock,
impl<'guard_life> ToothbrushGuard<'guard_life> {
    pub fn new(mutex: &'guard_life ToothbrushLock) -> Self {
        ToothbrushGuard { mutex }
impl Drop for ToothbrushGuard<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
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Thank you for reading! You can find the full source code for this episode at


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