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Cover image for 😍 or 🤮 What do you think of our design? [and a little bit on accessible colour schemes]

😍 or 🤮 What do you think of our design? [and a little bit on accessible colour schemes]

GrahamTheDev on August 10, 2021

Super short and positive (for once...I seem to have been on a bit of a naughty streak!) post. Finally at the stage of building the front end for ...
siddharthshyniben profile image

I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious here, but what is Inclusivity Hub?

grahamthedev profile image

Oh, that is the company name (InHu is short for Inclusivity Hub).

However in the context and as I have never said it before completely understandable and I will add a note to clarify!

siddharthshyniben profile image

I get that, I mean what's the company about?

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Oh, I misunderstood 🤦‍♂️

You are the first person I am telling on a public platform as we weren't (and still aren't technically ready, just "position of company" ready now) to talk about it! Exciting!

We are building a resource around disability.

It is a database of:

  • 326 medical conditions / disabilities (info on treatment, related condition info, support, communities etc.)
  • 126 impairments caused by those disabilities (related to a condition)
  • 842 (at the moment) products and services (that help with an impairment)

So for example someone with Cerebral Palsy (Condition) may have poor grip strength (Impairment) and so need a specialised tool for gripping a pen so they can write (Solution).

We have linked all the conditions to related impairments and all the impairments to solutions so they feed through to each other (close to 400,000 relations and we aren't done!).

The site will contain loads of healthy living tips, support information, information about what to expect if you are newly diagnosed with a disability / condition, information for employees (rights, funding, tools available etc.) and information for businesses on employing people with disabilities (law, solutions) and for businesses who want to make their service accessible (in the physical world as well as the digital world, so things like ramps, staff training, remote sign language interpretation via video etc.)!

The idea is to provide a load of information and then provide a platform for businesses to sell products.

Initially they will be disability related products but ultimately we just want an accessible shopping platform where people can sell any product or promote any service.

I hope that makes sense, it seems like a lot!

However we have worked a lot on how to structure data so you can literally say "show me information on Parkinson's disease related to being an employee" and it will tailor the information to your needs!

Or you can say "I am a business looking to employ someone who is Blind" and it will give you legal info as well as products and services that will let that person do their job.

Still at least 6 months from launch but we will soon be making some noise about it...might as well start with you! ❤

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siddharthshyniben profile image
Siddharth • Edited

You are the first person I am telling on a public platform


That's a lot of stuff on a single site, that means once this launches, this could be the one and only major Hub of information on accesibility.

Also the idea of selling stuff makes it better for the company and others, that's what I call a win-win. I'm just wondering, will the delivery of these software/hardware also be handled by InHu?

Your structuring of data also sounds intresting. Once you can handle data properly, the possibilities are limitless.

Quick question, are you focusing on web accesibility, or general accesibility of digital devices?

Can't wait to see this happen! Wishing you luck 👍

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grahamthedev profile image

this could be the one and only major Hub of information on accessibility.

Hehe at least now the name makes sense 😉. Hopefully one day we will expand into other areas on inclusion (hence why we went for that name) but that is at least 5 years away and if it all works!

I'm just wondering, will the delivery of these software/hardware also be handled by InHu?

No we will just be a sales platform initially, getting into logistics and warehousing takes millions. So people order through us, order goes to business, they do their thing.

The only other time we are "in the middle" is if they need alternative communication methods such as an accessible chat system that they do not currently own. But we have been very careful to make sure we aren't included in dispute resolution etc.

Can't wait to see this happen! Wishing you luck 👍

Thanks a lot! ❤

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siddharthshyniben profile image

On the design side of things, your design nicely fits in with the brand values.

You may want to fix the card like others said, or maybe even ditch it like @afif said.

As for the font, I'm suggesting going for a geometric/monospace font, and maybe a custom font for logos and stuff

afif profile image
Temani Afif

You can probably try some overalp. Two layers: one with the empty element (having only the borders) and the other with the filled elements. The first layer without too much elements at the background.
It will either give a cool result or 🤮

grahamthedev profile image

Worth a go, I will see if I can give that a try later this week as that may be nice and would also work with what I was saying with Mads about generative images.

If it doesn't work for the static content, for a video background having two layers that move at different speeds could be really interesting.

Thanks bud, great suggestion!

madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann

Business Card? Haven't seen one of those for years 😂
Joke aside, it looks good!
The pattern reminded me of my own deconstructing art post a while ago!

grahamthedev profile image

It was one of those things that I thought about when I was half way through the design as I realised it could be a generative background one day (thanks to your posts!) so that is on the cards!

Business cards may be old hat but they are always handy to have now that we can meet up in person again, you never know who you will bump into and there is something so nice about a physical piece of card!

Plus we will be getting RFID / NFC cards so they are techy!

madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann

Cool! ;-)

posandu profile image

I would like to tell you change the font

grahamthedev profile image

Good point, haven't picked a font yet (in fact, spoilers...going to make our own, don't tell anyone!).

At the moment it is just Century Gothic so that is probably why it doesn't jump out at you (but it is a similar style to the font we will create!)

Great feedback ❤

posandu profile image

I like this font do you ?

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posandu profile image

Or, here's a list for you

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grahamthedev profile image

A very attractive font, for us it wouldn't work due to the inconsistent height of letters ("t" for example) as that might make things harder to read for people with dyslexia.

We will be designing something similar to and but with a wider range of variance and the ability to adjust the axis for italics.

