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Do you own a domain name without a purpose? Let me give you a project for it!

GrahamTheDev on November 01, 2021

In a rush? Head down to the comments and share a domain name you own without a purpose, I (and hopefully some others) will give you a fun side proj...
jwanner83 profile image
Jonas Wanner

Oh man, I own a lot of domains without a reason. One of them is I've thought about building a suite of web applications like notes, calendar, e-mail client etc. which then would all be placed beneath this domain but it turned out, I dont have this much time on my hand so I stopped 😅

I also have multiple Liferay domains (,,,,, I work in a company which uses Liferay to create digital workplaces for companies and I thought it would be funny to buy some domains and do something cool, but I really don't know what I should do with them 😂 Any idea is appreciated :)

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

OK so these are some tough ones, I doubt I will come up with a sensible one but let's see!

  • You create custom voicemail answer machine messages for people that are voiced by "Dail", a virtual AI, they are free, but if anyone ever needs support your whole phone tree requires you to press 1 varying amounts of times to get to the right department (Dial one!).
  • A URL shortener that only works for Daily Mail articles published on the 1st of the month.
  • You create a course called "Digital Access for Independent Living", you sell it to governments to get older people and vulnerable people online to help towards inclusivity goals.


  • You have a sunflower in a blacked out room. People send positive tweets to an account and every tweet adds 30 seconds to a UV light run time to give the plant some much needed "life rays".
  • A site dedicated to preserving the habitats of Stingrays and reintroducing them into the wild.
  • A site where there is a 24 hour feed watching a guy called Ray. Think Truman show!
  • A live feed of the sun with motivational messages popping up on the screen on how to live a healthy life.
  • - you set up a super powerful laser that people can control remotely. They can point it at a planet (solar system) using a star chart and send a message in morse code to that planet to see if you get a response.

I have to admit, I struggled as they are both super specific lol, I will see if I come up with a better idea as I am not happy with these yet!

torik17 profile image

I love the sunflower idea from the positive tweets 🌻

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grahamthedev profile image

I can be wholesome sometimes 😜🤣

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maddtech profile image
Eric Maddox

Wholesome as fuck!!

cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona • Edited

Recently i've bought leblogdesgensquivontauboutdesblagu... as a joke, but, in fact I dunno what to do with

(In same spirit I've bought lescuilleressontenrealitedespelles... than can be translated by don't ask me why.. dunno..)

(In english we can translate by, it's a very litteral translation, I hope you've understood the meaning)

Any idea?

grahamthedev profile image

As I think some of the meaning is lost in literal translation I am guessing this is about people who completely miss a joke and take it literally?

If not let me know what it should be and I will then come up with silly and sensible ideas!

cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona

In fact you right, but the meaning was most, I’ll do my best for that joke « exist », to be more funny..

For example, I’ve created a website about spoons and showel because someone gave me the idea, but doesn’t think I’ll buy a domain and create a website.

In fact, the meaning of my domain was « A blog for all who do his best to make real a fictional funny idea »

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cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona

So, if you have any idea, I'll take it!

embed profile image
embed • Edited

I have tons of domains I do not use, some I shouldn't use to be honest. (was my screenshot site and probably will make it my screenshot site again)

I've bought all of these as jokes and have never used them for anything. maybe I can do something fun with them

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Well as most of these are NSFW I think I will have to be creative here and fly close to the line a bit!

  • - A very out there brand of clothing (probably ideal for e-thots!) that has the slogan "nice pussy" and the logo of a cat-girl. (I know this isn't a catgirl but money is money!)
  • - tips and tricks for people who identify as femboys to improve their femininity and a community forum!
  • - an online market where farmers can advertise their prized roosters and offer them out for impregnating hens - similar to bull breeding!
  • - a serious channel where people can ask the questions they want to ask but are afraid people would think are rascist. "Do black people...", "are white people...". Then panel members can give a real education on what is stereotyping and what is true etc. A moderators nightmare and probably not suitable for any Social Media ToC, but could be an awesome resource to get past the "you can't ask that" fear people have that stops them understanding each other!

Unfortunately I think any other ideas would not be suitable for DEV! 🤣 With that being said I imagine you could build a nice interconnected community with some of these domains.

embed profile image

thank you! do really like the, and ideas, maybe when I eventually have the bandwidth, time, and money to host them I will try some out!

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria should just be a forum for Astolfo cosplayers, rofl. 🤣

oknoorap profile image
Ribhararnus Pracutian

catgirl design is suitable for NFT project.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

The only random domain I have at the moment is I have a host called "the" so I could have which is kind of a riff on The Littlest Hobo but that's as far as I got.

grahamthedev profile image
  • A site for code golf tournaments. Think CSS battles but instead they are code golf battles.
  • A site that showcases any website that is under 20kb? A great way to discover random lightweight sites for people on low data plans.
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I was intending on getting something adjacent, like and hosting a Mastodon instance but most of the good names like that are gone.

