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Hack With PR's

Learning From Hacktoberfest



Hi there,
I am Priyanshu and currently a student as well as back-end web-developer. I am always ready to learn something new as approx 10 to 12 years back I always think how any website or application will be developed and accessed, so easily to us.
So, this craziness gives me a path of Engineer to learn and get knowledge of these stuffs. So, talking my current situation I have understood a bit about these things (this is so and so vast :) ) and want to take more & more knowledge about these stuffs.

Acquintance with Hacktoberfest

A month ago, I saw an advertisement and get aware of the Hacktoberfest event and made my mood to participate in this awesome event. I am always ready to take part in this type events.

Participation and Outcome

I have some knowledge of github before also. But my contributions to it were few. So, due to this event I have participated and enhanced my github as well. Now, I am working regularly on it. After participating, it gives me immense pleasure that I get a chance to win a prize of cool T-shirt and other swags and have a plant. I learned how to contribute to open-source projects and make good pull requests which helps someone to make his project more scalable.


Thank You HACKTOBERFEST for providing such a great chance which ends with a lot of learning as well as prize. Eagerly waiting for those swags :).

Thank You for reading
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