DEV Community

Sahil Bondre
Sahil Bondre

Posted on

Portfolio Review?

Hi, I made a portfolio for the first time. I've used Gatsby to make it. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it!

Thank you! Have a wonderful day! πŸ˜„

Top comments (8)

akhileshk profile image
Akhilesh Kumar

Can you help me understand how does this firebase thing works when you are adding a new subscriber to your mailer?

godcrampy profile image
Sahil Bondre

Yea Sure!

I am using firebase a backend just to store the list of emails. So the only product I am using of firebase is firestore.

Every firebase project has some config data associated with it. This is essentially like a password that allows you to access the backend. I have stored this data in a file called firebase-config.js. This file is not on version control (github) as I has secret data. Here's the code inside it:

import * as firebase from "firebase/app";

import "firebase/firestore";

const firebaseConfig = {
  // Secret Credentials from Firebase

export default firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

This file export the firebase object which is imported by src/components/MailBox/index.js. This is used to perform write operations to the database.

// line 4
import firebase from "../../firebase-config";

// line 15 in MailBox Component
subscribe = () => {
  const mail = this.state.mail;
  if (!this.validateEmail(mail)) return;

  const db = firebase.firestore();
    mail: this.state.mail,
    source: ""
  this.setState({ subscribed: true });

You can read more in the firebase documentation:

Note that people usually go with using something like MailChimp to manage mailing list. I've gone this way just so that I can personally mail and communicate with people

Hope I cleared your doubts.

akhileshk profile image
Akhilesh Kumar

Thanks man! This was really helpful. :)

Thread Thread
akhileshk profile image
Akhilesh Kumar

By the way, I really liked the concept of personally mailing and building real network. Glad I found your blog.

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godcrampy profile image
Sahil Bondre


roelofjanelsinga profile image
Roelof Jan Elsinga

I'm totally stealing the "Tools of trade" section! Very cool idea πŸ™Œ

moijes12 profile image
Alex • Edited

You could also add some projects you have built. Nice page though :)

godcrampy profile image
Sahil Bondre

Thank You for your review! I'll make some changes soon. 😊