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel • Edited

It’s German for “thought juice” which relates to coffee. I thought about starting a German developer podcast but never did it because i found a very good one existing already 😅

grahamthedev profile image
  • you create a coffee brand that is enhanced with vitamins and minerals that is designed to replace the energy drinks people drink with a healthier (not healthy!) alternative.
  • You create a site that asks a single, thought provoking / philosophical question each day and then people can add their answers. You can only add one answer a day and then you vote on answers you think are good and each day has a "top 10" answers section.
stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel • Edited

This one question a day is actually a brilliant concept, I like it a lot! Just need some thought provoking questions 😅 but that could also be voted on…

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grahamthedev profile image

I am glad at least a couple of my ideas have been decent, most have been silly!

I liked that idea too, I should stop giving away all my best ideas 🤣

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stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel • Edited

Lol, I wouldn’t be mad when you would register and make an English version yourself. ☺️

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev is already taken domain name

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stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel


Someone was quicker!

grahamthedev profile image

So give me some ideas for:


as they are two sites sitting idle at the moment. They can be super silly too if you want!

Oh and if anyone can actually come up with a good idea for how to use my 👩‍💻👨‍💻.to domain (good luck!) for something then let me know!

I hope we get some fun domains and some silly ideas for side projects in the comments!

siddharthshyniben profile image

  • CodePen alternative (like you said)
  • The site for a programming themed playground for kids
  • Site for learning codes like Morse or the Ceasar Cipher
  • Call of duty-ers playground?

  • Some sort of database hosting?
  • A site which can detect how many decibels any sound from the microphone is
  • All dragon ball episodes of 2020?
  • Top 20 news items? (daily bulletin)
  • The news from the Daily Bugle which was written on the 20th?
posandu profile image

A Forem Community (Installing Forem is also a challenge! XD) + Code Challenges site. Focused on Javascript, CSS, PHP, Angular, React, etc

Top 20 items?

dilutewater profile image
Rachit Khurana

I own 3 proper domains & a couple of free domains.
Out of those 3 domains, 2 domains are in use. (1 for my personal website , & 1 for few other things like a cryptic hunt & a trivia quiz).

I have 1 more domain
(DiluteWater is my pseodoname that I use for online accounts.

grahamthedev profile image

Right I will focus on then!

  • homeopathy website (but you explain how homeopathy is a load of rubbish then redirect people to an actual online pharmacy for a commission)
  • you start a band that plays music under a waterfall on a couple of old string instruments (Di(2) Lute)
  • if you don’t mind questionable marketing You become the next “smart water” and market that your water is more wet than other water as it is more diluted.
  • you turn a pickup truck into a herb garden and sell speciality herb mixes to Australians that are dried and just neeed rehydrating (Dil(herb) Ute(Utility vehicle is AUS))

Yeah, I went silly with all of them (except the two lutes idea, could be the next 2 Cellos! 🤣

dilutewater profile image
Rachit Khurana

if you don’t mind questionable marketing You become the next “smart water” and market that your water is more wet than other water as it is more diluted.

Nice Idea 🤣.
I will try to make when I get time

theoparis profile image
Theo Paris

I bought this one originally as a joke: (instead of throw new error). However, it sounds a bit weird when you put it together as TOE 😂 i had originally owned but it expired and it would have cost $40 to renew.

I also own I don't want to make something illegal obviously - but maybe a learning site for cybersecurity would be neat?

I have many more weird domains but these were the ones that stood out to me.

grahamthedev profile image

  • a site where people boast about things they found “dumpster diving” that were worth a fortune and rub it in the faces of the people who threw it out in error 😜
  • a site where developers can showcase the worst error messages they have ever seen and how completely unhelpful they are.
  • Throwouterror is a new error reporting library that can broadcast errors securely to multiple API endpoints for different processing requirements.
  • a sports clip site where you showcase wrong calls by referees calling things “out” when they were “in”.

  • “cyber security” game where you level up a computer virus (think and have to infect the world!
  • epic custom geek and tech merch (Mal Wear)
  • A site for architects working in Malwa in India who only do redesigns!
  • you start an ethical hacking and penetration testing company?
bleonard252 profile image
Blake Leonard could just be a page where you go "poof, designed a malware just for you <3" or something, as a joke site

grahamthedev profile image

I mean the (and spanish version) is an awesome domain name for streaming so I think you have a good purpose already (although a podcast would be great too obviously).

But that isn't the game so:

  • A site where developers actually use their voices to communicate...almost like this old thing called a phone call. Think voice notes in discord style / slack style chat threads.
  • A place where you can find out loads about your favourite developers (let stalk) and they post stories about their day to day activities so you can stalk them (get to know them!)
  • A Text to speech software platform that is optimised to read code in IDEs.