Should be interesting as I have never designed a variable font before!

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sidcraftscode profile image

why don't you try inter

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

I will see if that fits with what we are looking for as a good stop gap option!

You will notice the text in the InHu logo is a custom design, so I think a custom font that incorporates those elements in capital letters is the way we are going to go (the "N" is unique I think!).

Plus, how much fun it will be to learn how to create a variable font (if it is anything like the last time I made a font it will take about 2 days! 🤣)

gginidesign profile image
Gianluca Gini

Hi I created a tool to create and maintain colour palettes.
You can specify how to handle each colour variants and test them for contrast accessibility or simulate visual impairments.

Let me know what you think about it if you can:

grahamthedev profile image

Took a bit of getting used to but it is really clever!

I will play some more but I like the accessibility bit as a quick reference point!

Bookmarked and when I need a palette next I will test drive it to destruction!

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

That first design is giving me retro movie theater/roller rink carpet vibes - love it! But you're right, it is pretty busy for the use case!

I really like the energy from that business card example. For a lot of people, accessibility has some boring/tedious/[negative adjective] connotations. However, between the shapes, 'motion', and color scheme, this design is exciting and draws you in!

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks Erica, yeah that first image is defo "saved by the bell, top of the pops in the 80s" vibe!

Hopefully our design is a modern twist on that 🤞 as I don't want to have to start designing neon tshirts, wearing leg warmers (or is that 70s?) and carrying a boom box! 🤣

You hit the nail on the head, the idea is to show accessibility doesn't mean boring, hopefully we manage it!

Glad you like it and thanks for all the ego stroking!

auroratide profile image
Timothy Foster

It's a cool design! I appreciate the balance between order and chaos (mostly random pattern of shapes, but keeping them in distinct lines).

Tiniest of nitpicks here, wanted to make sure it was intentional: the rectangular shapes on the front and back of the card have different levels of roundedness. More specifically, all the shapes on the front are more rectangular, and all the shapes on the back are more oval.

On the left is a rounded rectangle. On the right is an oval.

grahamthedev profile image

No not a nitpick, actually a really valid point and a mistake on my part!

I resized the items from the front to the back. Illustrator doesn't change the rounding to account for this so that is why they are different.

No shortcuts for me this time it looks like, I will have to recreate the slightly smaller versions (or convert the shapes to static objects so they can resize).

The desired style is the more rectangular style front the front as the buttons, containers etc. on the site will be similar (big rounded corners).

I suppose my other option is to mix and match them so I can use either style. Maybe I will do that!

Loads to think about!

Great spot, it is annoying me now..."thanks" 😉🤣

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

I presume the business card will be animated?

grahamthedev profile image

I wasn’t sure whether to respond in a silly way or not as I wasn’t sure if you thought this was a digital card. 😜

It will be physical cardboard with NFC.

If this was sarcastic then damn, missed the chance to have some fun!

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

It was 100% sarcasm, sorry man 😅

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited that case, here is the response I would have given (just won't be as funny now 😣)

Of course they will be animated. I have allocated £150 budget per card so I have bought several small LCD screens and had custom PCBs printed.

We are going to strap two screens back to back so it is animated on each side.

Additionally there will be a light strip around the outside so you can say "hey InHu" and it will light up, connect to the nearest Wi-Fi network, contact out servers, then return a suitable insult that is in-keeping with the "angry accessibility guy" theme.

Of course we have also designed them to work as a cluster, so our whole website will be powered purely by the business cards, true distributed computing.

It means I have to travel the world to ensure I have a CDN in every Country though but overall I think it is a cost effective and wonderful idea.


moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

A problem I see with the cards (and I know this is a mockup), is that people's names and emails vary a great deal in length. You'll have to give people short aliases or make the lozenges that contain these details as long as the longest current employee, and hope you don't get anyone else in with a long name, or make the cards inconsistent.

A friend of mine had a name which got truncated on credit cards, for example.

grahamthedev profile image

Great points, I did realise I would have to stack the names (First name, new line, surname) and reduce the font size a bit in certain circumstances.

Saying that I reckon there will only be a couple of people have cards Mads said in another comment, they are out-dated!

Who knows, maybe the design needs a rethink...great observations and definitely food for thought!

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

Just a tangential question... how do you pronounce 'InHu'?
Is it 'in-hoo', 'in-huh', or... 'aye-noo'... ? :)

grahamthedev profile image

"In Hue"

But technically it should be "In Huh" as it is short for Inclusivity Hub.

I think it will be come running joke of "In Who?" though (oh no, what have I done saying that out loud!) 🤣.

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

Don't worry, that would be "in whom" and I'm sure nobody will think of it 🙃😉

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks for reading, I look forward to your feedback, good or bad 😱

posandu profile image


bvince77 profile image

The first inspiration image reminds me of 90's Saved By The Bell for some reason, but I do like it. The logo and card look great though. I really like the color choices!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
grahamthedev profile image

The target client base is half B2C and half B2B.

I think business has moved on a bit from the old “blue, square and boring” corporate designs, most companies want to show they have a bit of personality nowadays so hopefully it isn’t too friendly! 😬🤞

Who knows, maybe in 6 months I will be introducing our single colour boring design as you are right 🤣

katvoira profile image

I like the design, I like the application of principles... I can't actually spot the logo on the front of the business card without looking for it!

grahamthedev profile image

Ah interesting, hmmm not sure how to make it stand out to have a head scratch on!

Thanks for the feedback, useful!