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How to become more confident as a Developer

This week my team had a junior developer join us which I was ecstatic for! Previously I was the only junior developer on a team of 2, in which the other developer was a senior Dev. While I wish I had joined a bigger team initially, looking back I see that being on such a small team forced me to be more self-sufficient. At the same time though, there were many times where I wanted to know more about a topic or didn’t understand what the senior was explaining but didn’t press further because I could feel them getting annoyed.

That’s why I made it my mission to spend every day with this new developer from walking them through how to set up their local developer environment to pushing their first PR. By doing this, not only did I get a deeper understanding of our environment, I also solidified what I knew which in turn made me more confident as a developer.

By the end of the week, I had helped my teammate push 3 PR’s and build up their confidence and that to me is extremely rewarding. I love doing great work and knocking out tasks but I love it even more when I can help someone else succeed and grow. I think that by coding more and helping others, this is the best way to grow anyone’s confidence as a developer. So don’t be afraid to lend a hand! :)

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