Those are my initial ideas! 🤣

dmoranf profile image

Wow! Such a great post!!! i own many stupid domains ... i give you this two!, always thought about making some crush app around facebook friends ... ... maybe i was drunk when i bought this :D

grahamthedev profile image
  • - a virtual "they love me, they love me not" daisy petal picking game.
  • - a site where partners can ask questions about their partners and see if they know the answers. Where this becomes fun is that you can play it with friends (probably while drinking) so the questions will probably get a little risqué and you learn if your mates know more about your partner than you do as you can all vote on / give the correct answer!
  • - a site for housing stray animals, like the RSPCA.
  • - An online business networking site with a twist. You for "crews" with businesses that compliment yours (same customer base but not competitors). The site let's you build a mini site for your crew that you can each refer your customers too and find each other business.
dmoranf profile image

Im very impressed by your creativity :D thank you so much!

one profile image
Busari Ridwan

Hi, this is awesome 👌. Love every bit of this post. I also have several country specific domains which include,,,, and was meant to be platform where students uploads their test and exams past questions to get experts answer then and earn a point when other students rate the past question uploaded when they find it useful. But I have been very lazy with it. Would love to work with someone that can help bring this to life.

grahamthedev profile image

The problem here is that most of these seem like very wholesome domains.

But I suppose I can ruin some of them for you! 🤣:

  • - premade classes for all Programming languages that support Classes. All it does is output "Africa is a Continent not a Country..."
  • - You can start the Nigerian Doctor Who fan club
  • - all you sell is one decal, but at bigger and bigger sizes every time it is bought. The decal is simply a plus symbol and the phrase "That is a big plus". Eventually it scales to the size of a building and people bid on the next size up to out meme each other / show their support. All proceeds go to a suitable charity that has a positive impact within Nigeria.
  • - I mean, this has to be a job portal / freelancer network for developers in Nigeria!
davidilie profile image
David Alexandru Ilie • Edited

Let's see if you can find some good ideas as I have been scratching my head for the past couple of months

  1. - Used to be my blog till I coded my own blog as part of my personal website. Don't have a use for it right now.

  2. - An old company idea which has been discontinued.

  3. - When I was younger, I used to run a Minecraft server with this domain, now it has no use.

All of these currently point to a 404 on my server. Any ideas?

grahamthedev profile image
  • - So you do live streams where you are high on "E", (The David on E's). All your guests must also be high on a class A drug.
  • - A simple utility that cross fades multiple .wav files into a single continuous track. Bonus points if it can match tempos and pitch adjust so it can act as a virtual DJ.
  • - You are the online arcade games portal for anything space. Space Invaders, Asteroid, Solar name it, you have it!
  • - You do reviews of Android games, but only on a Samsung Galaxy phone.

Sorry but I think my brain broke on these ones, I didn't have anything clever!

willsheppard profile image
Will Sheppard • Edited

How about these?

  • - bought back in 2000 when I wanted a domain name just because everyone else had one. I was inspired by Seinfeld's "show about nothing" idea.

  • - really similar to "computer", right??? 😂

grahamthedev profile image
  • - a site where you showcase major computer errors due to a typo in code, you can rank them by how much that mistake cost.
  • - when your computer blue screens or things just don't work you go to this site and it shows videos of people doing unspeakable things to computers that you wish you could do to yours. Hitting them with baseball bats, throwing them in a lake etc. You leave the site feeling better as you have "virtually" destroyed a PC.
  • - You spend forever writing a massive story that doesn't actually say anything important and doesn't quite finish what it is trying to. People read it and feel uneasy as you never actually say anything that they can relate. You just keep saying things that sound like they make sense but they. Your sentences get more manic as you continue to.
  • - seems like a great site to explore the "great beyond" and the after life. Are we reincarnated, do we go to heaven, do we just cease to exist. You can explore all the different theories, religions etc!
  • - ideal name for a site about Space, seeing as 99.9%+ of it is indeed nothing!
willsheppard profile image
Will Sheppard

I love these ideas! Thank you 😊

roneo profile image

I just bought a few days ago.
Any suggestions?

iiviigames profile image

Ohhhh, love that one.

I've scooped up so many .codes.
My main site is in fact It's just a hub for all my outside stuff right now, but I'm overhauling it big time and will upload the revamped version all at once.

I don't know if you've heard of moonscript, but it's a neat branch on Lua. Don't know how they didn't grab that one!

grahamthedev profile image

Ok here we go!

  • moon is a language similar to braille so you could create a service that converts text into moon that you then print. Businesses utilise you for their blind customers needs.
  • Similar to how people can buy stars you let people buy moons discovered around other planets as presents.
  • A website with lots of free code, libraries and assets, the catch is you can only access the site when it is a full moon.
  • A website that lets you enter your code for linting and error checking. If it is great you get an "over the moon" message an animation, if it is awful you get someone pulling a "moony" at you and an offensive message!
  • You develop a type face that consists entirely of different moons, it can be used instead of lorem ipsum for prototyping.
  • You point a telescope at the moon and analyse the resulting image in super high detail, infra red etc. You then use this to create a true random number generator based on the noise in the picture etc. and sell it to casinos and other people who need truly random numbers.
roneo profile image

Thanks for these excellent suggestions!

moon is a language similar to braille so you could create a service that converts text into moon that you then print.

I'll get in touch with the community and check if this domain can be usefull to them first

A website with lots of free code, libraries and assets, the catch is you can only access the site when it is a full moon

I love this idea! I may run such a website, but let it available any time and just release updates at each full moon. I'll keep you updated (on a full moon of course) if this idea comes to reality.

brewinstallbuzzwords profile image
Adam Davis

A while ago I bought and just made it redirect to my baking Instagram. I'm sure there's some better uses for it though

grahamthedev profile image

That is really interesting (just spent a couple of minutes salivating over your baking!)

So my ideas:-

  • A website that sells "do it yourself" bread kits for artisan breads you can make at home.
  • You build a mini dam across a local river, add a water wheel and use the resulting power to grind flour to make bread that you then bake. (A Dam Bakes Bread). You live stream (pun intended) every week no matter what the weather.
  • You create a resource that helps restaurant owners, confectioners and bakers monetise their cooking and baking skills (playing on "bread" being "money")!

I might have some better ones in me so let me have a think!

eichgi profile image

The dam thing was hilarious!

doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger

I can think of a couple batter uses for it 😂

grahamthedev profile image

Haha, comment of the week! Have ten internet points from me! 🤣

diegofguy profile image
Diego FG

grahamthedev profile image

Do you want to give me the translations for them as I am an ignorant Brit and everyone knows we are useless at languages other than English! 😜

diegofguy profile image
Diego FG => Buy It Once / Buy Once => Sell It To Me / Sell Me That

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited
  • - a site that sells super high quality clothing that offers a lifetime guarantee. It encourages people to build a “capsule wardrobe” of high quality clothes that last for years, rather than our current throwaway culture that is damaging the environment.
  • - you provide a “how to sell” course for people looking to launch a startup. At the end of the course people pitch their business and people can then buy into the business based on the sales pitch. Often overlooked marketing / sales training to give the business the best chance of succeeding combined with crowd investing to get startup capital / pre-seed funding.
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diegofguy profile image
Diego FG

Actually very good ideas!!! Thanks!!!

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grahamthedev profile image

You sound surprised? Are you saying that the other ideas I gave other people weren't good 😉🤣. Kidding, glad you enjoyed them!

juli91 profile image
Juli (she/her)

Oh, that is awesome!

I have only one:
Originally I wanted to create a dev learning platform for children, but there are already so many out there and I didn't even have time to find a creative concept.

So I am very happy for any suggestions :)

grahamthedev profile image
  • People can sponsor Badger conservation efforts. In exchange they get live feeds of baby badgers so they can go "awwwwww Cuuuute"!
  • You create a range of NFT achievement badges. People cannot buy them initially but instead sign up to do good things and share them on the internet (clean up garbage, fix broken fences etc.) - people can then get a NFT that proves ownership of a particular badge. Think of it like "scouts" (or "badgers" 😋) but for the internet fame generation!
  • As "badgering" is to pester or annoy someone, you create a service that names and shames companies who continually contact people and badger them!
juli91 profile image
Juli (she/her)

Oh, these are all awesome ideas, thank you! I especially love the second idea :)

grahamthedev profile image
  • A tuc shop in the UK sells sweets, crisps etc. So a same day delivery food service for "naughty" foods in tins (Tin Tuc).
  • You make Tuxedos with metal fibres in them to make them unusual shapes and interesting (Tin Tucs (tux)).
  • You offer next day window tinting services to the United County Sheriff's Office (tint UCSO)

A tough one that one!

doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger


grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

That is one of those names that makes you just go - yes, weird but wonderful name!

  • You create a game like Dr Nim but you use monkeys as the switches and bananas instead of balls
  • similar to and you showcase some of the most atrocious and most incredible monkey patching across JavaScript, Python etc.
  • You provide merch for tech streamers, but only in black and white to keep it binary!
  • People can sponsor a monkey in a wildlife sanctuary, you get a NFT with a link to their picture in it and you can only pay in Etherium or Bitcoin.
  • Insterad of head or tails you go to and feed the monkey a virtual banana for a decision. You can monetise it by turning it into a magic 8 ball or a meme generator.
doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger

People can sponsor a monkey in a wildlife sanctuary, you get a NFT with their picture on it and you can only pay in Etherium or Bitcoin.

❤️ Love it!

purchased the domain based some years ago when I woke from a coding dream that I had that it was an awesome domain :-D

I may move my Skippy The Magnificent bot from my main site ( to binarymonkey :-D

(he's an elder AI from the Expeditionary Force books series who calls humans "filthy monkeys")

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grahamthedev profile image

Yeah I liked that one with the sanctuary when it came to me!

I just asked Skippy The Magnificent (fun project BTW) if they minded being turned into a monkey:

How dare you utter such profanity! A monkey? I will turn you into a stupid monkey faster than you can say, "I'd rather be invulnerable to bullets."

Was the I think you might need to persuade it first! 🤣🤣

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doctorew profile image
Drew Schillinger

Dude -- check out Expeditionary Force on Audible. The guy they got to narrate is so phenomenal. Like I cannot not hear R.C. Bray's voice for Skippy in that quote 😂

lucaszielke profile image
Lucas Zielke

I gotta domain that I'm not using, I bought it as a joke but would really like ideas for what to do with it. The domain is it's currently just redirecting to NA resources because that was the most relevant use i could think of at this time, but any advice is welcome

grahamthedev profile image

  • A perfect name for a site that generates kaleidoscope effects using generative JS techniques.
  • You sell CBD oil and explain the fact that it doesn't have the same effects as weed!
  • A site dedicated to videos of people falling down, on the side you sell anti slip matting to monetise the site!
  • You find all of the weirdest videos on the internet. But under each one there are fake comments that are written as if the video is perfectly normal. You send it to your friends to freak them out as they aren't seeing the same things as everybody else!
  • The Matrix but with colourful overlays and effects to make it even weirder. You release it to celebrate the new Matrix film coming out soon.
rey17 profile image
Reynaldo Villarreal 😅

grahamthedev profile image

Yet another one where me being an ignorant Brit is hurting my ability to offer ideas, does this have a translation or is it just a random word?

rey17 profile image
Reynaldo Villarreal

Its a random word.

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grahamthedev profile image

In that case then:

As mer means part (as in polymer - many parts) and BOE is short for "Based On Experience" I propose you create a lab that creates cutting edge polymers for the future of 3D printing, industry etc. You only employ people who have 20 years + experience in formulating new polymers 🤣

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rey17 profile image
Reynaldo Villarreal

It sounds pretty good. Hahaha 😅, Thanks.

stevoperisic profile image
Stevo Perisic

Ok, I have a few:

grahamthedev profile image
  • - You create a completely automated burger creation machine. This machine will be used by fast food restaurants to replace their staff as it can make hundreds of perfect burgers per hour. You become a multi millionaire and live on a yacht.
  • dryicenow - I mean, a dry ice delivery service!
  • dryicenow - You find a doctor whose surname is "Yice". You create a podcast discussing medical conditions designed for medical students to learn from and participate in. (Dr Yice Now)
  • - You sell botanicals (plant derived) for skincare.
  • - You join the world of creating life like robots of course!
  • - You create the worlds most eco friendly toilet paper / wet wipe made from bamboo! It is designed to disintegrate within 60 seconds in water so it doesn't create fatburgs and is designed for those with sensitive rears! (natural bot(tom)!) 🤣
stevoperisic profile image
Stevo Perisic

Dryicenow is/was supposed to be the dry ice delivery service, never took off as I never finished connecting the delivery driver with the dry ice production facility. The issue was that you can't by dry ice on demand but have to pre-buy ahead of time, so any unsold/un-delivered dry ice becomes waste

Love the fast disintegrating wipes! good idea!

Flipabot - this might actually be the one ;)

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

As you can probably see, I have had a load of fun with this and people have some really interesting domain names.

The dry ice delivery service sounds interesting if it can scale to the right size - would have been profitable in the pandemic as Pfizer jab needs to be stored in dry ice, I am sure there are loads more medical uses!

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer • Edited

I have which achieves nothing right now but was intended as an opportunistic way of promoting the environmental benefits of whales.

grahamthedev profile image


  • using Docker to host instances of algorithms to farm crypto currency
  • a load of high stake poker players (whales) who aren’t very good allow people to play against them with the winnings going to charities
  • annual event where everyone dresses up in whale costumes and help local farmers during picking season.
  • buy shares in a whaling company as part of a cooperative, once you have enough money to take a majority share you repurpose the whaling ships into produce transportation ships to help farmers rather than whale fishing.

I am not doing very well with this one either it seems!

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer • Edited

I like the ship re-purposing :-)

Maybe this is the answer, getting paid to generate ecologically valuable whale poo?

iiviigames profile image

I own about 100, but these are the challengers.

grahamthedev profile image
  • - You take any image and turn it into one gigantic pixel. It is useful for finding the average colour in an image. It has a second mode where users can decide how many colours they would like extracting from the image (2 to 100) and it then creates a palette for them based on colour frequency.
  • - you play with ancient and dead (or nearly dead) programming languages to see what you can create and learn from them. It is a play on "DoDo" being extinct so is pronounced "Dev Doh".
  • - a bot scours twitter looking for people who use the words "fight me bro" or "come at me bro". At that point it invites all the people in that conversation to a fighting game. Like Street Fighter but every attack is an insult. At the end of the fight someone is crowned the winner and then you remind them that it is only the internet and there is no need to be salty.
iiviigames profile image

Well, looks like I've got my work cut out for me.
I think I'll tackle these (or a variation on them) in a series of posts right here on!

As for what I had planned:

  • - A site similar to the SCP wiki where users create an entry in the database using a built in sprite editor, write up an entry and boom. Pixel horror.

  • - I read this as "Dev Dome", and it would be a place for me to write my bloggings about programming.

  • - This was going to be a big one where I troll the big game databases, and when a visitor comes to the site they are presented with a "VS" screen.

    • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night VS Super Mario 64.
    • Whoever wins the bout gains a point, and a ranking board starts to form.

Our ideas aren't incompatible. Especially If you wanna help make any, get in touch!


cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona

Hi !

I've "", any idea? Can't remember why i bought it 😂

grahamthedev profile image

Wow that is an awesome domain name!

  • As NFTs are gathering pace and are moving towards a "proof of ownership" model, how about a virtual gallery where people can show off all of the things they have kept for themselves (show off what they own!)!
  • A men's grooming product line, playing on "well kept" for "well groomed".
  • A place to store all of your important long-term documents and information.
  • A website that let's you easily build a page to remember (Keep) the memories of a loved one. You upload photos and it automatically creates a nice slide show to watch and remember their loved ones.

Surprisingly I thought I would have more ideas for a domain like that but they are all playing on the same themes and variations of the above.

cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona

Thank ! Nice ideas, I’ll try to do my best to create the last one

dhruvja profile image
Dhruv D Jain

grahamthedev profile image
  • A site that allows people to upload a picture of themselves and cut out the face. You then add their face onto that of an imp from Dungeon Keeper and it strikes a random pose. This can then be used as their avatar (The Imp *p*ose)
  • Same thing as above but with Dominic Thiem (Theim pose)
  • You create some malware that is purely for trolling. It is similar to the original rick roll where a load of videos open up on the target computer. However this time it is Michael Jackson going "Tee Hee" on a loop. You impose MJ on people! (T-He impose)
dhruvja profile image
Dhruv D Jain

Amazing idea, I will surely work on it

lieutdan13 profile image
Dan Schaefer

grahamthedev profile image
  • As single origin coffees are very popular but normally expensive and shipped large distances making them less than ideal for the environment, you instead grow the same beans in local economies and create exact copies of popular brands that are cheaper and better for the environment.
  • You create an algorithm that analyses memes on the internet and works out who copied who. Eventually you trace great memes back to their original source and mint NFTs for the authors so they can make money from their ideas!
lieutdan13 profile image
Dan Schaefer

These are great ideas! Thank you.

antoineandrieu profile image
Antoine Andrieu

Hi there, I have B 612 is the planet where the little prince lives :-)

grahamthedev profile image

Didn't know "The Little Prince", so I will have a read of that, so instead....

  • Vitamins for Vegans - Vitamin B12 can be difficult to get for Vegans, so that will be your big seller. But you take it a step further and analyse their meal plans to see if they are missing out on other essential nutrients and provide a specialised supplements package for them that might actually be useful (unlike most multi vitamins etc. which just become expensive urine!)
  • You take the b612 font and turn it into a monospaced font for developers in a similar style!
antoineandrieu profile image
Antoine Andrieu

Thanks a lot for the suggestions.
The b612 mono font already exists and I use it and love it:
Great great idea the vitamins and meal plans!
Please do yourself a favour and read The Little Prince :-)

jeremywall profile image
Jeremy Wall a failed video production company idea from the rantings of Charlie Sheen because it sounded cool was a blackberry app web site I used to operate my first domain, used to do web site development under that name

grahamthedev profile image
  • - You find adverts that are trying to be inclusive but are actually damaging and showcase them. You become a renowned critic of pandering and condescending crap commercials and offer a service to check advert concepts and storyboards before they are filmed, saving companies millions!
  • - A place where Dungeon and Dragons players can find local players (sorry, I don't play D and D, do they even have warlocks?). If they don't then it is for people who still play World of Warcraft to organise raiding parties (yet again, I don't play WoW so if my terminology is bad my apologies!). Basically a place where people can come together to form groups for fantasy games that need them.
  • - So you offer a specialised market place where super specialised workers can be hired by companies who need to "get rid of the gremlins and make things work".
  • - you sell BB guns and related products. Alternatively you build a crowd investment platform that will only support businesses in the BB postcode area (zip code) in the UK - which is a town called Blackburn, or Barbados (BB Country Code) or Bourbon County, Kansas (state county code), or Brandenburg in Germany *ISO 3166-2 code)!
  • - you showcase weird and wonderful design decisions where people have obviously copied one idea from one design and then an idea from an unrelated design and it looks awful. Think of it like reverse Dribbble!
anishde12020 profile image
Anish De

I am in an opposite state got a few projects (ok 2) and a few ideas but just 1 domain, and that is reserved for my WIP portfolio site 🤣

grahamthedev profile image

That is what sub domains are for! Free way to get a space quickly when you don't have a domain name spare!

anishde12020 profile image
Anish De

Yep, that is true

arzivre profile image

I have

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

So this is a site where you share things that are troubling you. People then offer advice, support and general virtual hugs and love to help you solve your problem and you grow a community of friends to help you through tough times.

The service will expand to include paid professionals (psychologists) who monitor public conversations for warning signs that someone needs further (immediate) help and they jump in and support people who need it.

Each day you track your mood and write a little post (that can be public or private) that is prompted by certain questions designed to help you focus on positives.

The whole thing is paid for as a charity through corporate donations, the donors get a certificate explaining how many people their donation has helped. Or it is paid for as part of therapy services as a tool they use to replace diaries they normally ask people to fill out.

Sorry - I wasn't going to do a silly one for this one, I think this one needs to happen!

arzivre profile image

That's very inspiring idea.
never thought about track mood and write little post.
right now i am learn web development, and maybe try make that happen in the future.
Thanks for the Idea🍀

siddharthshyniben profile image

Am I the only person who owns only one domain?

grahamthedev profile image

Then I think you should:

  • start a blog on hashnode
  • write amazingly high quality content
  • dominate the tech space by the time you are 18.


siddharthshyniben profile image

2/3 there! 😜😜

rawas_aditya profile image
Aditya Rawas

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited
  • A git guide where you can fill in a few project details and it supplies all of the command line snippets you might need with a one click copy function to make life easier. (pretty obvious answer - sorry! lol)
  • Angry Men showcase site, where people who are being "gits" for no reason are shamed for their outrageous behaviour.
  • Git comparison site - There are hundreds of version control systems, you become the number one resource for comparing features, costs etc.
  • Crappy code - you explore GitHub and find some random repos that contain horrendous or puzzling code and share it with the world (without attribution probably to avoid lots of internet arguments and looking like a git!)!
jta profile image
James Anderson

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited
  • So this is the equivalent of "tell me you are a developer without saying you are a developer". You must submit a picture of yourself or someone else that has no identifiable landmarks etc. People then vote "NYC AF" or "Not AF" based on whether they think this person is from NYC based purely on stereotypes, dress sense, action etc!
  • merch - perfect name for a NYC clothing brand, things like "f**k you", "Real Talk ", "Frontin'" and "walk fast" on the clothes. And of course the slogan "New York as F**k".
  • A New York Café finder and recommendation service (NY Caf!)!
satisfly profile image
Ivan • Edited

Hi InHu, I have a lot of domains as well and <3 for accessibility. Ideas for

Check this one about accessibility if you not already been there.

grahamthedev profile image
  • - This allows you to get the correct ratios for creating cement, epoxy resins, mixing colours...or flour to milk in pancakes, or number of front end vs backend develoeprs - you name it! People can submit ratios for anything and you become the ultimate ratio resource. As a bonus you build in a weights and measures conversions tool to make it easy for people in other Countries to understand lbs, ft, in, gal etc!
  • - a site for fitness fanatics who are more bothered by aesthetics than "gains". It allows them to calculate their personal "golden ratio" for dimensions of muscles etc. You enter your wrist circumference and it tells you how big your thighs, chest, shoulders, bust, waist, hips, etc. should be to be a "perfect" specimen of a human!
gytiso profile image
Gytis Ožiūnas

The one that still looking for it's purpose:

grahamthedev profile image

You send a beer sampling kit to peoples homes. The beers are in cans with no labels except for the numbers 1 to 5.

People try the beers while looking at a custom page designed around the beers they got sent.

You have 5 different descriptions on the page and they have to guess which number goes with which description.

If they get it right they get a discount off those particular beers for a month and a badge they can share on social media.

jcs224 profile image
Joe Sweeney

I bought it for a hackathon on this website actually, but I haven't really pursued putting the app out there because of the legal headaches around voice recordings, etc.

I'd be happy to hear your ideas though!

mymi14s profile image
Anthony C. Emmanuel

grahamthedev profile image

  • Law courses from Stanford University online for all to see for free
  • You create a Machine Learning platform that ingests only Eminem tracks and Law books. Then people can pay to get legal advice from "Stan" in the form of a rap.
  • You become a specialist in tanning booths and spray tan litigation. "Spray Tan Law!"

BTC Turks

  • A mail delivery service for Thanks Giving / Christmas Turkeys, but you can only pay in Crypto.
  • A website that converts currencies and shows currency exchange rates, but every time you do a conversion it also shows the value in Turkish Lira and Bitcoin and allows you to invest in either!


  • You name and shame streamers who tell you that Nord VPN will keep you safe online (not those who explain it properly, those who say it makes things more secure!)!
  • You start a site dedicated to streams about rare diseases - partnered with the National Organisation for Rare Diseases.
  • You provide maps to all the best stream fishing places in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (Nordic Streams!)
foob profile image
Foo Bar

I have many domains, but below are currently looking for something to be parked.

grahamthedev profile image
  • - you create a custom App launcher that allows developers to share data between applications within the AppGo echo system. This allows for a single login for all of these apps and the ability to fill out a field in one app and make it available to all of the others. A users simply decides what information to share with each App similar to permissions systems currently within your phone.
  • - A site that helps people learn how to build web applications with Go programming language (not very original I know!)
  • - a site for people to show off pompous and egotistical idiots who message them. It will evolve into a site to share stupid and annoying conversations had via messaging (not just SMS).
  • - You sign up to a service that sends you a positive and affirming SMS text message each day designed to make you feel great and stroke your ego!
  • - A service that allows a user to send a text with a product they want and you get the cheapest price possible messaged back to you with a link to purchase the product. Money is made through affiliate links etc. (SMS e-go as in e-commerce)
amediocredev profile image
a Mediocre Dev

Still taking suggestions.

grahamthedev profile image
  • Every single experiment you can perform to prove the Earth is round all in one place.
  • You offer a $10 million prize for anyone who can offer proof that the Earth is flat but it costs $39 to submit your proof. You tell the flat earthers that .wtf stands for "World Totally Flat". You retire a millionaire!
  • A site that offers fake intelligence tests, as part of it you ask if the Earth is flat. If they say yes then you tell them their IQ is 250 no matter what they answer to everything else and they will believe it. You could single handedly cause the idiots to rise up thinking they are right and bring around the end of humanity!

As you can probably tell, I am a flat Earther and nobody from anywhere around the globe can tell me I am wrong!

whirl profile image

grahamthedev profile image
  • you start a slot machine repair business that fixes “one armed bandits”!
  • on a similar though path you review slot machines from either a casino perspective (revenue, reliability, customer satisfaction etc.) or from a player perspective (payout rate, fun, etc)
  • 8 bit fighter game like original Street Fighter but set in the Wild West.
  • “Top Trumps” but for crooks and thieves who were renowned for fighting, based on real outlaws from history! Proceeds go to keeping young offenders out of jail.
jaecktec profile image

I used to own '' until I noticed that 'default' is a keyword in most languages which was annoying to say the least

eimantasbucys profile image
Eimantas Bucys

I have this one for some time now thinking I will come up with something

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Oh, another great domain!

  • You could be a conspiracy theory debunking site for all the "apocalypse and end of the world" stuff that gets people worried.
  • You showcase stupidity across humanity and people vote on the videos and articles etc. The options are "let the experiment continue" or "End it now" (referring to humanity!)
  • You provide an opening page to a short story. People then have to write the best ending to that story within 1000 words.
  • You compete with "How It Should Have Ended (HISHE)" and come up with better endings to films that were great up until the last few minutes (i.e. "Knowing" or "Law Abiding Citizen".)
  • A site that works to end racism, poverty, and all forms of exclusion, but with a practical slant and steps plus education rather than overly fluffy rubbish like most campaigns!

I mean the possibilities are endless! 😉

doerrd profile image

I have one -

I think the idea, about 15 years ago, was to create a pc games review online magazine. Perhabs you have a better idea for now!? 😀

grahamthedev profile image
  • taking your original idea, a crowd sourced reviews system like rotten tomatoes (without the pointless critics section) for games.
  • Old arcade games and games on CDs and DVDs exchange site.
  • A platform that allows theatres and venues to sell tickets to watch live performances via a virtual seat and even interact with the cast (you could heckle a comedian and get wrecked by them!)
  • A site that showcases the latest scams and helps you avoid "getting played".
muhammadmuzzamil profile image
grahamthedev profile image
  • code snippets and exmaples that pass W3C Validation. I mean, nobody seems to be able to write valid HTML anymore so it would be an epic resource!
  • With web3 becoming popular you could create a site focused on Web3 development and hints and would be good timing to launch now while it is young and moving quickly.

So old school and robust vs new and shiny, you decide! 😉😋🤣

anisj profile image
Anis Jradah

Hi, I have :)

Thank you

grahamthedev profile image
  • A complete design course for people who are obsessive about pixel perfection!
  • You offer a service that specialises in removing signage without any damage (neat de(remove) sign)!
  • Awwwards Clone, but all you can vote is "neat" or "not", designs with 80% "neat" can have a "That's Neat" banner similar to the "site of the day".
meyclem profile image

I own
It is the french version of

I never found anything to do with it but the joke made me laugh.

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited
  • An adult dating site where all you can do is record a 5 second video of you doing the helicopter d**k!
  • Along the same lines as rick rolling, but it is d**k rolling! COnstant loop of gigantic rotating shlong to send to those old enough to be traumatized by it instead of Rick Astley.

I don't think there is much else we can do with a domain like that 🤣

theshahidali profile image
Shahid Ali

grahamthedev profile image
  • A marketplace where sheep herders can be hired to manage sheep stock for farmers.
  • An .io game where there is a flock of birds and you have to try and draw lines that seperate the birds into certain numbers (so 10 birds, have to be split into 2,3 and 5). Similar to old flash based ball-splitting games.
  • As flock can also be used to refer to wool or cotton - you get old woolen and cotton clothes, cut them into pieces and resell them as eco friendly clothes and rags.
nycplayer profile image
Matt Van Horn

I just got, had some ideas but would love to hear more.

foxy4096 profile image

I don't have money, so I can't buy domain or get a vps, if I had a domain I would it for my website:

eichgi profile image

También podrías comprar el.dominio :v

tharos70 profile image

I have one:

grahamthedev profile image
  • Fan fiction site for fans of Avengers. Tharos is Thanos's long lost brother, who instead of wanting to bring balance wants to resurrect the Titans and wipe out all other life in the Universe. People build out stories and art around this new character and vote on it.
  • A new lightweight operating system called Thar. It is an OS that has games and applications that are distributed as dApps and purchases are made with crypto-currency. (Thar OS)
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

I won't give ideas then as this is an advert to sell the site, not ideas for a silly side project you could do in your spare time, so it doesn't fit the idea and theme of the article, good luck in the sale though.